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Status Updates posted by maYuYang

  1. Wonderful, assistent.. Yes. Whips.. Yes. Clean volunteer.. Yes. Looks like we could get started^^.
  2. Nah, that one makes everyone I whip saying "Yoshua~!"... Hmmm, how about...
  3. Oh my, what a mess! You definitely need to take a shower... So which tool should I use 1st?
  4. hmm, I'll vote for Igor if you don't know anyone else
  5. No wait, we need an assistent!
  6. Great, a new victi... I mean a new volunteer! Very well, let us start then^^

  7. Ah, very well.

    Please sign here, here and here.

  8. ROFL!!!^^ Haa ha ha

    No, seriously we should spank someone really, but who deserved it?

  9. What the... Why does everyone want to spank me all of a sudden?!? Did I miss something?
  10. Ether Strike is better^^. No just kidding, I wouldn't hurt friends. As long as they are on my side, they are precious to me and will be protected
  11. Spanking? You're not serious, are you? If a guy would even think of touching me, I would propably tear him apart...
  12. Oh well, atm nothing special going on... I'm playing Team Fortress 2 which is fun, but I'm still a beginner there....
  13. lol, you're right. Many interests we have are same. Careful, my wife might get jealous^^.
  14. Hi there Amsterdam2019^^. Hope you will be better soon.
  15. Hello Cerna, how are you doing? long time no read^^.
  16. Hi there, Login, How are you? Long time no read^^.
  17. Hi Desu, how are you^^?
  18. Hi there, Also Hello to Lezard^^
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