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Everything posted by tomislawus

  1. Manashota, where are thou....ouuuuuuuuuuuu....
  2. What about introducing diminishing returns instead of static roof values? The more hp you have the more damage your deal, but also the more hp you have the less additional damage it gives you - every point of hp besides the first one gives less and less bang-for-the-buck. I just feel that introducing min and max thresholds for anything is a bad idea.
  3. Cant you fight off those extremes in hp ranges by scaling it through some neat mathematical function - some sin-alpha&%^whatever (I'm a humanist:D)? I still don't understand how hp (strength) is calculated into damage formula from the attacker side of it. Also, please do not consider my nitpicking as an assault - I'm genuinely interested in wellbeing of this mod and of it fulfilling its ambitious goals of total realism - I love you Manashota :wub:
  4. Do you know what happens when a skinny man swings a big sword at you and connects? The same thing that happens when a big man does it. The big man might be able to hack off your arm, but from your point of view (dead), it doesn't matter much if your arm is hacked off or just mauled. When it comes to weapon damage potential, by themselves different weapons of the same type are doing the same kind of damage. You will want to get magical or better quality weapons for other reasons. There will be scripts governing how likely your weapon is to break or get damaged in combat (separate from the main combat script). You will need special weapons to kill magical or unnatural enemies. And so on. But just for damage, feel free to keep that iron sword if you like it. Or get something shinier for the cosmetic value. :) Skill, strength (there is no Strength attribute in Skyrim, so I just used total HP) and such are taken into account when blocking. Usually if you block you will block all damage, nothing gets through. But if your opponent is stronger, more skilled or has a larger weapon, then that is taken into account and some of the damage can get past your block. So if you plan on fighting trolls, you might want to get some muscle (HP) or be very skilled with your weapon, or use a shield and so on. I'm sorry, but I can't agree here. Melee combat is ALL about strength! Only when the skill level of both fighters differs by a lot, a skill can conquer brute strength - otherwise the stronger and more brutal guy will always win. I used to train and fight Krav maga and also fight with swords and in armor (competitively and not just for reenactment) and seriously - its all about your conditioning and strength. Dodging and blocking is IMMENSELY hard (both hand to hand and with weapons) and only people with a lot of skill and experience can do it (and only against noobs). Look at any MMA fight - the guy who goes on defense always loses. Taking out strength (HP in Skyrim) out of the equation is the worst idea ever. There is a HUGE difference between being hit by a skinny rogue and a buffed warrior and even if you assume it is not true for human vs human fights, consider that fighting with a beast, dragon or an undead (all of them are much more resilient than a human) MUST be ALL about strength - being able to chop off that zombie arm off or thrusting your sword through that dragon scale is all about physical strength! Manashota, I suspect that you think that melee fights are these epic duels from The Duelists where two professional soldiers with their 2 kg sabers and no armor give a fencing show for several minutes. Yes, in these fights its all about speed and skill, but these are not the fights of Skyrim! Skyrim fights are brutal, short and ungraceful just as the lives of Nords. Please, I beg of you to base the damage formula on strength (total hp or even better - bonus hp) and not skill! Skill is the thing you should base parrying and its effectiveness on, but for some reason you are doing the opposite:(
  5. Also, I concur that human body can take much more punishment than we would imagine - as a Napoleonic era enthusiast I did read a couple stories of people surviving (and still fighting) after getting shot (from muskets!) several times or slashed by a sword 17 (!) or so times.
  6. What's the point of increasing your HP then or finding a sharper sword? Maybe I didn't understand the script that well, but damage seems to be based solely on skill ratios, weapon types, race multipliers and armor rating. Where is the part that takes your health and conditioning into account? A skinny rogue will deal the same amount of damage with his sword as buffed warrior, given they have equal skill?
  7. I have an even better idea! BaseHPSuspect/BaseHPVictim = RaceDamageModifier CurrentHPSuspect/CurrentHPVictim = HealthDamageModifier TotalHPSuspect/TotalHPVictim = StrengthDamageModifier Outcome of a battle is decided by the weapon you are using (base of the formula?), your size and natural traits (BaseHP), your strength and conditioning (TotalHP) and your current health state (CurrentHP). Still not sure how damage is calculated in matter of weapon-armor mechanic. Please explain that.
  8. Believe it or not, I did understand that script gibberish :ermm: Won't it make NPC with 500 hp as durable as dragons? Did you check what are the HP ranges of NPCs in Skyrim? If you base "damage resistance" part of the formula on HP of the defender will you still base the "damage dealt" part of this formula on HP of the attacker?
