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Everything posted by tomislawus

  1. Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD Sure it is. Everyone knows your body just seals gaping wounds shut after you rest for a few seconds, and sniper bullets to the face are ok if you don't overdo them. :P Obviously, he didn't mean that those thing were realistic - he talked more about the fact that in Battlefield 3 its more important to know where is your enemy than having faster trigger finger, just like in real battlefield. Anyway, my point is that movies and games are not always that unrealistic as they seem to and sometimes we can use them as viable arguments in discussion.
  2. Actually, I just spoke to my brother who is a Afghanistan war "vet" (he didn't shoot anyone AFAIK so thats why the quotation) that told me that Battlefield 3 is quite a realistic game:DDDDD
  3. If you have seen this Witcher 2 trailer: ... ... you can see how a dagger wielding assassin could be capable of killing heavy armored enemies - well, it doesn't really show what we want to achieve, but you know... its a cool cinematic:D Anyway, we absolutely need dagger wielding assassins killing heavy armored guards in gruesome and cinematic ways! For fantasy realism sake and great justice! Mansh00ter, do it!!! :D
  4. I just had an idea! Remember that talk about dagger vs armor gameplay where you should be able to puncture heavy armor with dagger if you catch your enemy off-guard? Well, have you played Battlefield 3? In that game, normally all melee kills are performed through special custom animation where you stick your knife into someone's chest. Why not make it work the same in Skyrim? Normally, dagger attacks are rather useless against heavy armor, but if the player manages to flank his opponent and attack him when he is staggering or something then he will perform a special attack that bypasses armor. This attack would use one of the finisher animations. How's that?
  5. Obviously, it would be just another module, completely optional and I want Skyrim to be as much deadly as possible. BTW isn't there some feature already in game that doesn't let you save during combat or something? I think in Oblivion was something like that. Wouldn't it be then only a question of cooking up a script to use this feature all the time?
  6. I was wondering how we could (and by WE I mean Mansh00ter) make traps actually interesting. Even if we make them deadly as they should be, it will still be unneeded from the player to keep a lookout for them as he can just make quicksaves every two minutes and reload if he steps on a pressure plate or something - it completely destroys the whole traps gameplay. So, why not reduce the amount of saves a player can make in proportion to feats he accomplished and time he spent on playing? By spending time in game, completing quests, learning skills and possibly killing stuff player would gain... lets say... destiny/fate/luck points that then can be used to make a save game. These saves could be stacked up to 2 or 3 so you could always make that emergency save when dinner is ready, but still be limited. I have no idea how it could be done in Skyrim, but I think that would really spice up things and give Skyrim's gameplay that frantic, thrilling, nail biting feel of Resident Evil (uh, zombies everywhere WHERE IS THAT SAVEPOINT). Just imagine yourself in some random cave, creeping through the corridors, praying that you find some torches around the corner as the one you have been using is nearly finished and in complete darkness you will not see those damn pressure plates - perspective of losing 60 minutes of intense dungeon crawling you just did can be much more terrifying than any monster or dragon, no matter how much HP.
  7. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6002 First person body view mod and a very nice one. I'm sure you already seen it but still I feel compelled to point it out. Would be nice if it was implemented in your mod - if the creators wont agree for some reason you can at least look up how to do it yourself - it's not like you can't just copy paste the mod in your own overhaul anyway:D
  8. What about making the features that require Script Extender to be completely optional? Or you just don't want to dabble in that at all? But why?
  9. Some sexy stuff there! I would prefer the video to be in first person though. Waiting for the mage gameplay video.
  10. Sometimes I think that you spend more time answering our questions and suggestions than actually developing the mod, Mansh00ter:D
  11. Addiction to Health Potions? Side effects of drinking too many Mana Potions? I sure would like to see that much more than alcoholism simulation - there is nothing in matters of gameplay that would make this interesting as you just don't have to drink alcohols at all. Also, I was thinking about the way you want damage to be calculated and here is my two cents: Damage in melee combat seems to me to not only depend on the weapon but also on the skill and strength of the attacker. Skill and strength actually should mean much more than you want it to be. I know you want to make combat dangerous at all levels and you have my full support in that but I don't think that making weapon damage a constant is the right way to go. There is a huge difference between "I can swing this sword at you" and "I can cut you in half with this swords" and it all comes to skill and physical strength - weapon quality is important but it is not the deciding factor. We already have a skill stat and its only a matter of balancing it. The stat we are lacking is strength. Luckily, you have already established Health as a king of substitute for strength and I just would like to see it to make more of an impact. What do I want to achieve? A situation where a mage or a cunning assassin in dire situation could drink a Fortify Health potion, grab a huge hammer and maul his enemies with his superior strength - not relying on skill or the weapon quality (he just took it from the body of a killed bandit) but on the superhuman strength he got from the potion. Obviously it would be balanced by the price and duration of the potion.
