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Everything posted by PhasedTM

  1. I like where you're going with this Flyingdebris - but I was also considering things like shoulder mounted missile/nuke launchers, Gauss cannons, and so on. Energy weapons could get "ammo" from the fusion core in the PA (maybe have a requirement for a secondary fusion core for these weapon types?) but others like the Gauss or missile launcher or nuke launcher would require ammo - maybe an attachable ammo drum or belt? One obvious advantage not mentioned is the ability to cause way more damage by firing multiple weapons at once... Love the idea for the hard point melee weapons too :smile: Edit: giggled at the thought of shoulder mounted Broadsiders...
  2. There are a couple bits of Kellogg left over after you kill him and are finished with Valentine. It would be nice to have a mod that allows your player character to have them installed surgically for boosts (say agility or strength for example)
  3. another thought - have a menu or power armor HUD element that allows you to toggle which weapons you want to fire at once (example if you have two shoulder mounted weapons and two arm mounted weapons, have the ability to fire only the shoulders, only the arms, or a combination of any - just an on/off toggle, nothing too fancy...)
  4. Tying it in to the targeting reticle somehow? I don't really know how it would work but would love to see it made :smile: Edit: maybe making it an invisible hand held weapon that puts the model on the power armor and only equipable while in power armor. Another thought would be to use the right mouse(or console equivalent) to activate it...like using a scope but not - activates mounted weapon targeting. 2nd Edit: hmm - since power armor already has customization slots - making one that adds the mounted weapon(s) so they always appear on the power armor set that was modified might be doable, and then when you get in the armor it auto equips the invisible weapon so you can fire it? Maybe add custom slots that give left shoulder/right shoulder (torso mods), left arm/right arm (arm mods), both shoulders, and/or both arms as options? Just kicking around ideas on how to make it functional...
  5. spray paint faction tags, and free form spray paint to customize your settlement (or anywhere) would be cool...
  6. Anyone else want a Gatling gun on a shoulder mount for power armor? Like War Machine. Or a laser turret like the Predator? Or arm mounted lasers or mini missile launchers? An idea for modders to play with when the creation kit comes out :)
  7. I really like the Glowing Circlets mod, and thought adding a glow to gems inset in jewelry once the item is enchanted would be cool.
  8. OK, so patch 1.4 was supposed to take care of the issues with the bookcases. This is not the case. Something is wrong with the scripting. Example: fill a bookcase with books in one of your houses (doesn't seem to matter what one). Leave and come back later, and try to use the bookcase - *POOF* - all or, oddly, most, of your books are gone! WTH? It is possible to retrieve all your books one at a time by using them and then taking them, but if you use the bookcase to take them all at once, you're more likely to lose all of them instead.
  9. Anyone who played Neverwinter Nights should recall the dye kits that allowed you to modify how your gear looked. Is this something that is doable in Sjyrim?
  10. Since you're thinking "powered" armor - why not use things like the dwemer levers and struts and the power cores as crafting materials too?
  11. Now that the Skyrim CK is out, I was wondering if someone would like to tackle a very unusual idea. For those expert modders out there: Create a Dwemer airship, and have it stashed in a cavern inside the Throat of the World with an accompanying epic quest to locate it and retrieve it, then be able to use it to travel around Skyrim and perhaps even hunt dragons from the air! Any takers?
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