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Posts posted by Argol

  1. This is a well known problem and is not specific to any particular mod. It can be caused by loose objects (bottles and skulls are particularly bad, but anything can cause it) near cell borders rolling across the border into an as-yet-unloaded cell. There are a few well-known places in vanilla Oblivion as well as Shivering Isles where this can happen.

    well there are a few dead bodies and a discarded shield sitting right on the border. so If I move those bodies go away and come back it should fix its self right?

  2. Ok this is a very strange occurance. I went up to Bruma. Stayed there for awhile and as i was coming back down the road a large chunk of land was missing. At first I thought this was a Load order problem as I installed 4 extra mods while in Bruma


    Return of Shadows

    Stealth Camouflage

    Evantals Duel wielding



    Uninstalling all of them made no changes. I reinstalled Unique lanscapes and still no change. I loaded up and old save and to my surprise there was no problem.

    So apparently while I was in Bruma a mini black hole formed and destroyed the road

  3. I requested a mod but I figured that I might as well try it myself. However I have no idea about scripting and the mod I had in mind would require that along with some other stuff maybe. My idea was to make it so a character wearing high heels would actually be affected in a realistic way. I had the idea of agility based where with a low agility stat you can only walk in high heels barley with a lot of tripping and attempting to run would be instant fall. Leveling up agility would increase your ability to walk and eventually run in heels but uneven ground and quick movements would still have a chance of causing you to trip.


    Then I had an idea that instead of agility based it could have it's own level system. You have to wear them to learn to walk in them properly but wearing them too long would cause health and stat penalties. but if you keep wearing them despite the penalties eventually your characters feet become accustomed to them and wearing other shoes besides heels would give you penalties.


    So yeah it is ambitious for a newb but It is certainly something I would like to at least try.

  4. I am looking for a mod that I can;t seem to find. i used it ages back. It was a zombie mod that made it so any NPC you killed had a chance of coming back as a zombie version of themselves and roaming about near where you killed them.
  5. I just recently found the Real High heels mod that actually makes your character taller instead of cutting out part of their legs like normal. It is a great mod with some good looking heels however I was thinking that something could be added to it and other mods that add high heels. High heel sound affects and agility based effectiveness. At lower agility you can only walk slowly with a pair of heels on and your prone to tripping. as you get higher in agility you become better at walking in heels and eventually you can run however even at master level you may still trip and running heightens the chances.
  6. Alright I've tested it. It works nice for what you made it into, but not exactly what I was looking for! I think I forgot to mention I wanted it on a hotkey so I can toggle it.


    So here's what I'm thinking: since you've already made the stealth suit idea, could you make a second thing that's actually a misc item that works similar, but toggles it on and off? Or better instead, if possible allow a OBSE hotkey like G, but only while you have the Stealth Camouflage device in your inventory. That way you won't get equip/unequip messages and spam.


    Oh, and I think the drain health in the spell effect is lowering max HP once instead of killing off your health. At least it is for me.


    I've messed with timer stuff in the past, mostly in Fallout 3 which is supposed to be about the same, so maybe I can figure out how to get those "penalties" going. Although I know I'm in for hours of frustration soon as I jump into the CS.


    Also: I am pretty handy in the sound department, so I suppose I'll make the sound effects that I would like to hear. I think they'll be important so you know how far into the timer you are. And plus I just like sound feedback. :D


    Edit: alright I went into the CS and started messing around and got the timer parts working. I'll update you once I get it to something decent.

    I like the idea of a misc device. I got excited for this armour but then when I saw what it looked like I lost hope. My sexy thief dresses in black catsuits when she goes hunting XD

  7. The character I am currently playing is supposed to be a bounty hunter/thief. The thieves guild and Thieves Arsenal mod are perfect for her Thief side but there if nothing for a bounty hunter.


    My idea is tavern owners handle bounty contracts. Clients tell the tavern owner about the job they are offering and the tavern owner then asks about to find people to take the job. The bounties could vary from petty thieves to mass murderers in a class system, D-S class. Other bounty hunters may take the job. some of these rival hunters may try and kill you or they may work with you for a 50/50 split. For capturing targets you could make them essential and through a lesser power you could cast to "Arrest" or "Tie up" while they are unconscious. They will follow you with bound hands and then just by talking to any Guard they will escort them to jail, you take a note that the guard gives you back to the tavern you got the job and you complete the hunt.

  8. I didn't quite make myself clear. The missing mesh sign appears on my character when an enemy detects me and targets me for attack. once I defeat them the sign disappears. I am only in the starting dungeon and all the weapons and armour so far are perfect.
  9. Ok this is a strange problem indeed. I keep getting a WTF missing mesh star around my character when enemies see me and come to attack me. I have no idea what could be causing this. possible mods are




    UV (unnecessary violence)

    Deadly reflex

    Ren's guard overhaul


    other then them I mainly have clothing mods and other mods that I doubt would cause this kind of error. though I could be wrong.

  10. I like your ideas. I would have Wolf in place of mabari and something like Panther for stealth. I like your idea with spider. Roots, poisions and slowdowns can make it a pretty mean dps/support.


