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Everything posted by reaper9111

  1. Thanks, the skull sign on it glows pretty good too ! Reaper
  2. Hey guys, i decide to give back to the community what was giving to me way back... I'm taking a few Texture / Retexture Request... Everything in Oblivion can be retextured: Items, clothes, armors, rocks, weapons, houses ext ext... RECOLOR & ADD LOGO OR DESIGN TO EXIXTENT TEXTEURES ARE MOSTLY WHAT I CAN OFFER INSTRUCTION 1 : Post here a quick description of what you want to be retextured, This is to keep this thread alive ! 2 : PrivateMessage Me the details of what exactly you want to be retextured / what symbol / where / what color ext ext ! 3 : If it is not a vanilla item that you want to be retextured, you will need to post a link to where i can get the item, the name of the item and a picture of it ! ps: "i may not take your request, i'm doing it for fun, and if i don't like what i'm doing, this is no fun anymore, let's hope your request will be fun for me !" Here's a quick exemple of what can be done: (This robe is my Own, Not found in any Mod) http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t59/REAPER9111/0tex01.jpg An other exemple: (This amulet is my Own, Not found in any Mod) http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t59/REAPER9111/0retex02.jpg An other exemple: (This boat is not supposed to be found in any mod, this is my version of some existent ressouces, Retextured) http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t59/REAPER9111/RPIPirateShip.jpg An other exemple: (Not found anywhere) http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t59/REAPER9111/REAPER4.jpg Reaper
  3. Well, by what i'm reading here, all you want is to skip the Tutorial dungeons... or what ? If this is what you want, why don't you just Search for "Alternative Start, Arrive by Ship" mod, this will position you on one of the 3 port of Cyodiil, and give you more start option in a few second... I hav'nt read all the post, and yours is not very expressive on what / why you want to go trough that door... Here's the mod : Alternative Start, Arrive by Ship Best of Luck Reaper
  4. Hello guys, i recently had a problem with my pc, it was Overheating, due to the fact that my fan was full of dust... Some of you guys told me about lots of things to try to make OB's run better, this was includding (Turning Off background programs)... Even if i fix my crashing problem, i would like to know what / where and how to turn those "Background Programs Off" ? So yeah, is there a place in my pc where i can check for the programs running in the background when i play Oblivion ? If not, is there a way / trick to notice such programs ? Many thanks ! Reaper
  5. Haa, this is so true David... can't believe that you actualy made a post out of it.... Thanks Bud ! Reaper
  6. Exactly my friend, my computer box where the fan is was so full it was incredible... So incredible that i wrote a small note on my pc, "clean the fan" ! He hehe ! Reaper
  7. GUYS, THANK YOU VERU MUCH FOR ALL THE PRECIOUS HELP !!! Overheating was indeed my issue, but the reason will make me look really dumb, (like i said in my previous post, "i rarely touch my pc", well, this include the fact that i don't clean my fan very often ! So hee... yeah ! Let's stop here ! THANKS ! Reaper
  8. @ bben46 Yes my friend i\ve read trought what you pointed, but (that i know of) nothing seems to be related to me... (i must say that i'm no beginner in OB's mod/modding, so i carefully choose what i'm doing.... And i have to say that i don;t think i have anything trying to connect to the net, but is there a specific way to check that ? (i mean, i have no printer, i have a weather "desk interface" to quicly check the weather, i have frostwire (Off) if i don't need it !) i mean, where would i be able to check if there would be something else trying to connect somewhere to get something ! ??? Many Thanks for your help Bben ! @ Telyn -Ok, how do i do that (disable any un-needed programs) ? -I will try lowering my settings... (they'r on max plus some .ini settings for maximize the game, but i have to say that this was done with the CS Wiki or OB's WIKI >INI setting recommandation, Nothing that i did myself as a "test what it does" !!!) -Defragment is not an issue, it set up to do it itself everyweek ! -I dont have turbo ! Not that i know of ! (Dual core dos'nt mean Turbo, right !) So No i don't have such thing ! -I have the latest Driver, no worry ! downloaded them all yesterday before posting ! -Its not noisier then usual, hotter, i don;t know, i rarely touch my pc (it's not a laptop) btw ! - Thank you very much for the precious info ! i'll get back to you ... Thanks guys, i'll get back to you ! Reaper
  9. @Fatalmasterpiece I just did a clean stock install, this is what i was trying to explain in my last post ... Still happenning ! @ Ferryt No when i did the clean new stock install i was trying to create a new game, still crashing within the char gen ! It wasn\t a problem in the past, because i was carefully choosing / and checking in CS and cleanning each mod that was going in m y data ! Tte load order has been fix, well even if i now i'm only trying to start a new clean no mod install game ! If it would be about over heat, why doe this never make my pc crash "outside" the game ! ONLY IN THE GAME ! Reaper
  10. Anyone has anything to help me... ? Its happening every 10 min, with a clean / stock / Vanilla installation ? Even then ? Please, this is driving me crazy ? I even double scan my WHOLE pc for virus check = Negative ! What can cause that CURSE ? Reaper
