I as well. The Gamebryo engine just isn't up to par in terms of graphical capabilities anymore. Based on the screenshots of Fallout - New Vegas, the game's graphics already look dated compared to other upcoming games. Now, graphics aren't everything, but TES V could definitely benefit from a stronger engine. It's not always the game engine that determines how pretty graphics look, yes they do have a big role in graphics and how they look, but what really makes the graphics is the digital artists behind the graphics. If you do not have great artists, then your graphics will turn out bad no matter how good the engine is. In terms of textures, actual object design, etc., yes, the engine is not too important. But the stuff beneath it - the actual graphical technologies that envelop aspects such as lighting, animation and particles - are governed by the engine. You can only do so much with an engine framework, it is not infinitely meldable.