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Posts posted by angelwraith

  1. Confirming the only masters are FalloutNV.esm and FNVToolkit.esm.


    Here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19427702/scrubbed_Omnitool.zip


    I've scrubbed the masters down to just FalloutNV.esm in this version, but you'll still need some sort of NVSE-enabled editor for parts of the script (the hotkey, and the printtoconsole functions are the only things there that use it, IIRC).



    yeah nvse was never the problem.. i have been a faithful proponent of the script extenders since the beginning since obse and fose


    the HiVE heavily relies on NVSE in almost every script.


    it was that "toolkit" master that was doing it im sure.

  2. I'm using the GECK Power Up with NVSE, maybe that's the problem? The only masters this file has are FalloutNV.esm and FNVToolkit.esm.




    Here's the link: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36290


    You'll need the main file (I'm using 0.1.1) and the optional NVSE support update for 0.1.1 as well.


    when you start geck select your mod in the left pane but dont open it.


    whats in the right pane under parent masters.

    you saying FNVtoolkit is the second master?


    yeah i dont have that, whatever it is.. i do however have powerup (although for some reason i still am more comfy in standard geck. mostly because although i do have the nvse version some of my scripts dont like to save after loading up powerup geck, who knows.. they work fine in game and in my geck version.)

  3. ... No. No the variables did not get set. At all. T.T


    At each stage of the process (before opening the omnitool, while storage was opened, after storage was closed and the item moved over). Each of the relevant variables, fInvwt1, fInvwt2, fOmniConvert and fOmniConvert2 read 0 across the board. :wallbash:


    No appended code this time because the only changes were according to angelwraith's post.


    Going to rigup a hotkey that (hopefully) records the player's inventory weight, independent of the script just to test if Player.GetActorValue InventoryWeight actually works in NV/NVSE. First though, off to class. Huzzah.



    s*** with those changes its still reading 0?


    hmmph.. ill look again.


    maybe try to set up a local copy.. or do you have this set up already somewhere i can look at it in the mod?



    ok so i though getopenstate worked with containers but im starting to wonder if it only works with doors..

    gonna test this.




    YEP that was it..

    seems containers DO return values for containers, however, the returns do NOT match that of doors.


    so what i have is :

    getopenstate on a closed container returns 3


    getopenstate on a activated container returns 4


    try these values instead. sorry about the confusion. i was following the returns found here


    but i forgot that it says door there sooo.. yeah

    but hey it still has a return when called on a container that changes with the state, so go with it.

  4. i think this is a part of the problem:

           if OmniStorageREF.GetOpenState == 3
                   set fTimer2 to .5
                                   Label 2
                                   if fTimer2 > 0
                                           set fTimer2 to fTimer2 - GetSecondsPassed
                                           Goto 2
                                           set fInvWt2 to player.GetActorValue InventoryWeight


    as it stands there is no way for the "set fInvWt2 to player.GetActorValue InventoryWeight" line to run.

    the goto 2 will prevent the line from firing when the timer is below 0, and isnt available when above 0 sooo never gets used.

    goto immendiatlry goes to the line it points to.. so that means it doesnt finish the script it was on...


    anyway i dont think a timer is the best route.


    i meant more along the lines make a variable that the second part needs to have set to run and then set it with the first bit of code and have it set itself to not tun again once it has once. the way your doing it now adds a pause through a timer that runs on every frame.. this way would run dependent on what the settings are so much less resource allocation on the system as well.


    also im almost positive this has something to do with the root of the main problem as if those variables arent set at the right time when the equation fires you wont be getting predictable results.


    this i think will help:

      	if OmniStorageREF.GetOpenState == 1
                   set fInvWt1 to player.GetActorValue InventoryWeight
    	set omnistorageactivatedd to 1
           if OmniStorageREF.GetOpenState == 3 && omnistorageactivatedd == 1
    	set fInvWt2 to player.GetActorValue InventoryWeight
    	set omnistorageactivatedd to 0

    dont forget you'll need to establish the omnistorageactivatedd variable somewhere before its called in the script. i usually just group all mine at the top.


    so this script wont do anything until the container is opened, then itll set that variable thatll cause it to wait until the conditions of the box are set and its closed, then upon closing the box it unsets those conditions so it only happens once each time you open the container.


    with console BEFORE you hit the hotkey and after youve accessed the container to set the variables use these lines in order:

    "prid player" (hit enter to select player reference)

    "sv" (hit enter to bring up current script variables)


    now look for the variables were working with.

    didi the initial values and modified values your working with here get set?


    also you are going to need to figure out a way of preventing the player from repeatedly hitting the button to gain the reward as with the variables setting once and sticking like this would allow them to repeat the process indefinitely, but you can simply set the modified value to 0 after its used (do this later though as its implementation could make this a lot more confusing while the script isnt functioning properly.)

