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  1. Good, it's fixed and improved a bit too. Appreciated. *Reads comments and part of article* Oh, look, typical "Let's bash anyone with a different opinion." comments. If only the same level of maturity we show was shown back. If the comments are directed towards complete idiots, fine, I don't want them here either; on my side or not. But if otherwise, I don't appreciate the hostility and arrogance, especially being given sexual "advice" and being questioned on our sexuality. That's been forever though, every single time this comes up, that is brought up. Wonderful. Yes, it was frustrating seeing the system break, why wouldn't it be? We don't all want that shoved in our faces, especially when others are in the room. Sorry I don't live alone currently or something I guess, right? I was frustrated, and I did bring it up in chat and luckily some nice users helped me there, and didn't make me feel ostracized over it either. Point is, maybe some people were stupid about it, but complaining about it isn't immediately a problem, which is what I feel some think around here. I'm not trying to anger anyone, flamebait, troll, or whatever else. Just being serious and stating the facts on it from my position. I swear, this will be an issue here forever -only- because some people, of both sides, can't be mature about it and not make snide remarks constantly and just respect the opinions of others who declare it respectfully, and only get on the backs of the idiots.
  2. I don't think it's a rip off, if you want the game and DLC, it's cheaper than going separate. (Except for sales maybe.) If they added anything exclusive to it, it'd be a rip off considering how many people already have the game and some or all 3 DLC and would need to buy Legendary Edition just for that. (Plus, how would that work on PC with Steam?) If anything, it's a bargain to the customers. The game could have done with more fixes to begin with, but yeah.
  3. And I though all mods were just for fun - why else use mods at all if not to make your game more fun? :P Different players have different ideas of what is (and is not) fun. If a mod is not fun for you, then just don't use it - that doesn't mean it's not fun for someone else. Use whatever mods YOU want. Ignore (or ridicule) the lore mongering trolls. They are not playing your game, and you are not playing theirs. That's the way it's supposed to work. :thumbsup: For the rabid lore mongers - how does your 'lore' justify Beth changing the sex of Shadowmere from one game to another? Especially since the loremongers made such a big deal out of the "LORE" saying Shadowmere is a mare when an Oblivion modder wanted to make her/him a stallion? :whistling: How do I justify it? I don't - It's just not worth obsessing about. It's irrelevant, immaterial and probably doesn't even matter. :cool: Bethesda changing the sex of Shadowmere or doing anything like that is perfectly acceptable to me. Strange if said changes are not explained, but still, they're the ones in charge of the lore. If you're a person who enjoys reading and your favorite author changes something, major or minor in detail alike, in a sequel to their book, is it wrong? I don't feel so, although considering some people think Bethesda doing anything is wrong, I'm sure some feel it's wrong for the author to change their creation in general. But ultimately, as the end consumer, it's up to you to decide which you believe and your choice is valid either way, but it's just not up to a third party, especially one so loosely involved with the development of the game, or whatever we're talking about, to decide on lore, for my tastes, I'm saying. I mean, yeah, they're allowed to believe either way, or make up their own lore even, but just for me personally, I want to go with the lore set up by Bethesda. But like I already said, even if you don't like it, just don't complain about it. Obviously, a mod which makes an outright lore change like changing Shadowmere's sex, you aren't going to suggest a change. That's the mod's main purpose, if it were a mod which adds something to else to Shadowmere but changes the sex, I don't see a problem with suggesting a lore friendly change. It's just a matter of being smart and nice, and that goes both ways. Legitimate users don't need to be "ridiculed" because an author just dismisses them instantly as a troll, like the 25 other jerks who actually were, instead of hearing them out, and we all just side with the mod author on it instantly. Both sides have valid users. But yeah, I agree modding should be for fun however you want it, which is exactly why I'm saying user suggestions etc aren't a bad thing. It's the whiners and complainers that are, and they ruin it for mod users as much as mod authors really. And by fun with silly mods, I meant fun as in funny, not serious, etc. Other mods can be fun, as in enjoyable, but still serious. Suppose I should've clarified that, but it all meshes together I guess really. Anyway.
