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Everything posted by Darkstorne

  1. I recently reinstalled Oblivion and am so happy to see mods like Oblivion Reloaded and the Stutter Remover making the game playable at 40fps+ even with ENB and RAEVWD. It's great having this game both stable and stunningly prettier at the same time! I know this game is CPU restricted so was wondering what the general consensus is in 2016 regarding all the popular CPU tweaks in the game's ini file? I find many old threads online recommending changes like this for multi-core CPUs: From UESP.net: Are these still recommended? I know a lot of ini tweaks from the past have been shown to have either no impact or even a negative impact. I'd love to know how to get the most out of this game's CPU-heavy design. It's definitely the bottle-neck these days.
  2. In response to post #39491315. #39496050 is also a reply to the same post. That's not a solution though. It's a temporary preventative measure to avoid theft, that prevents ALL console users enjoying a mod because of the arrogance of a very small minority who would resort to theft. A solution has to come from Bethesda, so that mod authors can feel safe about releasing their content wherever they choose, without fear of theft, because they can trust Bethesda to work as hard as the Nexus staff to do protect their creations. Consoles on mods could be a wonderful thing. The reason we're all here is because we love modding our Bethesda games on PC, to get a lot more out of them, and I'm really glad console users will be getting a similar experience from now on. Bethesda definitely need to step it up though, and focus on protecting content instead of blatantly focusing on a method of trying to reintroduce paid mods with a 75/25 split in favour of themselves and Valve again...
  3. Every time Dogmeat finds a hidden stash for me and leads the way, I REALLY want to thank him or reward him for it. If there's a dialogue line in there somewhere of the character saying "good boy" or even a simple "thanks" then having the ability to quickly say that would make me feel so much better. I know that adds nothing to gameplay, but I'd sleep better at night no longer worrying I'm a bad pet owner :P
  4. Wondering if this is possible, because there are sooo many fantastic screenshots on the Nexus, and as far as I can see... no way to search through them. If I want to look for Skyrim screenshots titled "forest" then I have to list all of the screens on the Nexus in alphabetical order and then guess which page to jump to. Am I missing the screenshot search option, or does search only work for files like I assume it does? The ability to search for screenshots with specific titles, and then organize by endorsements/upload date/views etc afterwards would be great :)
  5. Voted. I own all of the DLC. Very interested to see how this develops :)
  6. Hey man. I found the images on the Nexus site, but I'm pretty sure they are on the Dead End Thrills website as well (same author).

    Nexus link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=2808024

    Dead End Thrills' Skyrim Archive: http://deadendthrills.com/?cat=314

  7. Hello! Looking for the hairstyle used in these screenshots: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/2808024-1331826129.jpg http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/2808024-1331819539.jpg Many thanks!
  8. Do you mean you want the hood, but without the new face? I wanted that, since I already had a modded Morrigan face that I was 100% happy with. When you extract the folder for the hooded robe mod, you'll get a folder called 'morrigan-concept'. Open that folder, and delete the files named 'genfl_morrigan.mrh' and 'hf_genfl_morrigan.mor' - they should be the first two files in the folder if they are arranged alphabetically. Once you've done that, just drop the folder into your Override directory as normal. Worked perfectly for me, hooded Morrigan without the face morph included. Hopefully it will work for you as well =D
  9. I'm a big fan of open-world games like The Elder Scrolls series, and one of the biggest disappointments in DA:O for me was how the developers only really created a handful of locations in the game. Most of Ferelden is just a map that gets covered (bizarrely) in blood splatters as you move across it. Would the editor allow, in theory, a mod team to create the roads between the existing locations? The Imperial Highway looks amazing, and I would love to be able to explore Ferelden's roads and countryside, as I'm sure many players would. Does the engine, and indeed the editor, allow for large exterior creations such as this? I've always believed the phrase "It's not the destination that matters, but the journey" holds a lot of truth. In DA:O, the journeys are largely ignored save for a random encounter every now and then, and instead you are automagically fast-travelled to your destination. I can't help feeling there's a lot of potential for a great mod here, that can add a real sense of adventuring to the game.
  10. Where did you learn to speak Na'vi? :o I'd love to learn!
  11. I've just installed Oblivion on Windows 7, but even with the Nvidia control panel set up to force AA on Oblivion, it still doesn't work. Does anyone here play Oblivion on Windows 7, and managed to force AA alongside HDR?
