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Everything posted by neovinci

  1. My mods are no longer available on NEXUSMODS site. Be Happy.

  2. Happy New Year. Now It's time to release new ES or FO, Bethesda.
  3. No more "502"!!!
    1. Flintlockecole


      Annoying isn't it. Hopefully they'll get it ironed out.
    2. neovinci


      I really didn't want to talk about it. but.... few days ago, when I've uploaded a new mod,

      "upload your image", 'click'.......................... "502"

      "upload your files", 'click'........................"502"

      O~ M~ G~ All things I've uploaded blown away.

      LOL and Crying......

  4. The Season of Icecreams Returns.
  5. I'll stay outside of NEXUS, for a while.
    1. Flintlockecole


      Come back and visit every so often. Many of us do like the company even though there are those who can ruin it as well. C'est la vie.
    2. neovinci


      I'll be back. :)
  6. Did you check Nexus wiki pages? there are many helpful tutos. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Category:Fallout_3 especially, http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1 http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_2 http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Making_a_non-replacing_mod_for_custom_models/model_replacing_mods
  7. Happy New Year~!
    1. Flintlockecole


      Happy New Years Neo. May the New Year shower you with creative ideas.
    2. neovinci


      Happy New Year Flint. :)
  8. Why so serious?
    1. Flintlockecole


      Can't be too serious about stuff, ends up aging you.
    2. neovinci


      I just want to say this line to people, seriously arguing about mod stuffs.

      It is a game. not a philosophy nor religion.

      No needs to arguing about others tastes.

    3. Flintlockecole


      My thoughts exactly. What my neighbors do in their home is none of my business.
  9. Profile and Friends list updated!!
    1. neovinci


      There was(is) lot of friend requests..... I didn't know. Sorry and I hope you understand it.
    2. Lazysheepherd


      My friend, you are a really talented artist! That's quite normal I think =)

      Honestly I do not have any of your mod's or haven't tried any of them before since they are different to my taste maybe we can say, But always looked with detail and appreciated your awesome art!

      Keep it up! =)

      Ah, and even there's some like 8 friend requests were on my profile recently. o.O And I do not do anything =P

  10. M'aiq the liar said " Go bother somebody else"
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lazysheepherd



      Good to hear that =)

    3. Deleted54170User


      He told you that?! Wow! Most days when I saw him, he always runs away when I am about to approach him. Chalk up another line for him. :- )
    4. neovinci


      Well.....may be your M'aiq is Oblivion's.

      M'aiq in Oblivion always runs away as you said, but he(?) in Skyrim say so when player ask too much. LOL

  11. What happened to Skyrim NEXUS?
    1. Lazysheepherd
    2. neovinci


      It was hard to access yesterday, almost 1 or 2 hours. now fine. :)
  12. Sleepy Spring Days.
  13. It's time to learn more!! Uraaaah~~
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neovinci


      You are right.
    3. Flintlockecole


      Unless your like me and have to know everything, even if it does throw off the illusion of "life"
    4. neovinci


      Don't worry. I'll do my best. :)

      Thanks as always.

  14. Server connection Delaying.... I really don't like this.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neovinci


      well, If I do that, I'll be banned from NEXUS. LOL


    3. Flintlockecole


      Or gain some new found respect showing who's boss. Hitting things with sticks is generally a bad idea now that I think of it.
    4. neovinci


      ??? Who's the who? (I'm Dumb~~) LOL
  15. Female? Male? What gender you prefer for play?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      http://www.realarmorofgod.com/images/med-armor2.png The lower half is his except I drew a tunic upon it. Also that suit of mail and plate was tarnished to hell, "It's glory long faded".
    3. Flintlockecole


      Also I am humbled by that plan.
    4. neovinci


      MMM? you gave a good motive to me.
  16. Hi Netwit, long time no see. :)

    Yeah, I decided to show my face on public.

    I thought there is anything wrong I did as a Modder and a Member of NEXUS.

    Also there is no reason I had to stay behind the Veil.

    But, I'm just a ordinary guy who wanna be a good man. :)

  17. Dive or Float up into the Sky
    1. Flintlockecole
    2. neovinci


      Flogging Molly is good. :)
    3. neovinci


      one of my favorite musicians

  18. Refresh
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Cool then. Happy to hear that! =)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Good to hear your doing better.
    4. neovinci


      Thank you Flintlockecole.

      Thank you Sheepherd.

  19. May your Soul rest in Peace.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. neovinci


      Thank you, Flintlockecole.
    3. Lazysheepherd


      May she sleep in peace and god give you patience on this borther.
    4. neovinci


      Thank you Sheepherd.
  20. Nothing is more important than health
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neovinci


      No, not my problem. Don't worry.

      My mother had partial heart attack few days ago. She stay in a hospital but getting her health on track.

      So I realized it again.

    3. neovinci


      Thank you bro.
    4. Lazysheepherd


      Ok. Good. She may get well soon bro.
  21. Step by Step
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neovinci


      Errr.......Finding some cause and Try to Adapt myself to Skyrim Modding system.

      Some people... especially in my local community asked me to convert my mods to UNP.

      I did, but some unexpected result(shapes ugly destorted) happened. So I'm searching for cause of it.

      I need new blender script for Skyrim Nif files. :(

    3. Lazysheepherd


      Looks bad. But Skyrim is more popular than Oblivion. So they'll make such scripts and exporter/importers in a short time I believe. Maybe even already done.
    4. neovinci


      At last it will done. Question is when.

      Luckily I started with CBBE and it's fine to make so far.

      seems male body parts too. :)

  22. Hi, Sheepherd.

    I'm fine. with my job and everyday life. :)

    (also MOD making XD)

    Thank you.

  23. Thank you Myrmaad. :)

    But seems I have to slay dragons for a while. LOL

  24. Happy New year, Myrmaad. it seems late but in my country use lunar calendar for traditional holidays.

    You know? this 2012 is year of the Dragon in far eastern Countries.

  25. Armours? Robes? What's first?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neovinci


      Currently I have two plans. First is leveled robes set, and the other is substitution of Dragon Armours.

      I have a question. what gender you play for your mage chars?

    3. Lazysheepherd


      Male for my every char.
    4. neovinci


      O.K. Then I'll make Robes and Armoured Robes first.

      In my cases, even though it was not on purpose, all my warriors were male, mages were female. :)

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