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Posts posted by Deleted809848User

  1. Ok I cant remember if its for New Vegas or fallout 3 but the mods goes like this.


    You equip a pistol and switch to a different weapon lets say a rifle and while you have the rifle out, your pistol is still visible as if it were equipped still. And you can equip up to 4 weapons I think, I cant remember if there was a limit. Thanks in Advance!


    The Mod you mean was called "See your weapons" by Arcane20. Unfortunately he got banned and his mod was taken offline!


    Sigh*....Great. Thanks anyways, you people truly are case solvers. Case Closed.

  2. Ok I cant remember if its for New Vegas or fallout 3 but the mods goes like this.


    You equip a pistol and switch to a different weapon lets say a rifle and while you have the rifle out, your pistol is still visible as if it were equipped still. And you can equip up to 4 weapons I think, I cant remember if there was a limit. Thanks in Advance!

  3. As an aside I think it's funny how many dudes are hoping on me for being insecure for asking a simple and VERY respectful question.


    You wanna play a girl broski that's cool. Was just looking for some perspective. No reason to get defensive about it.


    And your getting very clear answers, yet you respond like a f***ing troll. Go f*** your self f@&#!t. :dance:


    User issued 2 strikes: 1. for trolling 2. for profanity - TVD.


    Big tough guy on the internet ;)


    As are you troll. And your pathetic attempt to bait me is a fail. This topic is so mature with you posting it in the first place. People save your breath your wasting your time with this post. :dry:

  4. As much as I hate to admit this, I have started to become rather bored... I feel so ashamed of it, because I know this is such a great game, with a good story and a beautiful world. I can't help but feel like everything is always the same. Like the only purpose of the game is speak with this guy, go to this cave and get this item, return back, repeat the process. I don't know, maybe it's because since it came out I've been playing everyday for hours and hours straight, but who hasn't, right?


    I've tried to change things up a little, like different weapons, getting married, different spells, no fast travel, etc.



    Anyway, has Skyrim also been making you bored and uninterested?


    Here's my thoughts and opinions. And I'm not gunna sugar coat it either so don't get all sensitive with me.

    I though I would find myself playing skyrim 24/7 but I tend to get caught up doing else something every other day. Like today. So Im on one day of skyrim and off the other. The thing I seem to fail to see is how ppl are Bored and disappointed, sounds like you people suffer from depression or something. Cause when I start thinking Imma turn on skyrim and its going to be not as fun today has not yet happen. In fact every time I get in-game I feel no boredom with the game, I feel like there's always something to do in the game. Now Oblivion..I bet the main quest and that game was boring. Look...I've started the game over 6 times with 20 hrs of game-play...I still love the beginning of the game and having to start over. Maybe you should go outside for a change. Don't get me get me wrong but bitching about is not gunna change a thing unless you do something about it. As repetitive as skyrim may seem to you, you cant complain there is nothing to do in the game. Its your own damn fault if you killed the game for yourself already and you should of pace yourself. Im just saying. :whistling:




    1. You can keep playing.


    2. Go get layed/let one off, workout, or try something to feel spent to want to relax/kick back and play skyrim.


    3. Wait for creation kit to come out and amazing mods will to come.


    4. Play a different game.


    5. Get a different hobby.

  5. As an aside I think it's funny how many dudes are hoping on me for being insecure for asking a simple and VERY respectful question.


    You wanna play a girl broski that's cool. Was just looking for some perspective. No reason to get defensive about it.


    And your getting very clear answers, yet you respond like a f***ing troll. Go f*** your self f@&#!t. :dance:


    User issued 2 strikes: 1. for trolling 2. for profanity - TVD.

  6. sword is an all rounder (good speed, and critical strikes with perk, this is a fave on many fast attacking and dual wielding players, since the more hits the more chances of critical strikes)

    axe is you block like a boss (with the perk making them bleed to death, i think the bleed doesn't stack but just reset the timer)

    mace for heavy armors and high level enemies but slower, making shield bash as your fast attack (ignore armor with perks, even high level monsters have armor too even if they are not wearing)


    Yahoo answer full




    My opinion...funnest is duel wielding forget the shield..but overall I wanted to keep it simple so I chose two-handed swords. In the end...it just depends what your standers are and play style. :psyduck:

  7. But didn't Tom Howard say that the patch was going to be more of free DLC then a actual patch because it was going to be so big of a update that they just consider it a DLC? Or Im I talking crazy talk?



    Anyways Sorry to hear ppl actually download the crap of a patch, I was looking very forward to the patch hoping it fix the serious issue's of the game. I'm very temped to download it my self because I want the 41000hz bit whatever sound fix and rand landscape shutters. I'll just stick the to original version for now and pray they get it running as smooth as they did with New Vegas, performance wise. :psyduck:



    Seasoned Bethesda game players soon learn not to believe a word that escapes Todd Howard's mouth.


    Heh sorry I must of have been suckered into this because I never really didnt payed much attetion to any interviews till skyrim was announced. I will take that as stamped and sealed :thumbsup:

  8. But didn't Tom Howard say that the patch was going to be more of free DLC then a actual patch because it was going to be so big of a update that they just consider it a DLC? Or Im I talking crazy talk?



    Anyways Sorry to hear ppl actually download the crap of a patch, I was looking very forward to the patch hoping it fix the serious issue's of the game. I'm very temped to download it my self because I want the 41000hz bit whatever sound fix and rand landscape shutters. I'll just stick the to original version for now and pray they get it running as smooth as they did with New Vegas, performance wise. :psyduck:

  9. Burn your trash!

    Wouldn't it be cool if you could drop those useless bounty's, letters, and books in the fire to be consumed by the flames? Or maybe you pick something up by mistake and dont want to run all the way to the shop to sell it just for a few coins, just drop in any fire near by and all your problems are solved.


    Armor sounds

    Could somebody please make a realistic sound mod for armors? I hate running around in HEAVY ARMOR and there is a deafening sound of unrealsticness.


    Show your weapons

    I believe this mod exist in New Vegas but I am to lazy to look for it. So the idea of this mod is you equip your weapons and even if your not using that current weapon it will not disappear when equipping say your sword from your bow but stay shown on your character. Maybe somebody can port it or maybe by chance the original modder is reading this if he/she could port it to Skyrim.


    Thats all I got for now but Im sure I will be posting more in the future.

  10. If this works the same way as in previous Beth games, and I don't have any reason to think it doesn't, the third person camera is a bone node in the body mesh file.


    What that means is that we'll not be able to change it until we make sure how to edit the game's 3D files.


    Thank you that's all I needed is one answer.

  11. (I've had 46 views and no answer and thought I just move this from the other spot it was in. I cant accept the fact nobody has a answer. On word to the topic.)


    Ok so I know about FOV 70, 90, etc. Is there anyway to Adjust 3rd person view? I want to move the character more to the left, kinda like a RE4/5 3rd person point of view. I love seeing my character it just if feels like the character taking the whole center of the screen up, especially when sneaking, and I just want to move it a bit to the left. There anyway to do this? Or do I have to wait for a modder to uploads a camera mod?

  12. Ok so I know about FOV 70, 90, etc. Is there anyway to Adjust 3rd person view? I want to move the character more to the left, kinda like a RE4/5 3rd person point of view. It feels that the 3rd person view in Skyrim is to centered and my character is taking up the whole view of everything. Is there a simple console command or is this a mod request?
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