  12. I think 50 might be the level cap. Kobu's levelling mod certainly allows you to raise or lower that cap though. I'm not sure about some of the levelling mods, but nGCD and Kobu's shouldn't be affected by slower skill gains at all. As your skills increase, the stats they are related to will seemlessly increase alongside them. Slower skill gains just means slower stat gains as well, whch is great if you enjoy a really long journey with one character, over creating several different characters. As far as being a master at everything goes: nGCD makes that rather difficult since it is designed to make you choose a specialization with your character (combat, magic, or stealth) and even make mastery of your speciality a challenge, whereas Kobu's is built with that aspect in mind. You stats will always increase at maximum efficiency in Kobu's, as though you always reveived the 5x multiplier at level-up with vanilla Oblivion. In other words, by level 50 you should have maxed your stats or at least be very close to max stats. -Darkstorne-
  13. I've tried out a few different levelling mods and in my opinion Kobu's Character Advancement mod is the best out there: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1888 It's very similar to nGCD (one of the two levelling mods you provided links to) but with some interesting advantages. First of all, it works by seemleslsy increasing your stats as your skills progress. There is no need to gain X amount of skill increases before you level, and then rest in a bed in order to level up. Instead, once you increase your Blade skill by two or three levels, your strength will be increased by 1 point (as an example). It works out as always being the equivalent of having the 5x multiplier at level-up if you were using the standard level up system, so you have no need to worry about levelling and skill efficiency. You can just enjoy the game! The most interesting part for me was the way you can choose your luck to be increased. It can either increase by 1 every level; be the average of all your other skills; or you can 'gain luck by adventuring' - which takes into account how many locations you've discovered, how many enemies you've killed, how high your fame rating is etc, and updates it every level. This setting really provides an incentive to explore Cyrodiil and all its wonders. Take a look at the different levelling mods and see which one appeals to you the most. There may be a lot to choose from, but that means you can find one you'll really enjoy playing with. I use Francesco's as well, and it really does improve the quality of the game a lot more. Scaled enemies were a horrible idea... You might also be interested in Deadly Reflex for a more exciting combat system, allowing you to stab sleeping victims / slit enemy throats when sneaking up to them from behind / shield bash in combat / impale fallen enemies, and many more immersive ideas. -Darkstorne-
  14. Thanks for the feedback guys, very useful. I'm running Oblivion on a powerful system so judging by your information the mods probably aren't causing any issues. Some of the mods are large (Elsweyr Anequina) and Francesco's combined with Tamriel Travellers does add a lot of new NPCs wearing new armour and weapons, but the additional RAM usage probably isn't too bad if these mods only tend to affect less powerful systems. My load order is already by-and-large correct, and hearing that Dezdimona is running even more mods than me is good to hear. I'm not crazy. Or at least, i'm not the only crazy one =P Many thanks for your replies! I guess stuttering will never be completely eliminated after all, so i'm now happy and content! -Darkstorne-
  15. I've heard that having a lot of mods installed, particularly mods that add custom weapons and armour to the game, cause the game to stutter more often. Is this true? And if it is true, do they only cause stuttering when they are active? Or simply through adding extra meshes and textures to the data folder, meaning they would cause extra stuttering even when they aren't active? The reason I ask is that I have a lot of mods installed in my game. A quick count of the number of files possible to activate through OBMM totals at 139 excluding the main Oblivion file and official expansions. Most of these are either small mods like 'No More Annoying Messages' or separate parts of the same mod. Beautiful Women and Handsome Gents for example have several different files to activate between them, and Francesco's is also broken down into several files. Even so, that's a lot of mods, and I usually have different ones activated depending on which character i'm playing, particularly when it comes down to armour and weapons. If this likely contributes to a lot of stuttering though, then I'd like to shorten that list down and start using only a handful of essential mods. Any feedback on the impact of mods on performance would be greatly appreciated! I don't want to spend hours cleaning everything up, or doing a re-install of the game, for little to no benefit! Thanks for reading! -Darkstorne-
  16. I believe that set is also in the links I gave to someone else about 3-4 pages ago in this thread. It was part of a set that had that armor as well as that full plate set and shield they were requesting. That's what i'd hoped when I read your post and downloaded that mod. It contains two heavy armour sets from Lineage 2 (Nightmare and Dynasty) but not the Draconic light armour. I can see this being the mod that consistently eludes me! I'll try and pm the author and hope he's still around. I'll also check the CS, just in case the armour was included in the files but not placed inside the chest. Thanks for the reply though! -Darkstorne- EDIT: Picked through that file's contents in the CS and it's definitely not included. Neither are the weapons and shield that someone else was looking for from that mod. Everything included is already in the chest. Fingers crossed i'll hear back from the awol author.
