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Posts posted by Argol

  1. I was hoping for a Pink satin/silk version of the sequin dress with either Pink heels or red. Like wise the laundered Rose Dress I wouldn't mind a recolour of it's heels to white or pink.
    Along the same lines, the red dress with single tone black heels

  2. Seriously, it weirds me out that all the skeletons don't have shoes, Their clothing is still somewhat intact but why no shoes. I keep expecting to find some super mutant or raider storage room filled withh all kinds of shoes from high heels to combat boots, so yeah, someone needs to get on that and give the skellies shoes

  3. dam I have had DM in my steam library for ages and never touched it. that looks awesome. still I only every play two characters. one a battle mage the other a thief. so melee combat is not a concern. My Battle mage does go into melee combat but usually after having cast fire cloak or setting the enemy on fire. If my thief gets into melee combat then I either ran out of arrows or was caught while attempting a takedown. but deadly combat or Duke patrick's, fix melee combat fairly well.
  4. EDIT: It turns out it was midas magic, that was causing the freezing. I kept the others on and turned it off and jumped into the middle of warzones with TGM and every spell I could grab from the testing chamber and wreaked havok with as many spells as possible for a good 30min. turned midas back on and first spell I cast froze the game.


    My game keep freezing randomly as soon as I or an NPC Mage I am fighting casts something. now it is random I can go 5 minutes without my casting causing me to freeze but then all of a sudden, it freezes. I know it is casting because I can replicate it.


    Now the mods I am using in relation to magic are

    Apocalypse spell pack

    Phenderix magic evolved




    running the game without those mods I can cast freely. in my testing I narrowed it down to the possibility it is ASIS or midas but I can't be too sure due to the random nature of the freezing but I went a good 15-20 minutes in a magic battle I set up as a test without freezing.. Also ASIS doesn't really change magic in any drastic way. Midas only adds spells. and since I am using a level 1 test character the freeze happens with Vanilla spells.


    the only other game changing mods I have are deadly combat and Skyrim redone. so it shouldn't have anything to do with them.


    I will run a few more tests with different combinations of the suspect mods. but I am hoping someone may actually know what is causing this or at least know a possible fix.

  5. I have no idea how to change this myself so I can't assume it is too easy buut I was hoping someone could make me a filter for night eye that works like the neuro-electronic field mode from New vegas combat assistant mod



  6. I know it is early for overhaul kinds of mods but are there any at the moment that changes up combat, making the AI fight more intelligently and also perhaps giving them different personality styles such as aggressive, cowardly, tactical, ect.


    Are there any that add new creatures I am not expecting something on the scale of MMM yet but maybe changing up the spawns so that way you aren't fighting a few stray wolves between cities.


    and finally any mods that change how stealth works, again making enemies act more intelligently. It is kind of stupid how you can shoot them with an arrow and they then forget about it 5 seconds later.


    I can see what your getting at but in the end Intelligence is the only real exception out of the special's. You don't need to be strong to fight unarmed or melee, Low perception already has it's draw back in regards of enemies being able to ambush you. low Endurance has draw back in how much health you have You don't need to be charismatic to be able to haggle for a good price or speak. low Agility has a draw back in making you slower. Intelligence is kinda the wrong name but it fits with the whole SPECIAL thing. think of it as the capacity to learn, Not as how smart they are.


    let me politely discord


    if you born with 1 of strength you born weak pretty you are a dwarf a ( weak one ) so no metter how much you train you will not be lethal on meele like a guy with 2 meters that trained the same

    for perception with you born almost blind 1 of perception not metter how much you train you will not shoot better then someone wth good vision

    and so go on.

    Melee=/=brute force. You don't need strength if you use your opponents strength and momentum against them. Perception is not sight, it is awareness. The blind can be perceptive through the use of sound. They may hear the footsteps or the sound of the fiends readying their guns before someone who can see is even aware.


    two mens with same amouth of skills the stronger one will more deadly


    Ok if I understand correctly, you're saying that if two people skilled in melee combat fight each other. the one with more physical strength would win. which is utter bulls***. I told you Strength is not the beat all end all for melee combat. Many things factor into a straight one on one fight.


    I can see what your getting at but in the end Intelligence is the only real exception out of the special's. You don't need to be strong to fight unarmed or melee, Low perception already has it's draw back in regards of enemies being able to ambush you. low Endurance has draw back in how much health you have You don't need to be charismatic to be able to haggle for a good price or speak. low Agility has a draw back in making you slower. Intelligence is kinda the wrong name but it fits with the whole SPECIAL thing. think of it as the capacity to learn, Not as how smart they are.


    let me politely discord


    if you born with 1 of strength you born weak pretty you are a dwarf a ( weak one ) so no metter how much you train you will not be lethal on meele like a guy with 2 meters that trained the same

    for perception with you born almost blind 1 of perception not metter how much you train you will not shoot better then someone wth good vision

    and so go on.

    Melee=/=brute force. You don't need strength if you use your opponents strength and momentum against them. Perception is not sight, it is awareness. The blind can be perceptive through the use of sound. They may hear the footsteps or the sound of the fiends readying their guns before someone who can see is even aware.

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