  5. oh i misunderstood the point of the script..


    i didnt realize that your point was for any item to be be able to be converted just based on weight.


    this should work out ok then.



    ill look through again and see if i can figure it out.




    ok there is still a problem with the code we were working on earlier.

    remember that toggle i was referring to? you need to do it.


    as it stands right now EVERY frame it is setting the second inventory weight to the player weight.


    so when you hit the button it is taking your instant weight for the second variable rather that your weight when it was closed.


    im not sure what the other problem is right now as im am getting pretty damn tired and i wanna spend some time with meh lady before bed time, tomorrow though if you dont have anything ill try again to look through it.

  6. the open and close blocks are being use incorrectly.


    in fact i dont think it is even possible for onopen and onequip to be in the same script as you cant equip a container.


    those are intended to be used on the container itself.


    i would suggest using "if OmniStorageREF.getopenstate == 1" for open and "if OmniStorageREF.getopenstate == 3" for close in the gamemode block.


    you may have to set up a toggle so it doesn't run twice.



    there is another potentially huge problem; whats preventing me from dropping all my useless raider armors in that container to trick the inventory weight metering?

  7. maybe geck is saving to a directory other that data..

    although if you have the file set as the active file i dont see how that would be possible as it would have required its masters to load properly.


    is there write protection on the file somehow?


    try saving your mod as a new name.


    does the new name file show up in the data folder?


    if you use it does it have the changes you've made?

  8. ive reached a critical point in this mod where i need to start to figure out how to hand out all the goodies the mod introduces. there are at this point over 10 new functions added by the tech devices in the mod and its just too much to handle all at once for the player. i dont want to make them remember all that at once so i want to start using quests to introduce them one at a time to the player and also put the player through a short orientation for each.


    i AM researching everything i can to make this happen myself. but the last quest i did was a simple find this 1 object and your done and it took me forever, so i am looking for a catalyst to get this going a lot faster.. your level of input is up to you, if you wanna be a contact in my skype so i can pick your brain that would be amazing, if you wanna take a direct input on this and do some of the work with me i would like wanna have your babies or something. i am going to need all these dialogs to have sound files attached as well with the voice files ill provide.


    this is going to take a while im sure.. but the outcome is gonna be pretty badass.


    below i am going to attach some media from the mod and the link to give you an idea what i asking for help on here; which is not at all a infancy stage mod, its 100% functional and is uploaded.


    Assassins Holdout - HiVEnv












    again any help at all is appreciated. as i wanna get this finished soon.



  9. Ok i'm testing it out now, but an activator can be like a terminal or a switch? as long as it's interactive?


    world objects->activator


    make a new one.. the model you use doesnt matter i usually go for an initially disables xmarker, in case i need to find it.


    you can use the terminal to trigger it but not run it.


    i think... im not sure but i do know terminals deal with menumode rather than gamemode so no do not use a terminal.

  10. Don't forget to make a static model under worldspace->static. You can create a 1stPerson model from the 1stPersonLaserRifle. Just edit it to reflect the new paths for the texture. If you don't make the 1st person model, when your under the art and sound tab you will not be able to select it in the "1st person model object field". Then it would only look like a standard laser rifle when your using it in first person view. Also you need to make additional static models if it can be modded (1 new model for 1 new visible mod, 3 new models if it has 2 visible mods, and 7 new models if it has 3 visible mods). If the mod's aren't visible then you can use the same model in the "mod info" tab. But you can just change the path on the already existing 1stpersonlaserRifle models and then save making a new model (choose yes when asked to make a new form, if you choose no it will change all laser rifles to use your texture).


    oh yeah. seems i left out an important bit there... sorry.

  11. hey guys i need help dnt kno too much about computers i bought Fallout NV for pc tonite but the damned thing wont install at all i put it in the disc drive but nothing happens plz help


    congrats on your purchase!


    click start and go to computer.

    find the drive with NV in it.

    right-click and goto autoplay.


    it should fire up now.

