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Everything posted by panosthe21

  1. Greetings ! The Work that has been done on this mod is amazing ! Too bad I can't help the team with the development :(
  2. Well i can't think of much anything , if the installation was made through NMM it is possible that it didn't install properly , hence the textures missing Maybe try installing it manually
  3. Greetings , is your friend having the same game version , mods and dlc installed ? If your character is from a mod or is influenced by one , make sure your friend has the same mod version and a legal game copy of course P.s. By character i mean the follower
  4. I Really love exploring around , having some random encounters and looting again some already discovered areas :) And if you think it well you can go anywhere you want just knowing the appropriate "shortcuts"
  5. It's clearly a trolling , teleportation from an outside area to a "closed" area like the city in the video should have a loading screen between the transition Fake even if it was a mod
  6. My friend , i love the idea you got - i can't mod though - , also no offense but i think you should post it on mod requesting section for modders to see it
  7. Well you can go to the advanced graphics options and set your view distance to a bigger value , this should fix it
  8. We All Know Its coming Up on 4th April 2014 , and everyone is waiting for it but in my closed beta experience i have to say its not worth paying 15Euros per month , if it was free maybe but still i prefer TESV So What you think ?
  9. Sudden Pc shutdowns due to anything are not damaging your game BUT they damage your Pc registry which can make your game unplayable or screwed - it did happen to me with killing floor- fixing the pc registry with a registry maintainer and reinstalling the game helped in my occasion It might work for you too. I have to warn you registry maintainers are tricky to use and might cause problems , so a registry backup is advised before using them
  10. I Don't know if this is the appropriate forum to post this so if not im really sorry Well it's not been over 3 months i got skyrim In the graphics I'm using medium with no lags or errors having it only lightly modded (4-5 mods ) My specs are : *Windows 7 home premium x64 *Nvidia GeForce 330m with Cuda *Ram 9gigabytes ( it's odd i know ) *Intel i5 2,5GHz Is my laptop able to handle HD mods or Getting to High or Ultra Graphics ? If not what mods can i get that won't hurt the performance but make it better looking ?
  11. This would be a nice armor mod for skyrim
  12. This battle isn't going to end , is it ?
  13. Yeah but that's cheating....anyways you miss all the fun this way
  14. I Personally used to play as Zer0 , because i loved the long ranged combat and the ability to wreak havoc on closer ranges using my katana and unkempt Harold in combination with the B0re skill for loads of damage I Even soloed Hyperius the invisible with this tactic :P Good old days
  15. Granded ,but you won't be smart enough to understand them Wish Steam wouldn't be so s#*! for Greek customers
  16. Now THIS is gonna be fun ! :D Survive a new year...yeah ! Sounds good
  17. Happy new year cloudmage , may 2014 be much better than 2013 , Peace and Love
  18. I will agree skyrim has to stay true to it's predecessors If you want something modern-myth there is a game called : Shadowrun returns I have it on pc and it's a sort of future orcs , future dwarves and stuff like this *Im not advertising anything *
  19. Merry Christmas to all of you fellow moders ! Hope your wishes will become true during 2014 :) And my wish : Greece get out of crisis :P Nah ! Who am i kidding ? ΧΡΌΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΆ ! Με ευτυχία και αγάπη για όλο τον κόσμο ! :D
  20. I was expecting something like a paladin or battlemage as i use both magic and blade equally. Magic for long range fights and my trusty axe for charging to the ones closing in.
  21. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/6.jpg
  22. Yesterday the game spawning engine trolled me hard , i traveled to the skyborn altar (something like that ) and got attacked by 2 elder dragons D: The one was standing on the shoutword wall and while i was fighting it another one appeared from behind. At lvl 37,with destruction at around 70 and the marvelous Wabajack i managed to kill the dragons using hit and run(behind a rock) tactics and got myself 2 nicely dragon souls to spend :P I'm too early in-game but i think i won't forget 2 elder dragons r@ping me at the same time :P
  23. Argonians because they look bad-ass ^_^ AND the extreme regenerative special ability that has saved my @ss a couple times *I won't add waterbreathing cause you can find a dragon priest mask for it
  24. Personally i can't see any problem with the.mods you currently have. I see the author released a new version (v2) Maybe try the newer version ?
  25. Move the entire NMM folder outside of the Program Files , just inside the local disc It should work now ;)
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