  17. Brilliant! Thanks! One final question: I've been looking for the Lineage 2 draconic armour set for a while, and although I found the author's page for it (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17382) all it's said for months is 'This author has requested for this file to be blocked from viewing for the time being'. Are there any mirrors for this download? I'm a big L2 fan, and this armour has been recreated perfectly. Pics below might help, found on Alerima's Sword of Miracles mod. Thanks for reading! http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc212/darkstorne/Draconic1.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc212/darkstorne/Draconic2.jpg
  18. There's a mod I once had that added the item Rawhide Deer Skin to every deer in Cyrodiil. It had a value of around 20 gold pieces, making a hunter's life seem like a believable way of making a living. I think that when I installed Francesco's overhaul this mod was overwritten. I know it's a vague question, but if anyone can point me in the right direction i'd really appreciate it! -Darkstorne-
  19. Looks like AlienSlof's work. She's very inspired by the sexual themes of Giger, and his work on Aliens, hence the armour. Armour can be found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24756 though there are numerous retextures available for different body types, so you might want to do a search for 'giger'. For the mod that allows a playable dremora, click on AlienSlof's name in that link and it should list all her uploads, including that one.
  20. It's definitely a good score, no one can deny that. But it's far too simple to be rated one of the best tracks of all time. It's what... 4 bars of music repeated a few times? That's like creating an amazing melody, and then rather than building on it, creating a score that ebbs and flows, and something that really captures the essence and variety of Morrowind's world, they just repeated that melody a few times, making it louder with each succession and left it at that. I'm guessing this is what they tried with Oblivion's main theme, but they kind of forgot about the epicness in that one. Maybe they'll nail it with ESV :thumbsup:
  21. You're going by the statement their PR guy (Pete Hines?) made around 6 months ago? He said there 'will' be another Elder Scrolls made due to the popularity of Oblivion, and that he is hoping to see it around 2010. That's nothing official at all. Besides, if it was set for a release next year, we definitely would have heard about it at E3. Instead, we've had FO4 confirmed, and for the E3 extravaganza Bethesda announced that their newest project was a new IP called Brink (I think that's the name). If they were working on ESV, then we would have a teaser trailer for that instead of Brink. We might get a teaser trailer next year, which would mean a 2011 release, but Bethesda won't be working on FO3 DLC, FO4, Brink and a new Elder Scrolls at the same time. They tend to focus on one or two projects at a time. /whine
  22. I don't know how many entered the FO3 side of the contest but only six on the Oblivion end is a disappointment. I actually expected to be competing against at least several hundred mods. At any rate, I wish all of you the best of luck. With any luck Bethesda will finally take the hint: Oblivion is very old now, and despite what the game sales say, the core pillar that supports and mods this game is moving on to greener fields. Screw FO4, the modding community of FO3 will keep that game going for years, just like Oblivion did. Renovate the Elder Scrolls franchise please! I would really like shadows on my buildings and water that doesn't look like it has a layer of cling-film over the top! Yup, that's off my chest now.
  23. Not so much a technical problem, but more of a theoretical question. I'm wondering if it's possible to install Oblivion twice on a computer. See I currently have Oblivion running with Qarl's Texture Pack, Tamriel Visible When Distant, and a wealth of other graphical improvement mods. Thing is, even on my quad core computer and GTX280 I stutter quite a lot when running around Cyrodiil, and can get quite a low fps rate in busy cities (Yes, I also have streamline and operation optimization installed). I'm sure the main reason for this is a REALLY outdated engine, that struggles when more than 10 NPCs are visible at once, and doesn't even have building shadows, but i've been wondering... How much of this stuttering is due to the improved textures? To find out i'd like to re-install Oblivion and try it without any mods and visual improvements, but I really don't feel like uninstalling everything I have right now just to find out. So if it's possible, i'd really appreciate being able to leach some knowledge! Perhaps with a hard-drive partition? :thanks: for reading!
  24. Best game music? IMO: Vagrant Story - Main Theme (The song titles are all in Japanese...) Halo 3 - Never Forget (As much as I hate the game for being shallow, unoriginal, and insanely repetitive, the soundtrack is possibly the greatest in gaming history, especially this song) Lineage II - The Call of Destiny / After the Storm Final Fantasy 8 - Premonition / Only a Plank Between One and Perdition All with handy linkage! It's a shame FF8's music is in midi format, since it pales in comparison to all the other fully orchestral pieces around these days. Perhaps there have been orchestral versions of those two songs performed by the Eminence orchestra or at Video Games Live though.
  25. Hi there! I'm looking for a specific sword, very big, and very spiky =P I saw it in this video on youtube, though the author has neglected to say which mods he is using. At 2.30 there is a long screenshot showing the sword in question, followed by a short demonstration of it in use. Any help here would be awesome, Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGlhAHr1ri8...feature=related Thanks :)
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