  12. Okay folks so I've just learned how to use the geck and am wanting to upload a mod to the nexus forums, it's a unique laser rifle named "Surprise!". Now I know how to edit the statistics and name etc. but what I really want to do is add a picture to the side of the gun, which is a white scribble with "Surprise!" written in yellow on it. Any help would be appreciated as I aim to create and upload the mod as soon as possible :)


    do you have:

    1) nifscope

    2) photoshop or comparable


    if so this is easy.


    get the nvidia dds plugin.

    open the .dds the gun is currently using in photoshop you should only have to mess with the first texture, ignore the other ones like _n or _g or shiny or anything like that. the one you need should have the gun name in it. (these other files are useful but for what you are doing specifically they shouldnt need to be messed with)

    figure out the filepath to the dds by opening the model in nifscope and going to niTriStrips->shadinglightingproperty->shadingtextureset and following the filepath for the texture


    its best if you make a new folder in both the meshes and textures directory for your new model and textures respectively. and be sure in nifscope after these files are in those folders you use relative file paths instead of direct file paths so other people can use it too. so for instance the file paths should look something like: "textures\yourtexturefolder\itemtexturesfolder\itemtexturename.dds"


    ok so with the .dds (texture) you're modifying open,

    edit it as you see fit, flatten the image and save it as a new filename dds again i think DX5 no mipmaps

    save it to your new texture directory


    point to in in nifscope and save the model as a NEW filename in your mesh directory so you dont overwrite the old laser gun.

    point the the new gun model in the geck weapon editor window under artwork.


    i think thats all.

  13. Hi everyone! I just bought new vegas yesterday and I'm having a few problems with my mods. What happened was that i downloaded project nevada, worked fine, so i decided to download a weapon mod close to goodsprings. i chose the M82 Barrett sniper http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34875 but when i got it and equipped it, there was a red square with a white exclamation mark around me and no weapon, anyone know why this is? Also im having problem with the fallout mod manager, it always crashes when i open it, its saved a crash dump so if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated

    Crash dump


    Tuesday, 19 April 2011 - 9:21:53 PM

    Fomm 0.13.21

    OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0


    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\InstallLog.xml' is denied.

    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

    at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)

    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)

    at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor(String filename, Encoding encoding)

    at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(String filename)

    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog.Save()

    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog.Load()

    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog..ctor()

    at Fomm.Program.Main(String[] args)


    sounds like the mesh or texture files didnt make it to the right directory.

    make sure to pay close attention to the install directions different modders use.


    although most use the same method which allows you to extract the archive to the data folder.


    although if FOMM isnt running it may be an issue with archive invalidation (FOMM fixes this automatically now)


    and about FOMM seems from the error code you have access restrictions. Look to the FOMM page there may something in there about this or maybe you just need to check user permissions for running it


    hope this helps somehow.

  14. all i want the door to do, is to lock after it has been closed again.


    i dont think it can be done with the terminal script alone..


    you need a gamemode block to be running a timer update on every frame or to run conditional to check if its closed.

    i have a script that does this but the work is all done through a hidden activator that just serves as a place for script to run from.



    SCN SUBdoordisabler
    int specialactivate
    Begin OnTriggerLeave Player
    SUBgolddoorREF01.setOpenState 0
    set specialactivate to 1
    Begin OnTriggerEnter Player
    Begin Gamemode
    if ( specialactivate == 1 ) && ( SUBgolddoorREF01.GetOpenState == 3 )
    	SUBgolddoorREF01.lock 120
    	set specialactivate to 0


    it used a trigger box to determine what need to happen but it can be modified to work for what you need.

    which ive done here:

    int specialLOCK
    ref meREF
    Begin Gamemode
    set meREF to getLinkedRef
    if ( specialLOCK == 1 ) && ( meREF.GetOpenState == 3 )
    	meREF.lock 100
    	set specialLOCK to 0


    so for this to work you need to make a new activator. but first make a new script and save the one above. make the activator, select that script, place the activator somewhere near the door, open the ref and set the linked ref to the door. give the activator a refid and this is how you'll control it:


    in your terminal you'll use the refID to change the variable that causes the door to lock: specialLOCK

    so lets say you've named the activator's ref AAAspeciallockactivatorREF

    in you're terminal you should use the line:

    set AAAspeciallockactivatorREF.specialLOCK to 1


    the variable will toggle on to lock the door whenever that variable is set and then toggle itself back off so it can happen repeatedly.

  15. wow... you actually had the function i was searching for and for some reason could not find: IsKiller Player



    effectively cut my script down from like 30 lines to 5


    begin gamemode
    if IsKiller Player != 1 && getdead == 1
    		kill player 0 0 ; attributes kill and xp to player


    much better thank you soo very much.


    changed it again to not run on anything that wouldnt have been an enemy to try to avoid accidentilly attributing a friendly's death to the player. seems to work.

