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    TESIV: Oblivion

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  1. I optimized the textures + meshes, it helped, but didn't fix it entirely. Before, when exiting the starting dungeon, the game crashed immediately. Now I can 'almost' make it to the sight stones. Here is my prefs.ini It's quite ridiculous, what is my biggest RAM hog in this? Thanks for the reply, by the way! And my boss log.... Thanks again!
  2. Through many immersion, graphical improvement mods, and realism tweaks, my Skyrim now uses more RAM than Bethesda allowed it to use. As a result, when going outside in deeply detailed areas, my game crashes to desktop with no warning what-so-ever. I checked the debug file, and it supports my theory. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you people had a way to force Skyrim to allow more RAM usage (I've already changed the .ini file), or if anyone had any tips that would allow me to cut down on Skyrims RAM usage, without cutting back too much on the beauty. Thanks in advance! EDIT: (for specs) Intel i5 3570k 3.9 GHz (Ivy Bridge) nVidia GTX 680 2GB 16 GB 1866 RAM Temps never go over 35-40C
  3. You make it sound as though your way of playing a video game is superior to others. I personally do not have that much time to play, so when I do play, I go through dungeons, maybe complete a quest or two, and sell my loot to the merchants. I do tend to spend a lot of time in one place, and have yet to explore the western half of Skyrim.
  4. Fantastic, voiced quest mods, please.
  5. I went crazy when I saw that the Dark Elf had a Mohawk. Not because he was a dark elf, but because he had a mohawk B-)
  6. I'm sure they will have a collectors edition. A game with this big of a following, it would be stupid for Bethesda not to release one. And I'm also sure that you will be able to pre order the collectors edition for the map, just as you can the normal edition.
  7. I just hope that the summoned creatures are different from there base counter parts. In Oblivion, the best summons such as lich, were rendered useless because of the fact that they had buff and debuff spells in there spell book. This wouldn't be a problem, but they'd make buffing themselves and debuffing the enemy such a big priority that by the time they finished and started attacking, they had just a few seconds left.
  8. No. People are cheap. A lot of Xbox 360 owners don't even have hard drives, or if they do they have the 4 GB that can barely hold an expansion pack or two.
  9. One way they could fix that is when you jumped, your follower jumped in the same exact spot you did, and landed exactly where you did. It might look a little odd, but I can't think of any other way to do it without having your follower occasionally falling off a cliff, because they jumped in the wrong spot. -------------------------------------------------------- On-topic.... I would like to know more about Lycanthropy and Vampirism. I'm into that sort of fantasy stuff. Also the deadly environments. I want to see more on that, such as is scaling that mountain really dangerous, or is there a little path through the woods you can take? Is climbing mountains improved since Oblivion, or is it still just hitting the jump button over and over until you hit a ground at an angle you can jump off of, and so on.
  10. I wouldn't mind a lute. I'd be massacring all of the horn instrument players, if they were in the game. No offense, in an orchestra, O.K., but by themselves, no. To be honest, I'm not big on instruments in a series like TES. I wouldn't mind them, but at the same time I don't think there really necessary, and would rather see resources put in other aspects.
  11. With that laptop, I'll guess that the GPU will be able to run it on medium, with a few settings switched on high, with no lag. Might I recommend the program, Game Booster, for when you do get it. This program shuts off non-essential programs (fully configurable what program you want to shut off) and switches your themes and appearance of Windows 7 to the lowest quality to free up memory and CPU usage. (It worked wonders for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and I'm thinking it will also be great for Skyrim as well) The 6GB memory is good, and even if it's not, that's the easiest thing in the world to upgrade. However, with a little looking, you could probably find a better deal. But if you want the free Xbox 360, go ahead.
  12. If the preorder / limited edition's give an in-game item, I hope it adds a quest for the item. Doesn't even have to be complex, just throw it in the deepest part of one of the hardest dungeons and tell us to go fetch, and I'll be happy. I just don't want a repeat of New Vegas. (Where on hardcore you have to drink water, and the preorder bonus was a canteen with an unlimited supply of water.)
  13. I would recommend an upgrade on RAM. 4 GB of DDR3 would be good, but 6 GB of DDR3 would be great. Since Skyrim is open world like Oblivion, my guess is it will be heavy on the RAM.
  14. Werewolves were confirmed to be in the game by Todd in a podcast interview, however, he mentioned that he was not going to give an answer as to whether or not you will be able to become one.
  15. As long as they have a general store, that buys everything but at a slightly lower price. I'd hate to have just gotten back from an adventure and have to visit every shop in town just to get rid of my loot.
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