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Posts posted by Helmsmasher

  1. 1.The reason you don't place it in program files is the writing restrictions that windows places on that directory. A lot of mods (particularly animation mods and some scripts) fail to load properly, it is better to just get it out of the way and place it in a different folder.


    2.You should definitely consider using mod organizer 2 to install and manage your mods, it's considered the best modding tool by most experienced modders.


    3.You will want to use SKSE64 added to mod organizer 2 to launch your game, a lot of mods require skse to launch at all.


    4.mod organizer 2 will tell you of any issues with your mods, like requiring updates etc


    5. can you share me the link of where you found the download for ethereal elves? It is not available anymore on special edition nexus, that way I can take a look at the files for you and spot any issues.

  2. Couple things:

    1:Ethereal elven overhaul is closed for a reason, it is very old and there are better options out there now. You probably downloaded the LE version which doesn't work properly with SE.

    2: you should not install skyrim in your program files folder, install it elsewhere.

    3: are you launching the game through vortex or are you using the regular game launcher?

  3. I have had problems with Serana since day one on my old LE game and now my SE game. I think it's the way her character profile is written into the game and her script arrangement. If it's out of context of the function she was created for, she just isn't going to co-operate. I've tried follower control mods, spells, marriage mods, and upgraded dialogs, and I discovered one very basic thing: If, in frustration, you shout her over a cliff more than once, she will just friggin' ignore you altogether. Even if you get one of these things to work, it won't last long. I gave up on her long ago and left her with her mother in her lab. :verymad:


    tldr you suck at modding and unleash your frustration on an imaginary woman that won't marry you.

  4. Most likely a specific item or set of items that are causing it, got any mods ported over from LE? You can try to find it with process of elimination, disable .esp in groups of 10-20 until it no longer crashes, then when it no longer crashes reenable the last disabled group of mods one by one until it crashes again, the last mod enabled is the culprit.

  5. i have the same problem, did you solve it?


    It's not a problem, npc's have a thing called "standard outfit" and "sleep outfit" every day a script runs that checks what the npc wants to wear. If you want to alter their attire without specifically creating a .esp file in the creation kit for it you can use this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89536


    I've always used LAL since day one, but with a smaller loadorder than you have and never had a major issue with it.



    Of course I also use LOOT, Wrye Bash, and TESxEdit, just to make my modded Skyrim (SLE, SSE) stable.


    OK...lemme say it again without offending you and getting your panties in a twist about the all-hallowed LAL (which this isn't about)


    I had around 280 mods installed when I last started a new game. Everything went just fine.



    But you didn't use lal, which is what he was refering to. Seems like you're the one with their panties in a twist over nothing...

  7. Racemenu presets don't actually use the other peoples files, it's all just racemenu. You are free to upload any preset without asking permission to the authors of the mods you used to make said preset. Just provide proper links to the mods you used to achieve the preset.

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