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Everything posted by angelwraith
LE Bow Engine Redone -Idea- Looking for Support!
angelwraith replied to Hectoris's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
arrows at the very least need a major overhaul. i hate how a falmer arrow and deadri arrow really arent all that different to a maxed out archer. i mean who cares about the 17 point damage difference when your bow and gear more than make up for it? heres my idea: arrow damage modifiers are no longer a static number added to the total damage as they are now, rather they are a percentage multiplied against total attack damage with a bow. for instance rather than having a falmer arrow add 7 pts damage regardless of bow and skill lets have the arrow be a 70% damage modifier to the final damage output, and the same applies to a daedric arrow, that should do something like 120% damage... this way as an endgame mastered archer (such as my current character) will benefit a lot more from being careful with what arrows are used with which bows. whereas a beginner will also still have to deal with proper arrow choice as percentages would do better to affect both extremes. -
"annoying dragons everywhere" ?? really? why are they annoying? and you have to talk to the jarl to get breezehome sooo yeah if you want breezehome get ready for dragons.
as stated by theSuey, there will be tons of home mods with the release of the CK i for one will be working on brand new player home recessed in the mountainside at darkwater pass. and i am the modder that made both the HiVE and HiVE:New Vegas.. so expect smithing supplies and worktables, but also plenty of new devices such as magic sorters, remote storage, and teleportation devices.
when i rode the bus i sold candy... made the girls happy and i made a lil extra cash.. then they caught wind of it and made me stop, then I started bringing my cd player with me (before they had mp3 players) and i would turn on something soothing and pass out. This was apparently also against the rules but they knowingly looked the other way.. same with my cell phone. I didnt cause trouble with them, so they didnt care.
hey thanks guys! yeah I update it as i release new content so check back periodically.. in fact i have 2 or three tracks im working on now that may make it to the SC before too long.
@Eiries heh, yeah HiVE is mine, thanks! Happy you're enjoying it! I post new stuff as i complete it so check back for more every once in a while :) @Thor very true, I love deep soothing brutal bass.. in fact i remember when i used to go to sleep to Bass test CDs in high school.. I guess that thump got permanently imprinted on my soul. Happy your enjoying it!
yeah that's right totally free to download and share Its all freely accessible in the soundcloud set found here for online listening or download, so enjoy! please let me know what you think! I figured this would be a great crowd to share this with :) just if you do share this please respect the hard work and time I put into this and include credits and the proper song names and if possible a link to this thread or the soundcloud set page: http://snd.sc/rWGWTS
Any idea why my Global Variable isn't working?
angelwraith replied to ozziefire's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
i know i am resurrecting an old thread here but the reason this didnt work was because 'player' is not a reference.. you needed to use playerRef instead. 'player' & 'playerfemale' are actually referring to the baseID and you need the RefID to use a reference variable. see any conditions panel in geck and try to find 'player' in the getIsReference function (not the getIsId function) you actually had it right mostly, and removing the reference variable was not the best advice. -
ALL Vaults not most parts up in GECK
angelwraith replied to kieranbhoy's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
uncheck all the options of the show/hide menu.... then turn them all back on again. sometimes even if it says one of these are on it could be actually rendering the scene like its turned off, seems that turning them off and then back on can help in that scenario. -
i did...: if GetCombatTarget set rCombatTarget to GetCombatTarget endif i realized this before i posted the script, however, even with rCombatTarget conditionalized enabling the commented out section still made it not work. although i guess i needed to conditionalize the getdistance function as well as this only prevents the ref from being set to 0.. not from being called at 0 but hey i got it to work anyway!!! how: i made a seperate script that simply kills the creature and then have it being applied as its unarmed attack effect.. then im using a forced melee AI package.. so instead of detonating based on distance, it detonates as its melee attack, and always gets in for that melee attack so its now working exactly as planned.
there is no other way to spawn them.. unless i am moving persistant references.. which is a no go as i dont want to deal with resurrecting and moving them each time. so i went a completely different route that instead of using distance it relies on time/damage and im pretty happy with the results. thanks for trying to help me figure this out though.. i really wish i knew why the game would quit acknowledging one bit of code because another bit is enabled after it.. i want to know why those lines prevent it from returning that variable.. that in their absence works as planned... soo confusing.
wouldnt the returns prevent the ondeath block from firing? its need to be free to fire whenever they die.. its pretty much the main point. like if someone shoots it before it hits the trigger zone. additionally using the refrence 'this' is exactly the same thing as using getself, its actually the shorthand for it, which when being used on creatures that were spawned with placeatme like these never returns a true value.. this is what the geck wiki reads and i can confirm it with testing in console and the creature variables never getting set. yeah i just tested it, its a no go. rCombatTarget is returning a null value.
