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Everything posted by CirceanGirl

  1. Hello - I'd like to see if other people are interested in creating a Skyrim Creation Kit online learning group, for people to share what they know and learn from others. I'm willing to kick start the group with a virtual meeting space if there is interest. Ava
  2. Somewhat related question on the topic of mining. I want to create a racial ability that modifies the output of mining ore veins. Any suggestions on how to start as a magical effect? for an ability? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello - in essence I want to have three different trees within Destruction. 1 for FIre, Frost, and Shock each. I got the fire one built. It even let me add 3 perks from my Frost on an unconnected branch, but then loading the perk menu started crashing the game. I could do a work around and have everything branch from a single point, but stylistically that isn't my preference, nor is using DoomStones like "Enderal" does. Any confirmations of the perceived limitation or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Hello - Good Information about modifying the SkyrimEditor.ini file. Relative to general stability, I've solved most crashing by doing the following: 1. If you have a solid-state drive, run it from there 2. DON'T Run it from the steam app. Run it from the exe file 3. If your OS > Windows 8, set compatibility for windows 8 4. Set flag to run as an administrator. Merry Modding, CG.
  5. Thank you so much Adominus -This addition to "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1" did the trick. The mod link 21741 above no longer works, but these items seem to resolve it without the mod. :laugh:
  6. Hello - I found your post as a result of getting the message myself. After a lot of mucking about, I determined that the solution is to not try to combine mods that reference the mod RaceMenu. I believe it is because two mods trying to access that functionality are fighting over jslot resources, and causing those notifications. Others more experienced may say I'm smoking crack. Anyhow, In my case I was trying to use Familiar Faces (A mod I adore!) with the TrueBy9 mod for my 3440 x 1440 resolution. It also references the RaceMenu mod, and though I tried to disable it in one, I could still not get the mods to work together without causing that messaging. Hope this solves your issue.
  7. Hello - I found this thread through a search for the magic effect 'abBlind'. I'm attempting to beef-up the Illusion School Spells. Does anyone know if you can change the Delivery parameter to 'Aimed' and then let the caster blind targets? Thanks in advance, CG
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