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    South Africa

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  1. Yes thank you, it did finally dawned on me to have a look at the shrines. Got it working
  2. Hi need help again, I'm looking to improve one of my mods by adding a similar effect found in potions, when activating a static object. It will probably use a trigger. My question is: How do I get an effect = increase magic regeneration by <points> for <seconds> on the player, when the player activates the trigger? For reference, I remember in Oblivion in the arena there where a font you could activate to replenish your health/magicka and I'm looking to do something similar, but regeneration over a time (which keeps going even if your magicka is full) Thanks
  3. Thnx maxarturo, I found it. I was looking at the wrong responses where there was no script. Not sure how I've been missing it the whole time :ermm:
  4. Hi, I need some help with the following: I have a custom made merchant, already set up to have the dialogue option to invest in its shop. I have the PerkInvestor list and global variable set up as it should be. Everything is working as it should, except for one thing: The option to invest keeps popping up every time you talk to the merchant. In other words, the option to invest does not disappear when you do make the investment of 500 gold as it should. I'm guessing here, but I think what happens in vanilla Skyrim is that the one of the conditions in the quest dialogue: Globalvariable that needs to be 100, is maybe somehow changed via a script after you make the investment? Problem is that I cant find any evidence of this. It might also have some connection with the town it is located it? I'm not sure. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. ESL files have a Total Limit of 4096 Record Entries, so for example if you had 1 ESL file that only has 1 record entry, you could potentially have 4096 ESL files along with the 254 ESP and ESM files (and every single 1 of them ESL, ESP and ESM files will work in game) That Record Entry Limit is Total Limit. so for example if you had 2 ESL files that both contained 2048 Record Entries each, then your ESL Limit will be 2 ESL Files (Any Additional ESL files will Not Work). any ESP or ESM that exceed 254 mod limit, Will Be Completely Nullified. meaning these mods will do Absolutely Nothing. ESL files are Limited to Record Entries. ESP and ESM files Do Not have a Record Limit, but they have a Hard Load Order Limit. Note: 4096 Record Entries is not as much as it looks. as the majority of changes requires more then 1 record entry, For Example: A piece of Clothing, contains 2 record entries just to exist, and then you have another record entry for Crafting Recipe, Crafting keyword , another 1 to place it in to a single leveled list, another 1 to place that single leveled list into a Single NPC Leveled list, another 1 to place it into loot leveled list, another 1 to place it into a vendor leveled list (so as you can see just for a single basic clothing mod the amount of Record Entries that it contains is much more then 1 would expect). so that is 8+ record entries to create a single piece of clothing, to craft it, and have it appear in a few leveled lists. so hopefully you can see how just how quick these record entries will quickly add up. 2 Pieces of Clothing = 16 Record Entries, and so on. ESL Files Do Not Count towards the ESP and ESM Hard Limit, they are Strictly Limited by how many Record Entries they contain, and Likewise ESP and ESM Files are not Affected by ESL Files. Note: the Record Entry Limit = Created or Modified, both of them will add to the limit. Thnx, this helps a lot :thumbsup:
  6. One question I still have remaining: I understand that esp. and esm. counts towards the maximum total, but what about esl. ???
  7. Thx jones, I found my problem: seems it is not a good idea to run a heavy modded Skyrim when 17 other apps (creation kit, about 15 google pages and stuff) are running in the background. My PC ran out of RAM, and so Skyrim didn't load some stuff. All back to normal now.
  8. Does anyone know about a bug that makes half the npc's and enemies in the game dissapear? Even npc's from mods that are suppose to be there are gone. Their houses stay locked and when I knock (Simply knock SE mod) I get no response and when breaking in, they are gone. I went to a fort filled with foresworn, killed all the enemies outside, but as soon as I entered the fort, the whole place inside was empty of any life. If I remember correctly there was a bug like this many years ago, but for some reason I can't find any reference to it. Only two on the Bethesda forums, but as soon as you load those pages, the text dissapear (almost like the npc's ingame) and throws out an error: something went wrong. Would like to know if there ever was a solution to this.
  9. Making the mod was quick, it took me some time to test it though as I had to run through that quest line. Here you go: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16172/
  10. actually I think this could be done in another way: create a duplicate object, remove maybe the script that makes it open and closes when you fight that high elf, and connect it to a switch that can activate it whenever you want to see it. The switch will have to be initially disabled that only gets endabled by the quest when it is removed by the psijic order. Of course, you could just bypass the switch and have it on the whole time, or maybe make it more interesting, letting you go back to Saarthal, where a new book will be available that on reading it, will give you the ability to recreate a replica that can be activated by an activator only where the other one was resting inside the hall of elements. Edit: come to think of it, I can make it easily that when you read the book, it enables a crafting workbench in the college that will allow you to craft a replica of the eye of magnus using some materials like glass, soul gems and stuff. This would be more immersive I think.
  11. There is a mod that used something similar that you might want to have a look at: "Magical College of Winterhold". It converts a statue (placed in the hall of elements) into a dmg taking dummy that you can train your destruction magic on. I don't know how that author did it, but I'm sure if you have a look at it in ck, you could figure something out.
  12. Hi all, I really need a statue of Kynareth (or something that looks like it could be her) for a mod I am making. I know there was a shrine for her in Daggerfall and that could maybe suit as inspiration. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Kynareth PLEASE! I would very much appreciate it. PM me if you are interested or just post here so we can have a chat. Th3 Duk3
  13. A question about the tutorial: "How to make Dragon Claw Holders" Shouldn't the isPlaced after the second else, read isPlaced = TRUE ?? I ask this cause the script allowed me to place my dragon claws, no problem. But after loading my safe game, when I try to take them back, it gives me the fail message.
  14. Thank you foamyesque, thanks to you I learned something new. Kudos +1
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