  11. Stopin by to say Hi !
  12. Hey Zaldiir whats up Bud ? So it's comfirmed, there will be a Construction Set (CS) for Skyrim ? Cause this time, i'm planning to Start modding Early insted of a few years after the release, "like i did with OB" ! Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait, !!! Thanks Reaper
  13. Hey Guys, what about a Construction Set ? Do we have anything on this ? Reaper
  14. @ alonsomartinez You mean (One of "HER" screenshot)... R.
  15. Really interesting fonction... I was looking for a way to make all fire camp lightable / extingishable in my game... found how ! Thanks to you ! There's so many possibility now that i know that... I might even try to rescale those lightbeam to make them the real size of the "usual blue one" ! Reaper
  16. This is what we called a "Missing Meshes" or a missing 3d model, the only way to solve this is to correctly reinstall the mod that change those light ! and if it does'nt fix the issue, then there's a possibility that the author of the mod forgot to include the new meshes when he/she packed the mod ! Best of luck ! Reaper
  17. Guys, i've quickly try to replace the "usual" lightbeam with one of these, the problem is that one is vertical and the other is horizontal... this would mess up everything... unless i really take the time to work the mesh to position and resize it correctly... This is possible, There's only one other problem, what with those pl;ace that require this meshe to be the real usual blue lightbeam, ? replacing it would also mess up those place ?!!! @greenwarden What botton to "Search and Replace" ? such button do'snt exist in CS, unless you have an extension of the CS ? Do You ? Reaper
  18. Nell my friend, what's up ? Nan man, i have no idea of how the fps can react with them in a cave insted of the other... All i can say is that i would definitly use them if a mod to replace the old ones would exist ! Theyr might be a reason yes... But don't forget that bethesda forgot lots of stuff in OB... this can be one of them ! Reaper
  19. The Necomancer's Tower, in my own signature !
  20. Nan, all you need to do is to open it again in TES4Gecko and choose "Display/Copy" then in the list there select the original cell and in the bottom clic on "Ignore" Tha's all you have to do ! Best of luck. Reaper
  21. Have you ever notice in the activator section there's 3 item called "SkySunBeam" (01,02,03) Bethesda made them, 3 beautiful animated sun beam but nerver used them in game... They are trylly looking awesome with a light discoloration from light yellow / orange to light blue... Is there a mod that made use of them (a Replacer) if not wouln't be great to have this insted of the boring "light beam" we all know (you know they are all over everywhere in every cave) If someone is willing to take that large task to hand place all the "nearly 500" light beam already in game and rplace them with those new* one... This would be great ! This post is more for informational purpuse then a request itself ! But can be concider as a request also ! Reaper Here's a picture: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb10/reaper9111bucket/SkySunBeam.jpg
  22. Ive fix the Load order with Ob's .esm loading first... Still get the Frequent crash every 10 minutes... Indeed it is no matter what 10 minutes ! Thanks Bben !
  23. Yes it is, it was taken using "Export / Import" then "View Load Order" with Oblivion Mod Menager... Can't believe what your saying... I always played like this... Till now ! I'll try what your saying and get back to you ! Thanks Reaper
  24. Keep up the Good Work !


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