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Everything posted by maYuYang

  1. ban philo for being jealous
  2. Sure, wait a sec... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21980 is the mod, if you check images, you can see that pic. Uploader of that mod is zotman12 and creater is HENTAI.
  3. ban Dezi for going off now ban the next ban EDIT: Ban for Flood Control
  4. ban Dezi just for fun^^
  5. ban dezi for being cunning
  6. I like Cake, too! :sick: peanut butter.... Oh well, now I can also post on that other thread
  7. ban Dezi for making me think that she's complaining which was a cunning trick to lure me into this threat again so she can ban me on every post I post^^ ban myself for writing "Thread" wrong, lol^^
  8. ah, of course! I'm getting tired of hyperactive when drinking coke, so I usually pass on it I like cookies!
  9. banning Dezi for complaining about me not being around so often so she can ban me EDIT: ban Pushkatu for running away scared
  10. I really like tea. Dezi, What's RC?
  11. lol, ban for Pushkatu for banning me ban Dezi for her desire to ban me more often^^
  12. I ban you all for ignoring my ban many pages ago. Furthermore, I ban Windows for annoying me 24/7 and I ban my Docter I have to visit today. Ban Dezi for being the master banner in this topic!
  13. Great, thanks for your help. The resources aren't exactly what I was looking for, but will help me on my project^^.
  14. Hi Detectives^^. For quite some time now, I'm searching for a specific 2hand weapon idle, check this screenshot. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21980-5-1232090178.jpg I once saw a video on youtube with this one, I will add it once I found it. As far as I know, that idle only changes runing, walking, turning and the normal combat stance, I doubt that it replaces fighting animations.
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