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About Darmoth

  1. Darmoth


    My best friend, when she was pregnate and in the hospital... kept seeing a woman wearing white, standing in door ways watching her. She asked the nurses about her twice, both times they said she was talking about. Fast forward two years... Cali(her daughter) is about 2 years old now. And lately she has been asking her mother about "the lady in white". Appearantly, although Paradise(the mother) doesn't see anyone, Cali keeps saying she sees a lady in white, even when no one else does.
  2. Much as in real life, archery takes a bit of getting used to. Different arrows travel at different rate, their range can alter slightly, and I believe even their weight probably affects their arch.
  3. Well, I almost always choose the Lady, for any fighter or thief characters I make... I mean it's a total of +50 attribute points. For fighters, the +25 Endurance= More hit points, while the +25 Personality makes it easier to get better prices and reactions with NPCs. ^_^
  4. Correct, I did read something earlier about the fact that the Daedra lords have no set gender, even Azura who appears as female only does so due to the fact Azura wants to. :P But... Wasn't Vivec a man before he became a "god"? If so wouldn't he still be a man, or does godhood... make for interchangable genders? :blink:
  5. :blink: And I thought Vivec was a little fruity BEFORE.... I really need to read more of these books...
  6. I'm looking into this about the destruction of daedric weapontry. We do know that they do suffer from normal wear and tear, but it would truely require either the heat of boiling water or magical flame, perhaps removing the trap spirit of the daedra inside the weapon then the destruction of it?
  7. Err. Notes on the reproduction of the various races... very interestng. ______________________________________________ Notes on Racial Phylogeny and Biology, Seventh Edition by the Council of Healers, Imperial University After much analysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present. It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring. Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology -- the “fur” that covers their bodies -- but their metabolism and digestion as well. Argonians, like the dreugh, appear to be a semi-aquatic troglophile form of humans, though it is by no means clear whether the Argonians should be classified with dreugh, men, mer, or (in this author's opinion), certain tree-dwelling lizards in Black Marsh. The reproductive biology of orcs is at present not well understood, and the same is true of goblins, trolls, harpies, dreugh, tsaesci, imga, various daedra and many others. Certainly, there have been cases of intercourse between these "races," generally in the nature of rape or magickal seduction, but there have been no documented cases of pregnancy. Still the interfertility of these creatures and the civilized hominids has yet to be empirically established or refuted, likely due to the deep cultural differences. Surely any normal Bosmer or Breton impregnated by an orc would keep that shame to herself, and there's no reason to suppose that an orc maiden impregnated by a human would not be likewise ostracized by her society. Regrettably, our oaths as healers keep us from forcing a coupling to satisfy our scientific knowledge. We do know, however, that the sload of Thras are hermaphrodites in their youth and later reabsorb their reproductive organs once they are old enough to move about on land. It can be safely assumed that they are not interfertile with men or mer. One might further wonder whether the proper classification of these same “races,” to use the imprecise but useful term, should be made from the assumption of a common heritage and the differences between them have arisen from magickal experimentation, the manipulations of the so-called "Earth Bones," or from gradual changes from one generation to the next. ____________________________________________________________________
  8. Azura, Daedroth Prince of Twilight, is one of the Daedra. Correct. Daedra, translates simply to "not of us". Aedra(spelling?) translate to something similar to "our ancestors". By this I think Aedra would be the ghosts or phantoms you see guarding tombs.
  9. Eh. I was the one that FOUND the site. I was the one the posted it on these forums... ;)
  10. Dude... even though I didn't want to tweak my desk top gamma to see, I downloaded this anyway... It DOES kick some serious tushy! :D
  11. This might just be me, but I honestly can't tell much of a difference. Maybe the screen shots don't do it justice. I dunno.
  12. Some of you may know about it, some may not. But I thought this was TOTALLY worth giving everyone a link to. http://www.buttersky.com/morrowind/ Hannah's Whereizit Morrowind Guide... information on how to find most everything you ever wanted to find. ^_^
  13. *Typical Nord* "Magic is for girly men, and little women who can't fight them selves!" *Breton woman* "Girly eh, I'll show you girly! (curses Nord, striping him of all clothing, and freezing him in place)"
  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was about to bring up that bloody freak of nature Crassius... :blink:
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