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Everything posted by whiteshaix
Common clothes is one of the mods I already use for NPCs, unfortunately I really hate the vanilla meshes. They're ill-fitting at best so I don't want to see them on my characters. I hate even more the furs and skirts, in every combination. I can't believe no one is willing to make nice clothes or light armors for men in this game, when every other day you see new meshes for female outfits. I have no skills for 3D modeling so can't make them myself. We need a little balance. Too much for girls, too little for guys. It's obvious everyone only thinks of male players.
There are thousands of creative outfits that male players can choose to improve the look of their female characters, while US female players have very few choices for our guys. It's either a few Witcher 3 converted outfits or the awful vanilla clothes. I ask for a few nice sets of clothing for men that don't look too out of place but aren't just retextures of the ugly vanilla meshes. No furs, no loinclothes, no skirts, no gaudy colors. Just some regular clothes that don't make my characters look like farmers all the time. I'm tired of always giving them the Dettlaff coat because nearly every other outfit looks awful. We need a little balance anyway.
Sooo, since I'm not asking for giant bouncing boobs no one's interested in replying... Fine, let's change the subject. Is there, anywhere, at least a set of light armor/clothes for MALE characters that shows a little body shape without looking skimpy? Something like a pants and shirt (or even shirtless, for roleplay reasons) outfit that doesn't use the awful vanilla meshes, I despise the barbarian look so don't even try suggesting fur loinclothes/skirts. My character should look like a handsome pirate, not a brainless thug or a farmer. I just browsed the armor section skipping through hundreds of creative female outfits and, apart from the usual bunch of witcher 3 conversions, I couldn't find any new male armor or clothing model that wasn't either too bulky, gaudy, tastelessly colored, ridiculously elaborate or totally gay. The only fitting one is the duelist longcoat, already installed, but I'd like to change clothes once in a while. I'm frankly appalled by the few dressing choices us female players have for our guys. It's either give them an armor or robe and forget the rest, or make them wear the ugly vanilla clothes, retextured or not the meshes are still awful. If any of you can point me to any armor/clothing mod that would fit, even Oldrim ones, I'll be forever grateful.
So, I need suggestions. Are there any mods that allow a true healer gameplay, making NPCs catch diseases/get injuried?Just healing followers in battle isn't exactly what I have in mind. Oblivion had a mod named Vector that was supposed to spread a plague, although I could never made it work. Is there anything similar that doesn't involve undead? I'd want to play a physician, not a paladin or a priest. I already use "Wounds", something like that applied to allies/NPCs would be simply awesome. Besides, my character should be cursed - as in, able to magically heal others only by taking their injuries on himself. So, I was thinking some blood magic would fit, which mod has the best spells for that? Thanks in advance.
I had an idea for a "cursed healer" roleplay, but I lack certain items/mods to make my character exactly like I want him. Since I'd like to play as a Julian Devorak (from the Arcana) lookalike, I need a right side eyepatch and maybe a plague doctor mask (optional, if I don't find one I'll simply use the black mask from Apachii's Divine Elegance store instead). The only eyepatch I found is the one added by Immersive Armors, but goes on the left side so it's useless for me. Besides, I'd like any suggestions for mods that add permanent curses to the player, or the like. I already browsed the gameplay section, and don't know where to look next. Any suggestion that doesn't include messing with the Creation Kit - or female-only resources - will be very welcome.
I'd really like to play Skyrim with MCU Avengers characters. Thor as a Nord warrior. Tony Stark as an Imperial battlemage. Natasha, of course, as an assassin. Imperial or Breton. Loki as a Breton wizard. Banner as the most unexpected berserker in the world. Wanda, Hawkeye, Cap. Unfortunately, I have no skill for 3D and my attempts to get a decent likeness always fail. If there are any Marvel fans who also like doing character presets, please think about it. I've seen a lot of amazing presets out there, but they are mostly for female or original characters, not even one to use as a good start to build on. I'm using ECE now, but wouldn't mind swapping to Racemenu and starting a new game to play with my favorites. (If not all of them, at least Loki and Thor. I was honestly surprised no one tried to make them since they're so popular and would fit in the game setting)
Tags work fine for me, but I don't understand why some modders are not allowing the "female armor" tag when uploading skimpy female-only outfits, so even when blocking tags I still have to go through dozens of pages to find some nice male armor. That's unfair. Female stuff is, like, 90% of all clothing/armors and I'm fine with that, but please LET ME FILTER IT!!!!