    Shapshifting was a letdown for me. I kind of had this idea of having forms inspired by animals/creatures, not a complete shapeshift. e.g you use wolf form and you look like a werewolf...but that is a request for another thread XD

  11. Argol- you're fine now, but if you add any more images, please use spoiler tags around them like this-


    [ spoiler] my picture here [ /spoiler] (Without the spaces after the brackets)


    so that they won't show up unless somebody clicks the spoiler button thats hiding them.

    This really helps out with how long it takes the page to load for folks that have slow internet, helps the site run faster, and makes it so that people dont have to scroll so much through a page.


    Much thanks, and good luck with the request :)


    Thanks for the heads up. hmm I was thinking. Does converting require a lot of knowledge with modelling or could I just follow a tutorial and do it myself?

  12. http://darkdiamond.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/306px-ZeldaTP.jpg

    Now that would be a good dress to have. I have Zelda's dress in Oblivion from a mod so perhaps a modder could convert it from that?

  13. You don't seem to understand the trade-off on DA2. The voice acting comes with a cost, from what I understand DA2 will be like mass effect. the character is already defined in other words. Hawke is human and you can choose class and gender but other then that Hawks history and story is set, not even your class changes much.


    Edit: To further dispute that "The silent protagonist is a thing of the past." There are many reasons why there will always be silent protagonists. Imagine the hatemail Nintendo would get if Link even uttered a word. Then as discussed before there are more people that prefer the silent PCs over acted. I also doubt we will see a voiced PC in an Elder Scrolls game. I don't think there are any mods yet that do that for Oblivion which has been out about 4 years and it would take a lot less effort to do it for Oblivion then DA:O.

  14. I would like to see a selection of gowns and dresses that would go well with a Royal type character. Of course matching footwear either slippers or heels. This game needs more heels XD





  15. There are mods that allow you to change your class and also some modders release console scripts to change classes as well. The human noble class can be changed by an easy script to mage after you first start the human noble storyline. It is "runscript wizardx". There are also mods like "Metagame items" that give you a ring to respec your character and change your core class. The clothing mods were slow in starting but they are really starting to come on lately...and are getting better. If you are looking for a martial arts type mod, the "Chantry Monk" class mod is right up your alley. It starts as a mage, but then you get the option to go monk and then you can fight unarmed with skills based on dexterity and willpower. To get around the mage background for this mod, wait until you get to camp the first time and use the above script to change yourself into a mage, respec your character to a chantry monk, then have the NPC put in your camp train you as a monk. Just the graphics alone should make you feel good about going from console to PC version. The PC version is MUCH better than the console version visually and can be upgraded as texture mods come out. Using the keyboard and mouse is much better as well. Keyboards have lots of keys to be turned into hotkeys and no more "going around the circle" to choose which talent/spell you are going to use on the baddies.



    Searching popular mods is good too. The method I use is to watch the stuff on the top 100 mods. This site has it set up nicely to view poplular just added mods, popular mods of the last 2 weeks, most popular of all time, ect. This is a great way to see what other people like. Once you have picked and chosen from those lists, then you can do the tedius thing of looking at the mods that didn't make those lists. There are some great mods that don't make those lists too, but they are harder to find.


    I hope this answers some of your questions.

    I am used to using the Nexus. I have hundreds of Oblivion/fallout mods, I just like to ask around before going through the lists with a fine toothed comb. Also I care not for graphics, games are not about the graphics they are about the gamplay and in case of RPGs the story.


    I will look into these mods, perhaps try them out on my friends PC. Thank you for the help.

  16. I have the 360 version but I am planning on getting the PC version for mods. However to decide weather or not I should I need to ask a few things about mods.


    When I play RPGs I always play as a character of mine. She is a Mage and a Princess. I hate the Mage origin because it goes against my character. Are there Origin mods that change the Mage origin?

    As a Princess and a mage she doesn't wear armour nor does she wear traditional mage robes, she prefers to wear a dress and heels. I assume there are some good clothing mods out there?


    Although she is a mage she also studies martial arts and has developed a style that blends magic with martial arts. I know there is Arcane mage but is there a mod that adds Martial arts type moves?

    Finally she also has one powerful ability. she is part dragon so she can sometimes transform into a dragon form which resembles your typical lizard-woman with wings, I am pretty sure none of the vanilla transformations had something like that.


    Any help is appreciated and perhaps you could suggest some awesome mods that can entice me furthur into getting the PC version.

  17. I made myself a companion and after tailoring her equipment I then came to spells. The vanilla magic is bleh so I thought of giving her Midas magic but upon loading it into the CS I was bombarded with a heap of warnings and decided to leave it alone as I don't have enough experience with CS. Is there a method to add Midas spells to a custom or existing CM Companion that won't result in my computer blowing up XD.
  18. I think next year will be when it's released. They don't churn out games like other developers so they will probably focus on Brink and then plan on TES:5 next year. Paul Oughton has said that there would be TES:5 by 2010 this was 2 years ago so they are obviously working on it. though this is my speculation.
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