  12. And we shall mourn your death if you fail so, Mansh00ter...
  13. Great! I would like to hear how do you intend to make a certain characters deal with, lets say, 3 bandits casually met just outside some city in bright daylight. Two are melee and one is armed with a bow. A warrior in a heavy armor will soak up the arrow damage (with a shield perhaps) and just overcome them with his superior fighting skills. Am I right? A rogue assassin will dispose of one or two of the bandits with his bow and then finish the remaining enemies with a sword and dagger. Will he have some special moves or tricks up his sleeve or will he just fight with them head on, relying more on dodging than blocking/soaking up damage than the warrior? What will mage do? Will he initiate with a fireball? How long it will take him to cast a fireball? How much mana he will use? How will it be balanced? Will he stun the first one then freeze the other and electrocute the third bandit emperor-style, pinning him to ground and watching him slowly die? How do you intend to balance pure mages who are not supposed to run around hurling firebolts at their melee enemies who chase them but instead stand in their protective rings of fire, deflecting arrows and blows with telekinetic barriers and paralyzing, stunning and freezing? EDIT: An idea (probably impossible): make mages more reliant on outside help. I personally see mages as these strong minded types with weak bodies who use their superb intellect to achieve success in life (yes, smart people tend to have money and power). Therefor I imagine mages in addition to being dangerous with their magic to have these mercenary brutes by their side that do all the dirty work. How would it work in game? Give the player some kind of bonus money for being part of the mages guild and create some generic mercenary followers that can be easily recruited in every city? It would be an interesting way of balancing mages - 1 on 1 they are formidable but when attacked by more then 3 enemies if not prepared they will perish for sure and actually need bodyguards to not get killed by bandits. A LOT OF SCRIPTING AND A LOT OF WORK, I KNOW AND I'M SORRY :(
  14. Additionally, it would be good if there were some way for the NPCes to make the player drop his weapon so carrying a spare dagger for self defense would actually be viable. In reality a warrior would always carry a spare blade for such situation.
  15. This and please include some kind of a way of dealing with heavy armor for assassins with daggers besides bow and arrow.
  16. Making weapons deal only percentage damage may be a bit unrealistic. In reality there are people who can get stabbed a lot more (bacause they are are fat bodybuilders with high pain tolerance) than others. Will there be any stat that will represent this in the game or all humans will be killed with 3-4 arrows no matter how fat or drunk:D Also, daggers cant be useless outside of sneak attacks as you want them to be. There should be two ways to deal with heavy armored enemy: 1. Hit them with something big and heavy like a hammer, axe or two handed sword so you can get through their thick armor by sheer force of you blows. This is the way a heavy knight or unskilled peasant (with a spear or a flail) would do it. 2. Get close to them/force them into a clinch where they cant swing their weapons and retaliate and stick something sharp, thin and extremely pointy under the armpit or even try to puncture their armor with a very thin blade (vide misericorde - it wasn't been used only for coup de grace but also in combat when using an axe or hammer wasn't an option). This is the way rogues should deal with heavy armored enemies - parry with a sword and when their weapon is locked in parry use the off hand dagger and finish them. In gameplay terms you could make the dagger a very fast weapon (obviously) but only when used for fast attacks and quite useless against armor. Then make dagger power attacks rather slow and very low range but with armor penetration. The way it would work is a rogue with a sword and a dagger would parry the attack or otherwise make its enemy stagger and then close in and perform the dagger power attack. Alternatively make dagger attacks have bonus armor penetration when attacking staggering/stunned enemies. Anyway I think that dagger should be more useful for dealing with heavy armor than a plain sword (only when used properly) but still less useful than heavy two handed weapons.
  17. Did you managed to figure out how to make time slow down to bullet time when accessing quick menu instead of the game pausing? It's really one of the most important things for immersions and combat fluidness.
