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  1. I am also looking for this. I have tried to do it myself, I wasnt succesfull though. I think the best is to request that to the mod's author
  2. It was a good motivation to develop mods, I wonder if you ever had try to mod something. It is a lot of work, and can be easily broken, and might not be compatible to some other monstrous mods. Yes, it is a privilege that Bethesda release Creation kit, but, the way Skirim has been improved is amazing, it is almost a new game. At least compared to piece of cake vanilla Skyrim, modders might be the only reason Skyrim is still popular 4 years after. Im agree, 75%-25% was a fair proportion, becuase we are using the Skyrim and Creation kit plataforms, which belongs to Bethesda, thats 99% of the job, even for rights and hosting. Honestly, I think many amazing modders has lost an opportunity, so as Bethesda.
  3. The mod Violens talks about this issue in its description, it also suggest a few solutions. But I remember I was able to be decapitated before
  4. Can someone list the most Script lagger mods? I have script lag, not so much, but im not able to use hotkeys during combat becuase of 2 or 3 seconds of delay. Im thinking to uninstall Frostfall and RND, but Im not really sure if they are heavy scripted
  5. In fact it is matter of gore and deadly mutilation mod, apparently the source of the bug is this mod and some kind of incompatibility with "mutilated bodies" and armors
  6. Try this mod, it makes friendly fps while you turn around, maybe the topic is closed but Im sure ppl will keep looking for solutions to this problem http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15123/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D15123%26preview%3D&pUp=1
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