I am one of those people Dirk45, I have had those moments and still do. I'm agoraphobic and narcoleptic. I also suffer from clinical depression but, I have great joy in my life in the form of my children and my grand children. My husband is terminally ill, but I have found strength and determination. Every day I rise and dress is a milestone, every time I leave the house and go to the corner shop is a milestone. I push myself and push my children. No one pushes me I have to find it within myself to keep going when, some days, it would be easier to say "stop the world I want to get off". I don't, and I don't expect anyone to do anything for me unless I ask them to. No-one is completely lost, those that think they are are not looking forward, but behind. Nothing good ever comes of looking behind you, you tend not to see the excavation in the middle of the pavement if you do, and tend to break your neck in the process of falling into it. Look forward, make life happen, live, love and be happy for there will come a day when you wish you had. :D