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Everything posted by Wursthan

  1. Courtney may be an 'Immersive Wench' perhaps?
  2. There seem to be infinitely amusing ways to dispatch that pair - as long as you can sneak up on them.
  3. :laugh: Forgot the Blues Brothers. Someone must have stolen the security grill for scrap. "We got both kinds of music, we got Country AND Western."
  4. An interesting little touch, halfway between Eagle's Cove Tannery and Aldersea Day Spa. Trappers there seem to have built a makeshift stage, complete with lighting and microphone. A pool of blood at the base of the mike stand, as well as a scattered skeleton, suggests that at least one (karaoke?) act didn't meet with the exacting standards of a discerning audience. ...or maybe I've completely misinterpreted it...
  5. I think it's this one. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hoarder%27s_apartment I remember spending a lot of time there looking for cats, as there are about 5 or 6 cat bowls there, but no sign of any.
  6. You've probably got it by now, but since you're in Bournemouth, it's probably the ' key. (With @ as the uppercase). It is in Shropshire anyway... :blush:
  7. That mirelurk repellent beacon isn't all it's cracked up to be. I've been present at around half a dozen attacks on my Spectacle Island settlement, and they've all been made by mirelurks. Not just any old mirelurks either, but kings and razorclaws. Upon checking the beacon after an attack, it always seems to be in operation. Unless the crafty crustaceans possess some kind of jamming device......
  8. Found it next to the archery targets in Fort Greymoor. Must have been some wind - or probably Shout :biggrin:
  9. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Notice It seems that perhaps it's location may vary around Fort Greymoor. Pinned to the wall of Fort Greymoor with an arrow in this instance.
  10. I have this problem with just two objects, both round logs, one outside the Bee and Barb by the food wagon, and the other in Markarth market. They both look like huge hand towel rollers. Disabling HighResTexturePack02.esp cures this,although of course it could be reacting to something else. I've tried it successfully in Riften but not in yet Markarth, being somewhat 'persona non grata' there at the moment.
  11. In my case, the Breezehome crash-on-entry was instantly resolved by unticking the 'Breezehome Open Windows II' mod. Not much help for anyone who hasn't got it installed, I know. :wacko:
  12. Obviously it varies from mission to mission - my own current character has over a thousand kills to his name - but it's probable that someone with plenty of time on their hands has counted the population of Skyrim, including the number of citizens - including soldiers - that constitute established society in Skyrim - my guess is around 300. But they must be considerably outnumbered by the malevolent, tax-dodging villains and ne'er-do-wells that inhabit the numerous caves, ruins and forts. Not to mention draugrs, undead and the like. Surely such an unbalanced social structure, whether dragons are thrown into the mix or not, is doomed to fail. The future of Skyrim seems further compromised by the low number of ankle biters, the next generation apparently only numbering around 30 or so.
  13. I've discovered the problem, albeit a week later. Nothing to do with denial of conjugal rights at all. :whistling: The culprit was a fire enchanted legendary Daedric greatsword, mounted on the plaque on the wall to the right of the door. It's collision thingy seems to extend across the doorway. Another one I'd made earlier does the same, but several others types of weapon I've tried, including warhammers, allow free access. Interestingly the same applies to the late Calder's doorway, across the hall. I can't think of any other similar doorway/weapon plaque arrangements elsewhere to try out at the moment.
  14. I've owned Hjerim for some time now, Calder included. Played around 6 hours of Dawnguard. At one time Ysolda was living there as our main home, during which time Serana and Mjoll had followed me there in between various adventures. Ysolda is now in Riften but suddenly I can't get into the bedroom, an invisible barrier seemingly blocking the doorway - which is a nuisance as there must be about 20 grands worth of gear in there that I can't lay my hands on. The only possibility I've thought of was that it was something to do with the just installed 'Sexy Windhelm' mod, but removal hasn't made a difference. In fact none of the other houses in similarly modded cities have this problem.
