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Everything posted by MoonRacer27

  1. Thanks for the reply Here's a screen shot of what I'm talking about
  2. Another dumb question to ask : I got SkyUI working in game with the manual install the only problem being is in the choice icons ... you know like the sell, drop, give and take icons. They show up fine BUT the box associated with each have a 3 Question Marks instead of the letter that is suppose to associate each. Like for Sell E , Drop R etc. Anyone of you smart people who may happen to see this know how I can fix it ? Thanks a ton ~
  3. Thanks for the reply do you use all the outskirts ?
  4. does any of it work with the new up-date to SKYRIM ?
  5. Thanks folks, I had MO2 working just fine with over 800 mods but since the update nothing wants to work SO I figured I would try and install a few favorites to get me by Thanks again ~
  6. Just curious if it's possible and if so how would one do so ? I would like to have the SkyUI MOD installed without a MO2 or Vortex ... can it be done and please walk this idiot thru the process if so Thanks ~
  7. WOW Looks like we're mainly screwed with no lube Thanks for the replies ladies and gentlemen
  8. Back again ... sorry Now I'm getting this message : REL/Relocation.h(718): Failed to locate an appropriate address library with the path: Data/SKSE/Plugins/versionlib-1-6-1130-0.bin This means you are missing the address library for this specific version of the game. Please continue to the mod page for address library to download an appropriate version. If one is not available then it is likely that address library has not yet added support for this version of the game. Like I stated I'm all new here and I have no idea what that means or where to go to check on the correct version ... anyone that can help ?
  9. 1> Yes I did plus a S-H-I-T load more 2> It updated this afternoon on STEAM So, every single mod I have loaded has to be updated before it'll work ... Jesus what a FUBARED situation ! Thanks so much for the reply ~
  10. Rather new to Skyrim and after the update I get the following messages : One or more addresses could not be retrieved from the address library Last bad ID: '11044' And this one : A DLL plugin failed to load correctly. If new version of Skyrim was just released the plugin needs to be updated. Please check the mod's webpage for updates. fiss.dll: disabled, incompatible with current version of the game ImprovedCameraSE.dll reported incompatible during load SSEDisplayTweaks,dll reported as incompatible during load Continuing to load may result in lost save data or other undesired behavior . I have no idea what these mean so I'm hoping someone can help me get my game back on track and THANK YOU so much for any and all help !
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