    SCN SUBkillcreditSCRIPT
    begin gamemode
    if ( IsKiller Player != 1 && getdead == 1 ) && ( GetCombatTarget == player || GetFactionRelation player == 1 || (GetFactionRelation player == 0 && GetAV Aggression >= 2) ) 
    		kill player 0 0 ; attributes kill and xp to player

  16. ok so i hate that i posted this now, cause as usual i gave up 30 seconds too soon.


    ive been hammering away at this since i started my mod a couple of months ago, its been driving me crazy as what i had worked but not exactly the way i wanted and right after posting this i realized there was a simple stupid way to achieve what i needed.


    how i fixed it?


    scrapped the idea of tracking the enemies and their states.


    what i figured out:

    i dont need to run kill on dead actors to get what i need.

    i just need to apply the damage the explosion was creating through script and instead, on the last shot run the kill command.




    now works 100% the way i want in game.

  17. i have a pretty simple script that is needed to attribute the kill to the player after being killed with a script placed explosion.

    the kill command allows this but i also need it to NOT run on actors that were already dead because the very fact that the kill command can run endlessly on dead actors is what makes it useful to me but also makes it screw up what i need.


    this is what i have, its not working and im not sure why.


    what it should do, set a initialized variable if the script acts on a living actor and then after death if that variable is set itll run the kill command on the actor.

    so, if the explosion hits someone thats alive, and then they die while still effected by the script it should run the kill command on them once to attribute the kill to that actor, and give the proper experience.



    SCN SUBkillcreditSCRIPT
    ref meREF
    int inited
    begin scripteffectstart
    set meREF to getself
    if meREF.getdead == 0
    set inited to 1
    begin scripteffectupdate
    if meREF.getdead == 1 && inited == 1
    meREF.kill player 0 0
    set inited to 0




    i had the script below, which works as far as giving the player the kill but runs on already dead actors, so its possible to just shoot other peoples kills gain the kill responsibility and to gain xp, also if theres a dead friendly soldier and the explosion hits them it attributes the death and experience to the player..no beuno.. dont need to be responsible for soldiers that were killed some other way:


    this DOES NOT DO WHAT I NEED but proves the concept works.. just need better conditionals.


    if you've got an idea, help is greatly appreciated.



    SCN SUBkillcreditSCRIPT
    ref meREF
    int inited
    begin gamemode
    if meREF.getdead == 1 && inited == 0
    meREF.kill player 0 0
    set inited to 1


  18. Hey there. Im trying to add 5 counts of an item to Chet with a script. But somehow it adds a massive 15 of the item. What could cause this?


    Part of the script that messes it up;


    Begin GameMode
     If getstage WolfhornRanch == 40
    GSChetRef.additem BrahminToken 5
    GSChetRef.additem DogToken 1


    without more of the script to go by who knows whats causing it...

    from what i see there though it seems pretty straight forward.

  19. I have another question. Is there any way to make an item respawn instantly?


    Say I wanted to place a nuka cola in my level and once it is picked up, it respawns instantly.


    Is that possible?


    yes and no


    no you cant do it with the nuka-cola ingestible.


    but yes you can do something that looks identical and acts the way you need.


    make a new activator, use the model from the ingestible for it (gonna have to unpack bsa files to do point to that nif)

    then for the activators script do something like this:


    scn AAAnukaREFhandler
    ; this script needs to be attached to a NEW activator with the nukacola nif for its model.
    ref meREF
    float refTimer
    int disableractive
    begin onACTIVATE player
    set meREF to GetSelf
    player.additem NukaCola 1 1
    set refTimer to 2 ; change this value to determine how long it takes to respawn.  right now its 2 seconds.
    set disableractive to 1
    Begin GAMEMODE
    if disableractive == 1
    set refTimer to refTimer - GetSecondsPassed
    if refTimer <= 0
    	set disableractive to 0



    *EDIT* reordered a couple of lines.

  20. ive done this before tis not too hard.


    does require nvse however.



    i didi it cause i needed a permanent list of what was in a container for sorting purposes.


    use two containers.


    you load the first one and upon closing it, itll copy all contents to the second container. then you retrieve contents of second container..


    can dupe item quick this way actually.



    but the cheats i design are a bit more complicated to achieve and this is giving away too much too easy for me to make one for my mod for you.

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