Fair enough. (Also, if anyone needed any more warning that the moderators are watching this thread... -we just got it.) When SKSE-SE is released, Behippo indicated that SkyUI would also be updated and the code sent to Schlangster for final compiling. My question is: How many of the already ported mods (that used MCM menus in Oldrim) do you believe will quickly be updated? I remember reading a post somewhere from Arthmoor that he would update his ported mods as quickly as he could. Do you think a significant amount of other popular mods will get updated quickly? Yes, but there will be also some popular Mods, which won't be updated. This is even the case for mods which don't require SKSE64. For example, aMdianBorn Caves and Mines, or Ultimate Fire are very popular. But it seems they won't be ported/updated. Only the authors know why (no time? too lazy? hating se?...) Amidianborn works fine with SSE. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7142/? may not be Ultimate Fire, but its damn good