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About LordAndSavior

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    United States
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    Neverwinter Nights 2, Terraria, Trove, Fallout: New Vegas
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  1. >implying the modding scene has been dying I'm sure a lot of modders are gonna be coming back, and Chesko's work also proves that SKSESE isn't really that needed.
  2. Pretty awesome, would definitely work as a great foundation for a New Vegas restoration once modders figure out everything.
  3. Ah, sweet. Hopefully Battlefront II gets covered as well. :3
  4. In response to post #37052375. #37052915 is also a reply to the same post. Yep having that issue with http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48621/. Hope it gets fixed.
  5. check archive invalidation, and make sure the esps are being loaded. also, doublecheck that the paths for the loose files are there if needed. (I mean in the .ini files) CBBE works fine for me. Yeah, I did try doing the way you would enable loading loose files normally (before 1.5) but how would I do that? Also ESPs are being loaded, CBBE.esp itself does load but its files won't load. Edit: I just got things working now.
  6. Hey, I'm on the 1.5 Steam beta and I've noticed that the CBBE body, music and other non-ESP items aren't showing up for me anymore and when I try to load loose files the old fashioned way, the game crashes upon loading a save or starting a new game. Does anyone have a solution to this? Edit: By music I mean the STALKER soundtrack mod.
  7. Go for Oblivion Reloaded, that not only adds new features to the game but also increases the framerate as well. You can even disable Oblivion Reloaded features as well (I disable stay-on-target) via the INIs.
  8. Hey, I've always wanted to make a goth character with an addiction to Jet or some other chem and possibly tourettes but unfortunately thanks to Bethesda barring makeup from men; I've been unable to make said goth character. Can anybody get through this, in any way? I want to make a goth character for FO4, especially since I was kinda goth as a kid. :B
  9. We're pretty sure we all want improved dialogue system. Plus some evil gameplay and an actual final boss/climax too would be great.
  10. There are many people (myself included) who have very low expectations for Fallout 4. Same here, especially since Beth damaged their goodwill with me before w/ paid mods and ESO.
  11. -Dragon Age: Origins is awesome and moddable. -Neverwinter Nights 2 could also be up your alley but the graphics are dated and it's even moddable -(although I haven't got it yet). -Shadowrun: Dragonfall is also moddable. -Arcanum is also moddable, but I need to play more of that. XD Do keep in mind that Skyrim isn't really dead, especially since we still have free mods here.
  12. This might be right up your alley: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/686/
  13. Looks sweet, oh and I found it on Gamer Headlines, thought you'd want to take a look: http://www.gamerheadlines.com/2015/03/fallout-new-vegas-mod-fallout-frontier-teaser-trailer-released/ And I might add this to my head-canon. :thumbsup:
  14. If the installer isn't working, try installing it manually; that's what I do if all else fails.
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