  9. I wasn't talking about the experience you intend for the player to have, as I could easily find that in OP. I was talking about the "behind the curtain" stuff you described somewhere else where you say exactly how it all be achieved. TELL US THE TRUTH MANASHOTA
  10. As I feel I'm your greatest... not enthusiast! but a HARSH CRITIC (yes, I hate you Manashota) I would like to criticize you for making an overcomplicated system which in turn forced you to abandon your ambitious plans and compromise your glorious mod... unfortunately I seem to not remember your original idea and therefore I can't DESTROY YOU... for now. I'm sure somewhere in those 116 pages there is an explanation how this damage system was supposed to work, but I can't find:( Halp mah
  11. Because I mentioned reptilians and NWO in this thread couple of posts ago, the whole thread probably got into the Echelon database and Manashota is being interrogated right now and the mod files evaluated for containing secret messages:( I'm so sorry, please NWO overlords give us the alpha version of the mod. We will obey you from now on:( BTW This is how democracy dies.
  12. Those fat mages with no stamina for running should have an option to create an illusion of a cow that will distract the dragon:D On a more serious note it could be just another low level utility spell - a "shout" (literally a shout - a sound, not a dragonborn spell) or a scream of a dragon that would distract the dragon trying to eat the poor fatty. It could also be used to to frighten lesser enemies (wolves and peasants).
  13. I extremely like this idea of "ohshitohshitohshit" moments. But! Is there really a way to run from a dragon? People will just enter random caves and wooden huts (made out of dragon impervious logs) instead of... you know... really running away, like in the trailer you mentioned.
  14. Manashota, hurry up please! World is gonna end soon (it's 2012 already omg), reptilians gonna om nom nom us and the NWO guys gonna do the beat-up-and-lock-up-all-the-hippies event in preparation for the New Democratic (lol) Totalitarian Earth Empire. BTW I would not go to the London Olympics this year if I were you :cough: NWO "terrorist" attack :cough: Anyway, soon we won't have time to enjoy your glorious mod :nuke:
  15. One more important tip I have for you Manashota: make every perk you redesign all about utility and not only about numbers - perks should introduce new ways of playing and not only enhance those that already there. Its actually something I talked about with a designer from CD Projekt Red so you know its a good tip:D
  16. Are you considering releasing the Vampire Twilight Edition Module when Dawnguard comes out? There are some cool things that could be tweaked considering vampire mechanics...
  17. I like this idea. Maybe make it so some weapons have the chance to break when power attacking a higher quality armour. It would be cool only if you had to fight with a broken weapon after it breaks. A chance for a weapon to just disappear after an attack sounds not very fun.
  18. I LOVE THIS POISON SHIIT The washing mechanic though is overkill - I think you should put in the Annoying Mechanics Module.
  19. Yeah, it would probably just increase script lag... Anyway, I was thinking more in the likes where you have this enchanted bone (finally a use for crafting!) in your inventory and when you throw it on the ground it changes from an item to a corpse that looks exactly the same as the bone item so you don't really see the difference. Now you can animate this "corpse" and spawn a skeleton or something. It would be interesting for a necromancer to actually require bodies (or magically enchanted bones) to create zombies and skeletons. Same for summoning daedra - you need daedric items to summon them. I hate it when you summon stuff from thin air.
  20. Have you thought about balancing magic by introducing spell ingredients? Like, if you want to summon a skeleton you have to throw a bone on the ground and then cast a spell on it (not really possible, right?). If you played paper WFRP you will know what I mean - every spell had an ingredient that was used after casting the spell. Sulfur for fire spells, some shiny powder for electricity, etc. I think I already suggested that... :psyduck:
  21. It always bothered me in Oblivion that spells like "charm" or "frenzy" worked just like any other firebolt spell - you basically hurl a bolt of "charm energy" and you can actually miss with it. Getting into the mind of your opponent is more about telepathically invading his mind than shooting him with a charmball. How about making charm-like spells very fast (instant-like) and invisible so you will get a feeling that you spell is not a projectile.
  22. Don't give in to this obvious troll, Manashota - listen to only funny trolls (like me) not the stupid ones:D
  23. No, seriously. I see it as a hidden side quest in which you track a secret and possibly sinister organization to only find out that it is the town watchmen that in secrecy meet in some basement and dance naked and in makeup to techno music. EPIC
  24. I'm sorry for double post and off-toping, but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPllpzxmM5k&feature=relmfu Can we get a Gay Techno Party Module along with other modules you are planning, Manashota?
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