  15. Hmm, the most atmospheric game I've ever played (outside of Thief), in the hands of Bethesda :thumbsup: Sounds too good to be true, but hopefully it proves to be a winning combination - seems to be on paper at any rate. The original could be a bit unstable at times, but nowhere near as much as the follow up, Clear Skies - any problems in both being ironed out by the 'Complete' series of mods. I've certainly had more trouble with dead end missions and the like in Skyrim and Oblivion than I ever did with Stalker. Clear Skies was horrendously riddled with bugs though, before the Complete mod fixed it.
  16. Fetishism. :ninja: Perhaps Bethesda should be commended for not catering for pediphiles.
  17. 'Aye, love! Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us.' Probably.
  18. Nazeem annoyed me so much that I broke into Chillfurrow Farm - where he never seems to be despite owning it - and FusRohDahed anything that could be moved. This wasn't satisfying enough though, so I went to The Drunken Huntsman after midnight and murdered the happy couple while they slept. After several reloads I discovered that if you can kill them and crouch in the corner before Elendir opens the door, no bounty is incurred. In fact you can stand up and leave, and Elendir tries to sell you some hunting gear on the way out. Nazeem and Ahlam(?) seem to have keys on them, that don't unlock anywhere. In Skyrim anyway.
  19. I zealously scan nexusmods every day since the CK came out, hoping that someone has made an 'Up Yours, Maven (and your son)' mod.
  20. Thanks for that. I'd intended to clean out Heimskr's house, only to discover it was trashed and inaccessible. Don't suppose I'll find much though.
  21. My prize weapon to date is an upgraded Daedric battleaxe - 'You-Don't-Look-So-Groovy' - which for reasons unknown or forgotten has always been marked as 'Stolen'. I thought I'd revisit Falkreath again, long after a misunderstanding with the local constabulary resulted in a 40 gold bounty. The main concern was the axe being confiscated. A 40 gold fine, fair enough. But five and a half grand's worth of axe, certainly not. I saved and made 6 trips. The results were: 3 visits leaving axe at home - nothing. (Except a dragon attack on 2 occasions) 3 visits with axe - arrested every time, relieved of 40 gold and one axe. I wondered if the guard decides that 40 gold is peanuts but over five grand of axe isn't. And how does he know it's nicked anyway? To save trouble I visited axeless, paid the fine, then returned with axe. All seems hunky dory now, so the axe on it's own doesn't seem to trigger anything. Oh, and do town guards respawn? Wondered if it's safe to go back to Markarth yet. :whistling:
  22. I started a thread on this a little while ago, as my Khajit character received species-specific taunts and wondered if it happened to other races. Wasn't very illuminating though. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/524977-race-specific-taunts/page__p__4277101#entry4277101
  23. Something tells me that at least a couple of recent posters are preparing answers to your last 3 questions as I type. :rolleyes:
  24. Option 3. My one digital download, GTA4 on special offer, packed up after 4 hours and refused to play ever again. Tried the usual 'verify file integrity' etc. Solved by buying the DVD and installing it non-Steam, updates freely available from Rockstar. Shogun 2. Sat looking at the disc, cover and booklet for 5 days before Steam was ready to allow activation, even then it was 7 hours before traffic died down enough to allow this. A patch released only a day later was a fake, completely shafting the game for anyone who happened to try to play the game at that moment. Creative Assembly's fault perhaps but no thanks to Steam's system With Skyrim I usually come on here to see if a patch has been released before I start playing, and whether it's screwed anything up and if so, how to fix it. Steam reminds me of one of those middlemen organisations who try to convince the government and the public that their intermediary 'services' are essential, when in fact the no.1 priority is, err... money. The attitude on the part of governments/game companies seems to be: 'We think we have this problem we can't be seriously bothered to deal with. Can you sort it? Don't care how you do it but don't leave yourself short and don't worry too much about anyone's sensitivities.' Unless you're Ubisoft, in which case you try to do it yourself. Can't remember if it was on this forum but the analogy someone posted of buying a new car, only to find it comes with an overweight security guard (kicking) in the back seat - who takes up space. increases fuel consumption, tells you where and when you can drive, buy petrol etc - seems very apt.
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