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Everything posted by MoonRacer27

  1. No worries sir and yes I did ... thanks Thank you sir it was an oversight on my part ... as usual The menu to select a new start would never come up ... everything worked fine up until Mara would reply but I never go the selection menu ... weird
  2. I have it loaded along with some other mods and everything seems to load and work fine EXCEPT ... when I ask Mara to start the Alternate Life the menu doesn't load and I'm standing there like W.T.F. Any of you smarter then I am cats know what may be the problem ? I've took the mod out and reloaded it, I've moved mods around but neither of those worked so I am stumped Thanks in advance like usual ~
  3. Never mind folks I found what I was searching for
  4. that changes the book print to vary from book to book so they're not all the same Thanks for the help
  5. Thanks ! That makes a lot more sense to a noob like myself
  6. I have no clue on how to understand those logs
  7. Thanks Leonidas and that's the problem I'm having is with the second one ... and if I read those log's I have no clue what so ever Let me ask those that do use MO2, I have skse64_loader as the launch option and that's the one I get the error message with BUT when I select the Skyrim Special Edition option the game will launch so am I using the wrong exe. to launch the game ? Anyone at all please chime right in before my head explodes
  8. Thanks Leonidas ~ Any idea why I'm getting that message when I launch via MO2 I D/L'd the Address Library from NEXUS and it's suppose to be the updated version for my build ? The only mods I'm experimenting with are : USSEP Address Library for SKSE Plugins SSE Engine Fixes Alternate Start Wyrmstooth Ice Titans Mihails Ice Titans in Wyrmstooth
  9. Is there a list somewhere that has the MODS that will work with the above mentioned version by chance The reason I ask is because I decided to give MO2 another go and I'm getting this message when trying to launch the game : DLL plugins you have installed require a new version of the Address Library. Either this is a new install or Skyrim was just updated. Visit the Address Library webpage for updates? I have the current version D/L'd via MO2 ... this makes my head hurt
  10. You were correct, my follower dude could only carry so much After I found that out I fired his ass on the spot ... only after I took my stuff back
  11. how the hell do I complete this one ... I am stumped as I have soooo many quests to complete within it and can't seem to complete'm to save my ass Thanks as always in advance ~
  12. As you can see I can't trade the items blackened out to my follower ... Another stupid question and I should have thought of this earlier but do followers have limits as to the number or weight of items that they can carry ? Anyways thanks for the help ~
  13. About half of the items in my current inventory are blacked out and I can't trade them with my follower ... this just started to happen, I've tried dropping items and picking them up again to no avail I've also tried verifying files via STEAM to no avail as well Would any of you more advanced players know what the problem may be and have a solution, I would appreciate it so ! Thanks in advance ~
  14. I tried your procedure but alas it still doesn't work
  15. Thanks , I did use MO2 but when Skyrim updated it runed that so I decided to just download the have to have mods and do it all manually
  16. I got 2 items and I do not know where they are to be placed MCMHelper.dll and MCMHelper.pdb So please, where do these 2 go and thanks ~
  17. Can any of you smarter then I am folks know how to fix that problem ^
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