First of all, you must link generator and all powered items to workbench with WorkshopItemKeyword keyword. Then you will have to link from the generator to each item you wan't powered, with the WorkshopLinkPower keyword. Now save. Load your ESP in xEdit, and find your workbench. The Power Grid is on the right side, if you scroll down a bit. Rightclick and select Add, and you will see an item called Connections. Rightclick that too, and select Add. You will get Count, Node1 and Node2. Edit Node1 with the Ref of your generator. Node2 with the Ref of the item you want powered. (you will see the Ref's in xEdit for your items) Change Count to 1. If you need more connections, just rightclick Connections, select Add, and repeat process. Just remember that count MUST reflect the number of connections you have made, or the game will crash. Hope this helps, or atleast can point you in the right direction.