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Status Updates posted by maYuYang

  1. woo, long time no comments here

    # cleans away the dust and cobwebs

  2. Hi there Seph,

    Too bad your Mailbox is full... Cannot write you any pm. If you could answer me soon, I'd be very grateful^^

  3. The Paper Degg is interesting, but I have so many already. Thanks anyway^^
  4. ...Well, at least for now. As you know, I'm also creating animations.
  5. Thankies^^. Won't be that gameplay changing though unless you're using a custom attack replacer...
  6. If everything's working well, this weekend on Saturday or Sunday
  7. My Project is called MAO - Mayu's Race Idles(working title)
  8. ok, but tired. Will work on my mod project for Oblivion now
  9. Added you to my Friends^^. Also, you're now not lacking any comments, yay^^
  10. Hi again Kataura.

    Say, do you also like the Silent Hill Soundtrack?

  11. Learning atm, I'm quite tired.

    Would like to play Oblivion this weekend, but cannot due to working on my project and learning

  12. So, how are you today?
  13. Hi there Kataura.

    A girl with so many interests which equal mine has to be my friend^^.

  14. Oh, I do^^. How about you?
  15. Hmmm, well, yes I feel much better^^. I the small spare time I have, I'm working on a new mod for Fallout 3.
  16. Oh yeah, indeed a long time. I had some issues I had to take care of lately. I'm glad that I'm proceeding(positively!) in my troublesome life-story^^
  17. I'm using the spare time I have atm to update the Fallout 3 Topic in the Forums. I think I need Holidays...
  18. Hi dezi,

    I had several things I had to take care of lately... Sometimes.. Ah, never mind

  19. sorry, by accident I deleted your post... -_-
  20. Indeed long time no read... So much on my mind right now...
  21. yeah, he really seems to enjoy it... How disappointing
  22. lol, I can understand you... Today(saturday), I slept all day long. Soulcalibur 4, wow. Isn't that on ps3? I'm so bad in fighting games... I rather trust my flamethrower in tf2^^
  23. Sorry Dez, long time no comment, had to fix my computer....
  24. Oh my gosh, Necro, you look so different on your picture!!! I never even imagined!!
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