@ Skevitj oh hey thanks!! didnt see that and went through myself and redid it, thanks for getting something understandable back up so quickly.. yeah its notepad++ from now on before i upload any comments.. love the formating it provides.. and when im dealing with script(often am) it makes it look natural to me before i post so i know ive not missed anything.
SCN SUBcazadorScript ref rCombatTarget BEGIN GameMode if GetCombatTarget set rCombatTarget to GetCombatTarget endif ; If (GetDistance rCombatTarget <= 100 ) ; If (GetDistance Player >= 500 ) ; kill ; I tried both placeatme and the kill line below it, and for some reason ; placeatme SUBMiniNukeExplosion 1 ; whenever either of these are enabled the above script will not function anymore ; EndIf ; EndIf END ; GameMode BEGIN OnDeath If (GetDistance Player >= 500 ) placeatme SUBMiniNukeExplosion 1 EndIf disable markfordelete END ; OnDeath ok so you see the commented out section??? if its active the script will not return a value for rCombatTarget, if its commented out like it is rCombatTarget it gets set the way its supposed to and works and does what i want mostly.. its cool that they detonate when they die (was the original plan) but i wasnt to trigger that death manually with the killactor script when they get close to their targets. so i really need that section of code to not be commented out an be woking but either damage from the explosion killing them or the killactor (kill) command. Oh! also i ;should ;remember to add that this creature is created via PlaceAtMe so getSelf is out the window im wondering if there is some issue going on here related to this (i hope this isnt a case where the functions ;reference ;parameters are not optional, ive looked but cant find anything on it) any and all help/ideas are appreciated!! thank you.
<br> SCN SUBcazadorScript<br> <br> ref rCombatTarget <br> <br> BEGIN GameMode<br> <br> if GetCombatTarget<br> set rCombatTarget to GetCombatTarget<br> endif<br> <br> ; If (GetDistance rCombatTarget <= 100 )<br> ; If (GetDistance Player >= 500 )<br> ; placeatme SUBMiniNukeExplosion 1 ; I tried both placeatme and the kill line below it, and for some reason <br> ; kill ; whenever these are enabled the above script will not function anymore<br> ; EndIf<br> ; EndIf<br> <br> END ; GameMode<br> <br> <br> BEGIN OnDeath<br> If (GetDistance Player >= 500 )<br> placeatme SUBMiniNukeExplosion 1<br> EndIf<br> disable<br> markfordelete<br> <br> END ; OnDeath<br> <br><br><br><br>ok so you see the commented out section???<br>if its active the script will not return a value for rCombatTarget <br>if its commented out like it is rCombatTarget gets set the way its supposed to and works do do what i want mostly..<br>its cool that they detonate when they die (was the original plan) but i wasnt to trigger that death manually bill the killactor script <div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Oh! also i should remember to add that this creature is created via PlaceAtMe so getSelf is out the window</div><div>im wondering if there is some issue going on here related to this</div><div>(i hope this isnt a case where the functions reference parameters are not optional, ive looked but cant find anything on it)</div><div><br></div><div><br></div> crap i edited the message and the site bugged out leaving that^^ ill retype and repost the message in a minute
Hacking Is Effortless, Help!
