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About Darigaz17

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Hi3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantsy X, Kingdom Hearts 2, Worms Armaggedon, Fallout 2 (3 sucks -.-)...

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  1. The mods that require SI, usually only do so because they use meshes and textures from that DLC, which means that you do not need it's esp. to be active, you only need it's meshes and textures in the Data folder.
  2. Hello?
    1. Darigaz17
    2. DFSL


      So how's life treating you? Is everything ok over there? Too busy with real life?
  3. I see you! :D
    1. Pujangga



      How's life, eh matey?

    2. Darigaz17


      ! *was spotted, insert metal gear solid alert theme song here*


      Just living by xD How about you? it's been "ages" man!!! :D

    3. Pujangga


      Aye aye, it's been aeons since Oblivion.

      Life's pretty much stable, it has improved since 2 years ago. Other than that, I haven't been touched by muse for a long time.

  4. In response to post #9303554. #9382441 is also a reply to the same post. Guess you've never played TESIII: Morrowind then...vanilla still blows away pretty much every other sandbox game that came after it, including GTA V
  5. Retired...at least until there is some sort of inspiration around here...
  6. Fascinating....
  7. http://requiemchronicles.jimdo.com/ IT LIIIIIIIVES! rushed and clumsy, just barely functional, but should serve it's purpose...
  8. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/132653/? You liked it?...Great! :)..."Beta" version in the works, now with 20 more nodes just on the headpiece so that your game lags as much as possible xD
  9. It seems people are so tired of bashing bikini chainmail armors that now they're all focused on bashing boobplates...for christ sake, these are FANTASY GAMES, if you want a hyper realistic RPG build a freakin' time machine and head back to the "dark ages"
  10. First day of a mini 3 day vacation before exams...and I'm sick -.-...the only reason there aren't flipped tables all over the place, it's because I don't even have the strength to flip them now...
    1. Naktis


      Aww... sorry to hear that. Hope you'll get better soon.
    2. Darigaz17
  11. LV!!! :) Happy Holidays!
  12. Aaah. TESA is being an arse and here your PM box is full >.< could you give me the password for that hairpack again? I saved it in a txt fine and well... it's "??" now and I can't use it XDD *hides in shame*
  13. Uh... yea, it's been like almost a year.

    354 days, mate... 354 days without creativity, Photoshop, and screenshooting.

    Muse is gone, like a vapour out of nowhere.

    I have lots of questions, such as... what day is it? And why the sky is blue at night...

    Y' know, questions asked by someone who have just awaken from a stasis xD

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