  4. I used to go for immersion, but all I really want now are mods that feel like an extension to the main game. That requires them to be lore friendly, but also share similar design styles to the original. Also, even if they break lore, I don't mind mods that restore beta content, because to me, said content would have been the lore if not cut and if beta content is left in a game, it's mostly from late in development and was cut more for time reasons than story changes, so it's almost what the lore should have been, in my opinion. But maybe it's mostly because I'm a beta nut of any game, plus you can't emulate design better than restoring cut content made by none other than the developers. But yeah, that's ideal, as long as a mod doesn't break lore, I'm more lenient on design choices and if the mod is plain well done, I'll probably check it out if not use it regularly.
  5. If it's a serious mod, set in Skyrim or the TES universe, I think it's entirely valid and acceptable to offer suggestions on how to make it lore friendly or ask for a lore friendly change. In a nice way. Maybe the author even wants to be lore friendly, just missed one detail, and someone's suggestion fixed that one lore issue. There's so much lore, it's super easy to miss something. But if the author is being hassled over it, flamed, so on and so forth, no, those people need to shut up and probably be banned. There's no reason to be demanding the author change something for you. It is to note though, that hassled doesn't mean multiple people asking nicely and the author is annoyed. Yeah, I totally understand how it's annoying getting requests for something over and over, (even though I don't have mods up on Nexus for Skyrim, my biggest annoyance is seeing people ask for everything in a different color, like clothing/armor etc.) but if they're asking nicely, they're not intending to hassle you over it. Don't take it out on them and be a complete jerk over it. However, if people are still asking blindly for something, despite a huge notice you have on the main mod page, then that's ridiculous. If they at least acknowledge that you have that notice, and say something like, "I like the mod, blahblahblah, kinda hope you reconsider doing (whatever thing people want that you don't want to do) sometime, but still enjoy the mod, good work." That's a nice way to say it, and I don't think that should be taken offensively, despite your notice. Lastly, if the mod is aiming to be silly, I don't even know why anyone is upset over lore. Seriously, lore is totally unappicable to silly mods. Silly mods are just for fun, and one way to actually make it funny/silly may be to break lore intentionally. Nothing wrong with that. People shouldn't even be asking, at all, for something that fits lore on a silly mod/just for fun mod/mod that intentionally breaks lore. On a side note, I respect both sides of this, but what is up with the scenario when multiple people do ask very politely to change something, or they simply suggest it, still say good work on your mod, etc, (I know, this is rare to not just see flames, but the point is.) and it's a simple name change in the CK, and the author gets all whiney and won't do it? I mean lore wise, and I'm not meaning huge changes like editing an entire cave system or 20 NPC's, so on. To me, if the change is that simple, especially if said mod is now complete, why not just make an optional version for people? I think it just makes everyone happy, the people who like the lore and will be using your lore friendly version, and you as the author as well, since you no longer are annoyed at having people asking you for the minor change. I don't mean offense, but it's just something to think about that I personally don't find that big a deal.
  6. I agree the QTE's are a hassle the first time, but in my experience, 108 hours, all but one have stayed the same. Maybe I just confused it even, because it changed from A to X, then has been A ever since. (Yes, I play on controller. Shoot me.) Not one you die immediately on either, it gave you a bit of time. I hated RE5, for multiple reasons. RE6 on the other hand, I actually enjoyed and still am. Even Chris's campaign to an extent, which is extremely surprising for me. My complaints: 1. Prelude. Ok, how many action commands are there here? Seriously, and it moves so slowly. The actual campaign section this reflects is totally different and much more enjoyable. The prelude left a bad taste in people's mouths from what I can tell, but the rest of the game isn't like that. I would say try the rest to anyone who only played that, but if you rage quit that hard over what, 15 minutes of it? I doubt you'd like the rest anyway from the previous rage of the prelude. "One thing sucks, entire thing sucks." 