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Everything posted by DavidWhitefang

  1. Hello humanbean, The pics are very nice and I like that you shared them!
  2. For those who may not know... a LINK which will inform you as to what exactly Crohn's disease is. Glad you got experience to help with this mod Lis. I am looking foward to it.
  3. LOL... I like that I can 'cut up' with you guys from time to time.... And that there's only 998 more posts to go 'til the BIG 4000!!!!!
  4. UH - Oh .... 3,000 !!!!! lol, you didn't see me sneaking and peeking!
  5. I Like... That it's Thanksgiving Day, for us Americans! I want to wish everyone 'Happiness' no matter where in the world you guys and gals are, or where you're from! I am thankful, for those of you who are serving in our armed forces and can't be home with your own families today, and want you to know that your sacrifice matters, and is appreciated.
  6. WOW... I like that I chanced upon post 'number 2772' within this thread... Someone looks... 'Absolutely Beautiful' in it... myrmaad looks ok too :wink:
  7. I appreciate the support of the last three posts!!, but ... I still Love modding! ~ and I will continue to do so... I just probably won't get into the politics of 'publicly' taking up a request in the future... so I will still be around making mods here and there. If I decide to get involved with a request, I will pm the person who initiated the request, and if they think they want me to make it ~ I will... and stay anonymous, until it's completed.
  8. IHRE, your staff clips where your lower hand holds it. I am releasing my mesh to everyone and that includes you... the hand dosen't clip. Here's the LINK You definatly managed to turn this fun project, for me... into no fun at all. I doubt I will even do another request. so congrats!
  9. keylek3...

    I have noticed what you're referring to. Hopefully 'ihate' will be more... patient and diplomatic in his posts... time will tell.

  10. Kudos to you! for a recent comment to a person who puts down modders ;)
  11. I like when it's a full moon! Doesn't matter if I'm on the beach, in a snow covered forest, or in New York... I've always Loved gazing up at the moon when it's full.
  12. I am not releasing this as a modders resource. It will be a new weapon for members to use in their games if they choose. I answered this post to build a staff or a sword. I chose staff. I will release different versions, including a scythe, and possibly a club. In the future, I may do more with this mesh, I've thought of moddifying it into a helm also. Wasder... I read 'firing swords' before and believe someone else will help you out. ihateregisteringeverywhere... I never got back with TriForce1... So I don't know how your speaking for him. You seem to give alot of advice on modding... I've searched a few times for your mods... and no matter how I search Oblivion or Morrowind, You don't seem to have any. Did you release any previously under a different account? ~ I am actually interested in seeing your work, so that I may study one of the quests that you must have released, since surely none of your mods are in the 'junk dump district' This release will go into the IC Market District now. I can't agree on disrespecting modders, who spent thier personal time creating great mods for all of us, and decided to place their mod in the IC Market District. At this time I'm still creating the .dds and UV mapping it, as I go.
  13. I LIKE that I have never liked a Mavrosh pic! ...at least the edited ones. I like seeing what shots people can get without editing them. Mavrosh is good at the style that she's chosen though!
  14. I Like that I realize... the next time I post a pic, for a post, in the image share section,... I'll make sure I use a hot, nude, female character displaying what I'm discussing... just to get more interest... and watch the view counts soar :)
  15. Thanks for the advice, but of course I've already converted it to triangles. I already have the staff in my game.. I posted some pics of it. I just have to make my texture and uv map it, which I do know how to do.
  16. Hey ihateregisteringeverywhere, the face count is 9222, using 4633 vertices. I agree about the chains not looking good, if they don't have physics, and had pm'd trebor_armbreaker about it. I never have tried to figure that out yet. Actually the first weapon I ever built, was a morning star (spiked ball on a chain, for those who may not know), but I've let it sit in blender until I learn more, and can possibly make it really swing with character movement. I'll get back to it... I have different types of mods in the works at once, so I don't get bored working on the same thing everyday.
  17. Hey Natsu666, I noticed the original pic was signed by Lily. I sent you a pm with some questions. As far as the chains, I don't have a problem building them, I am just concerned about a high concentration of polygons on the staff, causing alot of lag for some people. Right now, I am going to finish it without the chains. I may then add the chains, and test it out, as far as lag.
  18. I finished the mesh, and left the chains off so far. they look cool in the pic, but they will add a tremendous amount of vertices, which may cause lag. I have tried it out in the game, and it works nicely ~ I have no lag. Here are some pics I posted 5 pics. I have not textered the staff yet, I'll be working on that now. I just wanted to show you that I have been working on it. David
  19. I want to give you guys another link to check out, before you post requesting alternative, or adult type mods. WolfLore Site ...You may find what your looking for!
  20. Hey reaper9111, I am working on it, and it's coming along pretty good I think. This one is complex, and it is taking me longer than I anticipated. I am slow, at modding anyway... lol, but I think the finished product will please most members. I'm enjoying making it, and have thought of some other interesting uses, for a design such as this.
  21. Your Welcome trebor_armbreaker and as I said, if I run into trouble after creating the mesh and textures, I'm sure that other modders will be willing to help see to it, that this is created. I'll get back to making it now, as I'm less... distracted... Thank-You, AlienSlof and buddah
  22. I believe that pretty much anything can be made anything... so yes, it could be made into a blunt weapon... but as the pic looks at the moment, to me it would not be realistic. I think it would splinter and break if you continually used it as a blunt weapon, unless it was modified. If I was going to make it something else... I think a smaller version could easily be turned into a Kama (a martial arts weapon... you can google search it if you aren't sure what I'm referring to), but it would still need a little tweaking from the original staff.
  23. No problem, trebor_armbreaker... I have already started. By the way, this is an excellent pic to work from. In my opinion, it strikes me more as a staff, than a scythe, so that's where I've started.
  24. I like that this is finally my 100th post :)
  25. I actually saw this yesterday, and I like it. Since no one has said they are willing to do it, I will. If someone has secretly started this, speak up here... or send me a pm. In the pics BobSob2020 linked to, those scythes look like they were designed as a two handed sword. I'll build both versions, one as a staff and one as a sythe, and check them out. If they both work ok, I'll release both versions, in one mod. If I run into trouble, I'll give the meshes and textures to someone with more experience to finish them up. May take me two or three days, depends what comes up in rl. David
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