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Everything posted by WolfmasterM

  1. Looks cool, but, you don't have to do the manes.... If you want, that's your call, me, just stick with a more realistic fur for the body, with the regular manes they have....
  2. True.....guess I got to caught up in crap...sorry
  3. To be honest Kuroitsune....... I think Lore in fallout should be forgotten...... Theres gunna be the wtf is this moments..... And yeah your right..... Who the f*#@ cares about lore...... Its old and stupid!
  4. Omfg him.... I know.... I asked if he could put his TF2 models back on gmod and put some armor or clothing on those that didnt and he accused me of being a perverted ass..... I know what you mean, and i say go for it.... If he rages let him, you worked on this mod, not him!
  5. Oh.... Yeah I would be interested.... I don't care if its not done, no one, or thing, is perfect.... But, this would show that your making great effort on this mod, and no one can say you suck er anything like that! I give you a green light to release....Im sure others would to! May I ask who the rude person was..... Cause I have that "Gilnean" feelin I know who it is.......
  6. Eh I can test it if you want, gotta remove some cause im using 4gb and if i install anything else, errors, errors everywhere.... Might uninstall some of the crapy stuff i actually installed..... Some items and fails of items..... Im not meant to make mods... However, I can test things well! XD
  7. thou shall taketh thy time.... ye can waiteth........ (Good luna inpresion? or does it need werk?)
  8. Been on destiny for a while... Puts darksouls to shame with the Vault of Glass raid... Its to fricking hard then blizzards first raid for WoW!!! And it has instakill team then darksouls!
  9. To many wubs, what about the neon lights?
  10. They are!!!!! Dont play it if you value your sanity and life!!!
  11. Hate One, to easy to die..... and Okay, we can wait, if you hate it later do what i do, say you had it and you hated the game.... (Im stuck in that bloody city!)
  12. Once this comes out, download and screenshot madness my friend! Also Im taking a break till then...... Dont wana bore myself out and not get this, so far it sounds like its going to be more badass then the Fook!
  13. Take all the time you need.... We can wait!
  14. Can't wait to try this mod dude, I bet its gunna beat all of Skyrim's armor mods and spell tweaks in one shot! ...That... And the Momod.... May have more to deal with, but hey, ponies beat everything!
  15. In response to post #15544610. #15551770 is also a reply to the same post. Sorry, Just i have been hacked before, and he trashed some of my stuff........ I never found him cause he moved, and happened to be my neighbor.... I hate sleeze bags for many reasons and this one....Oh yeah, you know why!
  16. If i ever find that hacker..... He is so going to regret hacking... Its scum like them that ruin the internet. If a hacker goes against an asshole hacker, then praise them, but if going on the innocent, burn them alive i say, or gas them!
  17. Ok, im looking for the MLP.esm, yet i cant find it on google or Nexus, Can someone help a brony out?
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