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Everything posted by Riddleofsteel

  1. And this is the only weapon that does this so far. I have Project Nevada, EVE, Shrapnel and WME installed as well as Arenovalis' WRP and the relevant patches. All the compatibility patches are in there and current as of 7/14/2011 and sorted by BOSS. When the gun is in my hand the texture is all discombobulated but when I drop it on the ground it looks awesome since I am using Arenovalis' retexture. Does anyone know what might fix this? Thank you.
  2. I'm looking for a mod or mods that improve enemy and possibly companion AI that will work with the newest patch. Thank you.
  3. Oh, you're right. I didn't notice that the armor on Veronica was the same that you were wearing.
  4. Two questions, what armor is Veronica wearing and where did you get that mask? Also, what shotgun is that? Okay, three questions. EDIT: I figured out the shotgun part.
  5. So do you just drop those 4 small esp files into the data directory after Project Nevada? Thank you.
  6. @stealthtank, thank you for those 4 links. Do you use anything like Project Nevada with them?
  7. I'm getting some mods together to jump back into New Vegas, but I am not totally sure they'll work together. I was going to use: Project Nevada WME EVE Shrapnel AWOP At the very least, for major mods. Will those play nice together? And is there anything else that I can add to that combination? Thank you.
  8. I got the GOTY edition and am trying to jump back in to finish everything in FO3. Is the unofficial patch still good to install? It's been a LONG time since I did any vanilla FO3 research. Thank you.
  9. I was hoping the Ojo Bueno vegetation mod would fix a little problem I have. In Goodsprings, the little farm plots behind houses are full of red exclamation points. One of the plants I noticed was the Nevada Agave. The other ones just go by the name 0010aec8 and things like that. Anyone know what I might have done wrong? I have tried the Ojo Bueno mod and I also have Dead Money installed. Invalidation has been toggled on and off several times. Thank you.
  10. When was the last time the Alistair Dialog Patch was updated? I haven't used it in a long time and just re-installed DA:O to finish it hopefully.
  11. Okay, sorry I asked. I'll try to be more self-sufficient from now on.
  12. I have tried it, a few times. I never had anything go "wrong", per se, but I know little enough about the game to be able to tell how things should actually be. At least as far as bug fixes. I asked if anyone else knew just to settle the issue for myself. I didn't mean to irritate you, I just don't know enough about the effects of the fix pack to decide whether or not I like it.
  13. Does Qwinn's fix pack for 1.03 really really work for 1.04? I've asked this before, and I keep hearing conflicting reports.
  14. Well, neither sterlingx2011's or ZaAI's method have worked for me. Anything else I can try? I am using the AII-FNV! version of Archiveinvalidationinvalidated! (it's on the nexus site) and I can't get the game to start with it enabled. EDIT: I think I got it going, but my character's head is purple. Only the head. I am using Ling's coiffure mod for NV. Archiveinvalidationinvalidated is active, though.
  15. This is inexcusable. I had automatic updates turned off since release and then two days ago I turned it back on and forgot to de-activate it, now my game is hosed when I try to run it. Why would you patch a game with a huge mod following (which ultimately makes the games worth playing) in a way that kills the mods? I've just about had it with these guys.
  16. I was peeking through the Prima guide earlier and one of the characters (archetypes) seems like a neat and unusual build, at least for me. I never go hand-to-hand, especially in Fallout. This build, though, has a charisma and intelligence of 2 or so. I understand that there's some good stuff you can unlock via dialog, so is the unarmed build a bad idea? Is it purely from an RP perspective and not really built for (semi) power-gaming? Thanks for any help. Even in my game with a character with balanced stats I always feel like the skills I need at the present are too low. That could be good for a challenge but it feels a little frustrating.
  17. Hmm, maybe turn off the steam sync feature or say no to automatic updates? If there's no real way around this that would hinder modding I'd imagine.
  18. I'm not liking the super dull eyes in New Vegas so far, at least on my characters. Is there any way to use an existing Fallout 3 mod to fix this, or do I need ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated to be updated first? Thanks.
  19. One thing I noticed while playing last night is that while going through Alistair's early dialog tree as I was in Lothering, my character had a response that was something to this effect: "That's what they say about Anders." Isn't Anders from Awakening? What have I messed up?
  20. Sorry to drag this up, but can anyone say they've had trouble caused by having Qwinn's 1.03 fix pack installed at the same time as numerous dialog tweak mods? Thanks.
  21. No problem. Again, I'm not sure what will go "wrong" if you use both. If Qwinn made a manual version of his fix pack I'm sure it could be make compatible.
  22. The author of Combined Romance Scenes states that their mod would conflict with Qwinn's pack. I'm not sure what the symptoms would be, but that's what I know so far.
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