2. The Prelude could have served as a tutorial for the broad array of controls. Yeah, there are manuals. Maybe I should have read it, either way, doesn't change that it's easier in game to learn them. The game throws you into it and... there you go. 3. The cover system. If I had a dime for everytime I was shoved against a wall in a tight corridor while trying to shoot something... Let's leave it at that, and say a button needs dedicated to it. In every applicable game. Ever. 4. PC networking issues. The game is dead as could be online. Trying to find someone for basic Mercenaries or Mercenaries No Mercy is insane, but DLC modes? Pft, forget it. Secondly, I've been screwed over on two Residentevil.net events because it decided not to upload anything. Yeah, most people don't even play those, whatever. Point still is. What I like: 1. I like the gameplay. It's not survival horror, but I felt it was a pretty good game, has replayability too. I really don't get the massively low reviews for it, or the QTE complaints. There really aren't that many, what, are people considering the swimming, sliding, etc QTE's? Quick, Time, Event. The parachute falling from the helicopter, that's QTE. And I definitely found it frustrating first time, but like I said, they stay the same at least. Sure, you might die if you don't slide somewhere, but it's usually not super strict and it's really the same as if you don't jump in the right place while playing a platformer. I suppose Super Mario World is just riddled with QTE's lol 2. Multiplayer, when it works, is really fun. Also when no one is cheating, but other than a game exploit with quick shot that should be fixed, this is a bigger problem than RE6. 3. Split screen local MP. Say what you will, but so many games have this stripped out. Just leave it in! There is no legitimate reason behind removing it from PC games that support controllers. (And every game that is released on consoles as well, should support controllers. Once again, NO reason to remove it.) 4. The port itself and way it was released. Technically, I've not had any problems, never a single crash etc. It's still not perfect for everyone, (nor is any PC game ever release except Plants Vs Zombies or something. It probably has issues somewhere too even.) but has had follow up support much better than most games. Other than networking, I've not had issues. We as PC gamers got it all and more. Even if you feel the game flat out sucks, which is fine, fact is, permanent exclusivity is horrid and every fan deserves the same if not PC getting more. May sound selfish, and in some ways I wish we didn't get more either and it were fully equal, but PC games will be here forever pratically, unlike console versions where extras released exclusively there will never see the light of day again. As well, no GFWL or other DRM garbage. Ideally, no DRM ever, but Steam is the way to go everytime if DRM is being considered. So yeah, completly fix the networking and technical issues some people are having with the game in general, and I think it's really not that bad. It's not survival horror, but it's still good for what it is in my opinion.
  7. I never got to play this, although I did play Age of Mythology which was really fun, so it's cool this is coming to Steam but I'm even more excited for the fact that it's been improved and fixed up for modern systems and resolutions, and will have rebuilt online support using Steam, PLUS it has Workshop integration! (Which I know some people will throw a fit over, I personally have no problem with it, but with that said I do hope it allows for content outside of Workshop, to please everyone. Probably will.) This is also another nail in GFWL's coffin. Needless to say, I'm quite happy with that. It's doing well so far, being #3 on the top sellers last I checked. Maybe if we're very lucky, these day one pre-orders of it, and hopefully continued sales, will be a push for Microsoft to give the same treatment to other old titles, or release games previously not on PC/Steam, (I'm looking at you Halo trilogy and your super old Steam registry entries, and Midtown Madness 3) That depends on a lot of different things though, but who knows, either way I'm definitely going to buy this soon.
  8. I'll get into actual NV stuff brought over soon, but first... Considering F4 is going to be next gen, well, at worst next gen and current gen, I hope we get a 64-bit exe and DX11, but the latter should be for sure I would think. (Then again, who knows lol) And of course a very stable engine in general. Outside that, no console exclusives unless necessary, like having a KB/M UI for PC, (but keep controller too if controllers are used) etc Just no special DLC and hopefully no 30 day exclusives, but those aren't that bad at least. In game, well, I think the perfect game would be Bethesda's world building with Obsidian's writing. I did prefer F3's story in that it's a heroic type of story, but I feel there should be an actual ending for completely evil characters as well as any flavor inbetween, which is something I thought Obsidian did pretty well in NV. Other than that, nothing in particular other than hardcore mode. Absolutely, hardcore mode was my favorite change from F3. Yeah, it can be modded in but if it's actually part of the engine, even better.