I'm a straight, married woman but I always play male characters. I guess it's because they feel more heroic than a cover girl in a steel bikini. :P Actually I'd say I always play Siegfried, since he's my favorite legendary hero. I use cosmetic mods anyway, there's no reason why all the men (and women) in Skyrim should look over 40. But nothing that changes all the girls into flawless barbie dolls, thanks.
What do you want the DLC to be about?
whiteshaix replied to Stormcrown's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
No, not Morrowind again, I hate its ugly ashlands and annoying fauna :P I still think they'll let us see something of Atmora this time. After all that Ysgramor stuff, it would be a logical choice. -
Sigh... am I the only one who liked Oblivion more than Skyrim?
whiteshaix replied to mehungry's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oblivion looking more realistic? I'd say you don't remember well. I've just started playing Oblivion again and I'm already wishing I could have Skyrim style landscapes. Oblivion's (and Morrowind's even more) looks so empty now. -
Obviously I'd buy it again. Yes, there are lots of bug-free games around, but usually they last a few hours and once you're finished you have no reason to play them again. THAT is a waste of money imho.
Bloated savegame related crashes, first of all. It's the only bug that really annoy me.
Uhm... Actually, my game is in Italian and when I install English mods they only change the (written) names affected by them, nothing else. I can live with that. Besides, everyone should learn a little English to keep contact with the rest of the world. :P It's way easier than learning any other language after all! I don't know if what you're suggesting could work, anyway.
On my 3rd character I went to Falkreath at the start instead of Riverwood, had a lot to do for about 12 levels just helping the locals. If you walk instead of fast traveling, a lot of new quests will find you. Literally.
Ulfric (yeah, badass enough). Then Idgrod. I don't like Elisif at all, to me she needs a backbone. Allows the Imperials and the Thalmor to boss around in her land. But the one I totally hate is Skald, my assassin character is already considering some ways to kill him (I really wish he could). ;)
Handsome (modded :P), blond, tall (setscale helps), beardless male Nords, played them since Morrowind. :D I don't remember which race I played in Daggerfall, you weren't able to see your character's face anyway. BTW I'm a woman, but cannot identify with female avatars. My soul is a Viking warrior :D
They never go that far. I usually follow them, they often go to a nearby cavern or bandit hideout. One helped me fighting a dragon. ^^
Try finding another copy. The corpses in the troll den near the river close to Ivarstead should have one.
Help - Skyrim crashing in specific places
whiteshaix replied to tyrannawn's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Interesting mod, I'll try it, thanks! :) -
Help - Skyrim crashing in specific places
whiteshaix replied to tyrannawn's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well, wrye bash fixed it for Oblivion, but I don't know if there's anything similar for Skyrim yet. I restarted the game and I'm trying to pick up all the junk that corpses leave around (dropped weapons and piles of dust never disappear). I'll also try to save my main character cleaning the places he's already been to. ^^; As soon as Steam allows me to do it, because today it apparently decided I don't need to play and won't start the game. -_- -
Help - Skyrim crashing in specific places
whiteshaix replied to tyrannawn's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I don't know if your crashes are caused by mods, but I'd suggest you check the savegame file size. If it's over 16 mb, could be savegame bloating. Had the same problems with my main character around level 53. -_- -
Really? Because I put all my perfect gems in there and I always got them back. Oo And I've been playing that character for at least 250 hours.
I think actually bears are far less annoying. You don't need to fight every bear/wolf/sabrecat that cames across, you can simply use that calming shout on them and keep going. Unless you need ingredients. ^^; Never tried to calm cliff racers with a spell though, so I don't know if that could work.
I'm getting really near to 400 hours and I'm still finding new places and things to do. 3 characters so far, the second is an assassin I made just for the "dark side" quests. I had to stop using my first warrior at level 53 waiting for a fix for the bloated savegame issue. So I restarted with a slightly different one and this time I'm picking up all the dropped weapons to see if I can avoid the crashes ^^;
Don't worry, it doesn't respawn. ;)