  18. I concur that double wielding should be more differentiated from standard weapon setups but it should not only, if at all, increase your dps (as you cant really swing two swords at the same time, thats just stupid) but let you more dynamically parry and "lock" your enemy weapon with your off-hand weapon. Thats theory and I don't think it could be implemented. Alternatively, performing power attack with both weapons could cause you to stagger and become vulnerable if you wont kill your enemy with this OP attack. Attacking with both weapons at once would be like a desperate attack where you overextend and just jump in berserker rage on your target with no regard for your safety. Anyway, Mansh00ter, as I can see that you are a devoted and determined modder I wonder, as I always do when I see someone like you, what is the driving force behind all this work you put into this mod? I'm just curious because I modded a lot of games myself in the past and it was always because I didn't like the vanilla experience and wanted to improve it for myself. But it always ended the same way - after understanding the inner workings of a game, I grew bored of it and ended up not playing it anymore. Thats why I don't make mods for games anymore - because I want to play them. Why I'm writing all this bullshiit anyway? Because I feel we all who post in this thread with good advice, ideas and suggestion for the mod should actually help you with making the mod instead. I feel somewhat guilty of not helping you and just posting "how should things work" instead of actually doing something and thats why I write all these things:D I just feel that I need some kind of a excuse to not help you and this is it - if I were to help you I would be unable to enjoy the finished work as I should - that is quite egoistic of me but its still better excuse than "omg I have not time to mod, I work so hard" or "omg I cant mod its so hard omg". Cheers! :DDDDDDDDD
  19. On this note, though, do you have intention of making TRO-Combat compatible with magic mods such as Midas? It seems Midas spells would be vastly overpowered if TRO scales vanilla spells down. I have no idea how to do this except for making a Midas - The TRO Version mod, but it would suck to miss out on the depth Midas brings to the magic system. While I enjoy Midas' take on magic, TRO will pretty much do the same thing, only with realism and balance in mind - fact is, Midas' Magic spells are often totally unbalanced - which is ok, that's a mod for players who like to blow up half of Skyrim with fireballs. But that unfortunately makes the two mods incompatible on multiple levels. Instead, with TR Combat Overhaul you will see each spell effect reworked so that they are not only more powerful (TRO will not be scaling anything down, the opposite), but also have a lot more to them than vanilla versions. For example, starting with beginner spells, Spark (and other shock spells) will be able to knock out victims to the ground where you can keep frying them to death, Flames (and most fire spells) will be a veritable flamethrower you can use to really set the scenery ablaze and create fiery barriers against enemies, fireballs will have a real explosive force to them that will send enemies flying... and all that balanced with ranged and melee combat to keep the gameplay even and challenging (plus it can also happen to you). If possible I even plan to add spell combinations to TRO. I remember this mod for Oblivion, was called Telekinesis or something, in which you could learn a whole bunch of telekinesis spells that let you throw around your enemies. It was very nicely scripted and was quite balanced. First you would get spells like Trip which made your enemies... trip and fall on their face for some quick CC and then you would get the Force Push to damage them a bit too and finally you could lift them up in the air Sith style and choke them to death. It was a very fun spell mod. Also, Midas spells for Oblivion had this nice line of spells where a mage would use his weapon (sword, dagger or an arrow) and fling them with telekinesis at their enemies. It would be nice way of balancing if a spell required not only enough mana to cast it but also a dagger or a sword to be present in inventory - with added new inventory system a mage would carry only like 3 daggers so he would have to make them spells count. Sword throw could be a very powerfull spell but in this way could be casted only once before you could pick another one to fling. I guess the same thing can be achieved by making longer cooldowns but still it would be nice.
  20. Please don't make a crapping simulator - we need combat, inventory and magic overhaul. We love you anyway, though.
  21. Guys be serious ffs! Puking is an important part of all adventuring! You should totally implement it as a completely new level of strategy - should I eat that ancient cheese which looks like poo and risk puking and getting sick or not and stay hungry or maybe I should eat it and then follow it with some ancient brandy risking getting drunk? CHOICES CHOICES CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES THIS IS WHAT RPG SHOULD BE ABOUT AFTER ALL
  22. Drinking alcohol before or right after eating something that would normally make you puke should decrease the chance of puking:D
  23. Not quite sure, but there is a mod out with puking already. It's a shout. Take a look. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8915 My God... We need this! Puking when sick or when eating ancient nord cheese (50% for a barf, maybe?) and a crowd control spell that forces puking - you could call it Ingardium Reflux or Command Word: Barf :D
  24. Is there an animation for puking in he game?
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