  9. They should work fine on Windows 7 from what I've read, and Vista really isn't very different, which is what I'm on, although, while I truly don't think it's needed I will warn you, some people seem to have major issues with Fallout 1 in particular. But here's my take on it; I bought the collection, downloaded and installed Fallout 1, ran it and it ran totallly fine other than the "rainbow color" glitch, which is basically just a universal bug on any modern system, without the unofficial patch. Next, I downloaded the unofficial Fixt patch, installed it (has it's own automated EXE too, very simple), I did NOT backup the game like it recommends (besides, Steam will redownload stuff if needed by using the Verify Integrity tool and the game is only 600MB in total), booted the game back up and since then it has been perfectly bug free. I have a good bit of the game to play yet, but with the current version of Fixt, I haven't seen anyone complaining they had script issues in quests and things of that nature, and I've had no technical issues like CTD's etc. So yeah, F1 won't run correctly from the beginning, but it's very simple to patch, with great results in my case, oh, and they're native Windows applications, no DosBox needed (thank goodness). Fixt does a ton of stuff outside fixing the bugs too, like correcting in-game issues like dialogue mistakes etc, and also removing the censorship of the UK version, which from what I have read is what you'll get from Steam (or GOG too) no matter your location. Mainly, the removal of the censorship reintroduces children into the game. It also allows you to play at modern resolutions, and that's not just stretching the screen. You'll actually have more visible area. It also restores some cut content I believe, so you really end up with everything the game should be and more. Oh, and the game is really fun as well haha, but it's definitely really different from F3 and NV, you might check out some random Youtube let's plays to make sure you'd be into it. So far, I can recommend F1 at least, still too bad it hasn't been rewritten to work flawlessly out of the box on modern systems, but I've seen worse. If you do decide to get it or the collection, or for anyone else who does, here is a link to download Fixt: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57362 And here is the Fallout 2 Restoration Patch, pretty much all you need for F2 just like Fixt for F1: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54328 Edit: So I go to fix something, and my post totally breaks. Yay, time to fix haha
  10. Hahaha, that's awesome. As for DB being the end, I don't know. It kind of feels like it's time for DLC to be done, plus DB seems to bring the main storyline full circle, (not played it, just basing this off the basic description) but at the same time, there is the Redguard trademark and as for future Bethesda plans, by now it only makes sense F4 will most likely be next gen, so that leaves some more room for Skyrim DLC. Who knows, I'd like to see something else, especially if it involves being against the Thalmor in some way.
  11. XBox or PS3 ? Actually, PC supports the Xbox 360 gamepad with the same layout as the Xbox version. To OP: As a 360 controller user myself, I've not encountered this issue. I very rarely use shields, but I consoled one in and tested to make sure and I definitely move just fine. Slowly of course, but that's normal without the Block Runner perk. Does this happen if you play on keyboard and mouse as well? (And don't you just love those "resolution" posts that are of no help at all to anyone else with the issue? lol)
  12. Well, sweet, I did not expect DG as well, let alone HF. That's seriously awesome! Thanks for the link.
  13. I'm thinking they may have fixed the originals as well, but they're also very different sizes when compared to the originals 1.87GB for Pack 1 V1 ---vs--- 1.52GB for Pack 1 V2 1.17GB for Pack 2 V1 ---vs--- 1.74GB for Pack 2 V2 TOTAL: 3.05GB for V1 ---vs--- 3.27GB for V2 Quite an increase, but I'm keeping the originals backed up just in case they missed something in these new fixed(?) packs. You never know, since there were those few mistakes in the original. Probably less likely, but if DG got an update too that'd be cool. EDIT: It is DG too, and HF! Along with DB of course, here: Link
  14. I just seen it too (and flipped out because I figured Steam was screwing up at first and just draining my internet speed for nothing, it's happened before lol) and Googled it a bit then checked my downloading folder for Steam and found out it's an update for the Bethesda high res pack. I posted about it in the thread about low res DB textures, since I assume these must be high res textures for it.
  15. Well, Steam is currently downloading a new "pack 3" of the official Bethesda high res textures, and updating the previous ones I guess? They're in my downloading folder as well, but who knows with Steam. One can assume this must be for DB. Of course, I know some people hate Bethesda's high res textures, so whatever boats your float, wait for unofficial textures that look different or get higher res now that fits the feel of the game. Personally, I'm glad, despite not having DB. Edit: It's 1.5GB by the way.
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