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Everything posted by panosthe21

  1. Could you please post your loading order , game version and the link to your follower mod ?
  2. Well this obviously seems like your follower is missing his skin textures , re-download and reinstall the mod it might fix it. Did you inform the mods' author ?
  3. Yeah , guess that was kinda stupid of me I'll request the topic to be deleted
  4. I am a Whovian ( nice naming ) myself so i would love this mod Some Cybermen aswell would fit nicely too i guess
  5. -This might be a crazy or impossible mod request- Greetings fellow moders , Yesterday i stumbled upon a crazy idea for the beast races of skyrim (Argonian , Khajiit ) The idea is : Special kill moves - executions for the beast Races whilst on sneak stance *Argonians after maintaining a certain distance behind a target ( hidden of course ) they can trigger a special killmove like biting the enemy's neck with their teeth. * Khajiit after sneaking upon the target can make a similar killmove , but instead of biting they could use their sharp nails. Is this possible ? What is needed to be done ? Thanks for your time reading this
  6. In my believes sex is something that doesn't fits in skyrim because Bethesda made every single NPC action scripted and completely robotic , the player is not free to romance anyone in the games world and by saying romance i mean real romance with the whole package ( dating , gifts , kisses , trips , erc...) But anyways , do we really want a game to work like real life ? See....life....is....complicated.....i don't want this in a game ;-) P.S.: Sorry about the brainf@&k , my English is a pile of :poop:
  7. Is your game 100% legit ? If not i just found your problem , if yes check load order and inis
  8. Take a look at http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/#entry6008428 at #6 there is information about exterior CTDs hope it helps
  9. Your Pc specs are twice as much better than mine your problem has something to do with the game data , so in that case there is very little i can do to help
  10. Greetings , your gpu is not the ideal for full medium graphics , try setting some settings from medium to low ( especially the ones about range of view ) and im sure you will have better fps
  11. My friend i would suggest you update your skyrim version , cause crashes like these have to do with the load order or the games current version Please upload your load order and your games version
  12. Greetings , could you please give some information about your system specs ?
  13. Wow ! That was a really easy fix ! I'm feeling such a noob right now :P Thanks a lot , saved the day ! :) Tsakalos i would admit Tsakalos = smart like hell
  14. Could you please tell me your games current version ? And Most of all is your game legit ?
  15. I Would personally suggest you the Nvidia GeForce 770 ( Plays Borderlands 2 on Ultra ) or if you wish you can get 2 Nvidia GeForce 550 and SLI them
  16. Greetings my friend i would like to see if i can help you with your issue but i would like you to tell me about the current mods you are using
  17. Greetings everybody , I am having a weird issue with my language input in the game , i can normally input name on my character creation with English but when i press ~ to open up my console my language changes and locks to my country language ( Greek ) and i can type only unintelligible- for the game - words any way to fix this ? I'm using Windows 7 home premium 64bit
  18. Other than the mods you installed did you do anything such as glitching through a wall or using console commands to spawn a character ?
  19. Greetings everyone lately ive been trying to install new races to game but they all failed because they ont show in game a a choice :mad: Tryed Argonians Agaceph race mod but it doesnt show in game :ohmy: There are many fellow users with the same problem but no one seems to have helped them so i dessided making this post to help me and others :laugh: Any solutions or tips about the specific topic would be really helpfull :laugh: Have a Nice Day , panosthe21 :laugh:
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