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Everything posted by maYuYang

  1. ban alex for that cunning grin on Garfield's face
  2. "takes the Application from the goddess and reading it thoroughly" Name: Mayu Age: 26 Birthdate: 1982.3.3. Gender: Female Prefered Title: Angel of Death "Mayu, with a pessimistic look gives the Application to the Goddess"
  3. ban Dezi for blushing This is not the time!!! Or... is it...?
  4. I'd like to see the 3rd part which I couldn't until now...
  5. ban Dezi fot thinking suggestive things
  6. Oblivion only atm. I'm too annoyed about windows to install other games I got recently...
  7. Ah, so that's Legolas, too. Thought that was Link from those Zelda games. I also like Gandalf
  8. ban Dezi for not knowing that I'm smiling again^^. ban Pushkatu for having a new avatar
  9. pffew, relieved^^. Almost lost my faith in you. I like the cake Yang made, yummy^^
  10. ban Dezi for not knowing that I'm not smiling anymore
  11. you don't mean "Arnold-Conan-Schwarzenegger", do you? I like Yang, my wife^^
  12. ban dezi for making me smile^^
  13. Really?!? Didn't know that you're into MMORPGs, too. I like flowers
  14. ban Ihoe for not noticing that Dezi is around, too. ban dezi for... hmmm,... erghhh.... damn, I can't think of something...
  15. ban Ihoe for laughing like a good friend of mine(really!) Ban Dezi for calling my signature "siggy" lol
  16. Oh, nice! Thanks for mentioning it^^. I already clicked all your Deggs^^
  17. ban Pushkatu for having so cool Dragon Eggs^^
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