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Everything posted by awesomeal360

  1. Thanks for the links. I'll be able to play round with this a bit.
  2. I'm upgrading my PC's processor and GPU and I currently have an I3-4150 with a GTX 750 ti and am going to go with an I7-4790 and a GTX 960 and I'm wanting to know which should I upgrade first to get biggest boost to performance? Currently I can play Skyrim SE anywhere from 45-60 FPS on Beth INI Medium setting with Tree distance maxed out and detail quality on high and Shadows on lowest resolution. Since I'm on a budget I can only get one component now and will need to get the other one ...eventually so trying to get the biggest bang for my buck.
  3. Aside from having that warning show up, it's not affecting my game from what I can tell. Is saving the mods in CK necessary if you can live with the warning?
  4. Will using BethINI mess this up? I'm having this issue and I was able to find the saves from my profile and threw them in the main game save folder, but was wondering if that tool will mess with the INI files and do that?
  5. I typically will pick one house to live at but may purchase others just cause, but I like to start my game session at my house and end there also. I might be weird but I like ending the game with my character being somewhere safe. If I can't make it to my house, I'll stay at an inn.
  6. I'm working on a similar function to cast a spell when shield bashing and having issues making a script. Apply bashing spell with perk entry only seems to work with weapons on not shields. For shields, you need to have a custom script such as Auriel's Shield. Now I can just use the scripted magic effect (DLC1AbFXReflectingShield) as is and just add it to an enchantment and it works just like Auriel's shield so does release the spell when charged with blocks. But what I want is to do is modify the script so I can pick any spell and not have all the other charging jazz going on. Here is what I have from dissecting the script. I'm not good with scripting at all so any help will be appreciated : Scriptname SpellBash extends ActiveMagicEffect {Script for casting spells on shield bash action.} Actor selfRefSpell Property ChargeSpell1 Auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) selfRef = casterif (selfref == Game.GetPlayer())registerForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashRelease")elseregisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashExit")registerForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashStop")endif ENDEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) unregisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashRelease")unregisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashExit")unregisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "bashStop")ENDEVENT Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string EventName) if (selfref == Game.GetPlayer())if (eventName == "bashRelease");debug.Trace("I'm catching the bashRelease anim event")BlastIMod.Apply(0.3)ChargeSpell1.cast(selfRef)endifelseif (eventName == "bashExit") || (eventName == "bashStop");debug.Trace("I'm catching the bashRelease anim event") endif endEVENT
  7. Thanks for this. I know this is an old topic, but is there a way to add multiple spells to a weapon in Properties?
  8. You're right, but you missed my point. Bernie Sanders should have won the Democratic primary and if he did he would have beat Trump in the general election. Clinton should have been indicted for mishandling classified information, but Comey said she didn't do anything wrong.
  9. The director of the FBI, Jame Comey is the main reason Trump won. Not because of the announcement of he made a week before the general election ended about there being more emails to uncover, but because he purposely protected Clinton, so she'd win the primary. And he didn't do it as a favor to her either, he did it because he's a well known conservative and he knew Bernie would have beaten Trump hands down. He wanted his side to win, so he manipulated the election by letting her get away with putting our countries national security at risk. Other people have been charged under the espionage act for less and are rotting in prison. Seriously she said "the server was secure because the Secret Service were guarding the house." How negligent was that? I'm not happy Trump won, but Hillary isn't any better, so I just voted my conscience. But in the end it doesn't matter. The people funding the DNC are the same people funding the RNC. The only thing I'm afraid of is this white nationalist mentality from the Alt Right and other groups trying to say that Trumps victory legitimizes their position to normalize discrimination against minorities. I just hope that all Americans can stand together and say enough is enough and take the country back from the big money interests that Truman warned the people about in the 50's because they are stronger when we are let our difference segregate us.
  10. I started smoking when I was 14, because it helped me fit in. I was able to quit when I was 33 because I started vaping, but only did that for less than a year and now I don't do either. I don't know whether or not vaping is good for you or not since there haven't been a ton of studies on it as of yet, but I do know smoking is bad for your health, especially the older you get, so if it helps folks stop smoking I approve of it, but like anything in life moderation is important.
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