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Everything posted by alividlife

  1. Awesome! Just hopefully links will work. Kinda interested how TES:V Skyrim is going to change the dynamics of TESnexus. Seems like an outright good move. Thanks for hosting this beautiful mess that is now my load order. :)
  2. can I comment on myself like a douche?
  3. Hi grmblf I commented and endorsed your file over at tesnexus amazing stuff no doubt about it.. working out your calculations is important but I really do feel you should implement a quest structure? Robok mentioned the arcane university, and I agree... Seemed kinda empty but beautiful, it could use more quest related things. Soo, I mean.. I may be able to voice act for you if you need to make a character .. but I dunno.. that's all up to you, I have a decent home recording studio with all the mics pre-amps and stuff, but! I SUCK AT MODDING! lol :whistling: But I can make CLEAN sounds pretty easily. I would do it, if you write out what you want it to say and have an idea or are even into the idea... Regardless... I know you have your thoughts on how this should be implemented and I will agree with you nonetheless, but it would be cool to have a character in the arcane university that hands a character a book, with all the different types of "Charging Diamonds/orbs/whatever" but then have it very loose.. Like the Health Charging spells could be found right after Kvatch.. in Kvatch.. or something? or even right out-side the sewer in a vanilla new game? Some could be under waterfalls in the Chorrol Highlands? .. something very immersive, that allows people to play the game, but also enjoy the adventure of finding them? Make it a battle to get those level 100 charge summons.. Just pick the harder of the Ayeleid structures out in the wastes of Cyrodil (Sancre Tancre for example).. Dungeons of Vampires for some absorbs.. or whatever...? Just thoughts. I mean, even on the other hand, I am enjoying having all the spells at once... Read my post on texnexus i guess as far as bugs I have had only 2 occasions of casting, and then entering certain cells, then saving, then finding the save data was corrupt, but since I play FCOM-- F5 is keyed after every kill lol-- I would never claim it was your mod or any other of the 150 mods I am using (and I do love OBSE mods the best) FCOM really does tear up your game and spit it back out at you. Regardless, Chargeable spells is the bomb. :whistling: keep up the good work! :thanks:
  4. hello there Umm.. I just came back to oblivion after playing Fallout 3 for a bit, and I love the immersion of script based hotkeys in Fallout. for example (A) will TAKE ALL (E) will EXIT SCREEN (ESC) will ESCAPE BARTER MENU or whatever.. ® will REPAIR (in the armor menu) anyways... I distinctly remember seeing a mod that added this to Oblivion via OBSE (those guys rule btw) errr.. it was at least for bartering ( ? ring any bells ?)...... A modification for oblivion that adds simple hotkeys for menus????.... or was it clicking...???? I saw MMMspd's (?) spacebar exit menu mod... but that wasn't it anyone know what I am asking about? thank you in advance.
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