angelwraith replied to Sibilantjoe's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
if its based on NVskies just make sure nvskies is the last mod on you mod list.. seems to clear up most issues. but if you unloaded NVskies and the bug is still there i doubt it was the culprit as NVskies is an esp and not an esm.. which means less issues removing it from game memory. the passwords that appear are linked to your science skill.. did you do some sort of cheat that boosted that passed 100? it may be this is the result of an algorithm running an unintended value for scence (where an above 100 skill could be the root of the issue) -
Ahztec Mod, weapons invisible
angelwraith replied to trevor999's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
im 90% sure the textures and meshes did not make it to the right folder.. dont manually copy them over.. most modders make the file structure in their mods where you just extract all of the files in the archive to the data folder.. if that modder didnt do that...lame. here is the other thing.. if you move the textures to a folder other than the one the modder provided the textures will totally mess up as the links to them in the meshes will have been broken. red exclamations indicate a missing mesh.. which means where the .esp is looking for them (probably a data/meshes/modderfolder/fileitslookingfor type structure) there is not the file they are looking for. -
ALL Vaults not most parts up in GECK
angelwraith replied to kieranbhoy's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
open the show/hide menu founf in the view tab mark sure everything in on (roombounds dont need to be if you dont know what that does, but you should learn them, good for performance) then second toggle the bright lights button on an off sometimes if you load another 3D rendering program (like geck and NV running at the same time) the light bright mode will mess up and cause some weird see through issues like what i see here. hope that helps! -
nvskies needs to be last on the list if you run it.. i do.. with a stable game.. i crash once every few DAYS and i mean IRL days not game days. And usually its when the game is loading tons of stuff. also i dont run merged, bashed or any error correction patches.. at all. With an initially stable game running these coverall 'fix' files tends to take my experience in a negative direction. sometimes though its just an error in someones mod. i found that after running EVE in my game that crit kills were causing occasional crashes, i figured this out by disabling all my mods except the basics that i knew were stable and one by one enabling the mods back and testing.. luckily i have a relatively short mods list and found the culprit pretty quickly, disabled it and now have a stable game again. which is a shame cause EVE is teh awesome, ill probably get the updated the file and do some testing with it to see how to get it stable.
esp vs esm and navmesh bugginess?
angelwraith replied to davidlallen's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
sorry for resurrecting such an old thread but i gots a question seems you guys would have the answer for... my mod adds tons of navmeshes but only in 1 new worldspace, and 2 new interior cells. there is 1 NPC but she NEVER moves. on purpose, she's a hologram who always loads correctly, no hair or skin issues. i have never experienced any navmesh issues and thats with constant multiple loads of these cells.. in fact i haven't had reports of nav issues from the users either. This is basically a crazy far out version of a home mod so people are in and out of it constantly. this mods been up for a while and i update it often usually (every few days) and usually get around 50 non-unique downloads with each update so i figure there's plenty of people who are coming back for new updates regularly and not reporting any issues. this file has never been an .esm if im not having any problems and have never experienced them, is there an advantage to converting to esm? seems like a lot of work with no clear advantage outside of being able to write plugins for it.. which i really don't need and with the nature of this mod there isn't really a demand for it anyway. -
ok so ive done some testing and released the updated version to the users that were experiencing the problem and have fixed the issue. here is how if anyone else experiences this: static collections when using a !@#TON of models can get really huge.. and not efficient at all.. and this was killing it for several users. the solution.. : I used less models and did not group them into statics. where on my machine loading the larger statics actually increased FPS people who didnt have as much video momory and RAM were getting dismal results.. and it wasnt worth the extra 3 fps when i was already running smooth to knock them all down to unplayable.
thank you but this is waaaay over my head... ive decided to try to recreate the objects the way i made them originally but with less models being used.. 1 big question ... is it better to make a static collection of a bunch of identical objects that form a wall.. or better to leave them individual smaller items?
ah man i was really hoping someone had some idea for me.. from reports it is becoming very apparent that these 9-49Mb files are more than likely the cause of the lag.. ive got blender.. but apparently i got one not compatible with nif-tools.. im going to keep trying to figure out a way to get these files open blender but from there on out im shooting in the dark.. i have autocad experience but haven't even seen blender open before.. is there some easy way to optimize these files?? this is causing a huge headache for me.. lag is my enemy... i wanted a smooth experience for all.. btw would rebuilding the areas with the original nifs be a safer way to go? i mean without converting them to static collections? all the static collections are of the same original model.. just lots of them arranged into new shapes.
sorry forgot to attach the nifs. and then i realized the files are actually too large to upload.. soo if you're that interested they are already uploaded here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40685 under HiVE - Data the main is unneeded as you dont need to install this mod to get the scol nifs from the data pack.