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  1. I had the same exact issue with running Elden ring. Never figured out what exactly the source of my misery was but I did find out that downgrading from windows 11 to 10 fixed it.
  2. That would be the Jousting armor from the team TAL Bdor armor compilation mod that has been converted to 3ba. You cant get it off nexus but if you google bdor amor mod 3ba you will find it easily enougj
  3. I had the same thought. Somebody needs to put mco in morrowind, now.
  4. Fair, and I apologize if I come off as denigrating or anything of the like. The point I wanted to make was that if the content of a mod is what you mean to test, rather than compatibility with your existing modlist, then trying a large pre-made modlist enables you to try lots and lots at the same time rather than having to go through the tedious install, boot up, try, quit, uninstall, install another cycle of trying one at a time.
  5. I prefer third person but only on the condition that I am also using mco, better third person aiming and decent body/skin/armor mods or else erthing just looks like clunkass 15 year old garbage.
  6. Yeah there are a few google drive copies of hph lying around. if you look at any wabbajack modlist, chances are that in the instructions you'll find a link to an hph mirror download.
  7. Looks like one of the sets from Teal TAL's bdor collection that's been 3ba'ed
  8. The only thing that will ever yield dramatic results that- are even comparable to ENB in Skyrim, in my opinion, is using Community Shaders and all it's associated mods. And then maybe popping a decent reshade on top just to compliment them. ENB has been around...for awhile. I remember murdering my old old old rig when I tried my first enb with dark souls 2. Holy balls did it ever make my game look incredible but the cost was... steep, to say the least. I have been bouncing around various modlists and so far I have found myself, in most cases, getting rid of all things enb and going with community shaders. It's not quite as impressive as ENB is..not yet anyways but they are improving it and adding to it steadily so I believe it might get there eventually but honestly... 30 fps outdoors/45 fps indoors with an enb vs 120 fps steady everywhere with community shaders for the price of my game looking 2 years old rather than like if it was made yesterday? Yeah, that decision is easy for me.
  9. Take the hit to your...whatever is preventing you from wanting to create another account somewhere else and just do it so you can get HPH. Or get somebody to send you the zip of it or whatever. Hell, I would do that for you if I had a drive or something. HPH is worth it. Not using hph but using hph presets will yield shiddyazz results that will leave you feeling betrayed by the pretty pictures you saw of them. Or, jump ship and get into COTR. or UBE. I have tried neither as of yet but I daresay 50/50 screens of faces made in both of those make said body/face mods very tempting to me. I am picky af though so maybe your opinion of those mods would be way different, who knows?
  10. Or this. 1 mod at a time is hard af to do for impatient people such as myself and it is painful af to start over and over and over and over buuuuuuuuut fixing an issue that has just come up when you have installed 1 mod is an F-ton easier than figuring out what the hell is wrong with your game when you just impulse-downloaded hundreds of mod in a shopping spree because they all looked cool and felt like "they'd prolly work together". Which is why I made the suggestion to start with one big/fully furnished modlist rather than frankensteining your own monster together by stacking individual mods or nexus collections together. My late wife got me into the modding world with her love of the souls games and I thought I could easily translate that into es games buuuuut ooooh F no. Skyrim mod logic is on another level. Hell, your mods might not work now but maybe if your list was organized in a different order, they would. Load list order organizing is an art-form that I daresay is juuuuuust below the actual creation of mods themselves. so yeah... I think that you are maybe biting off more than what your eyes are telling you and your frustration fromwanting for this Shid to work for you is maybe hindering your learning process of the whole kejigger as a whole.
  11. My dude/ette/it/ster you have chosen the most painful and irritating way to get your feet wet with mods I could ever think of. Instead of nibbling crumbs and going in one mod at a time and then starting over and killing your brain and soul in the process...I highly suggest that you do the exact opposite of what your plan is and just go ALL IN. Get Nolvus... or if you feel comfortable with learning the easier than it seems at first process of Wabbajack, Get Vagabond or some other gigantic modlist and experience modding in all it's beautiful, already properly organized, sorted and listed (redundant, I know) glory. From there, after playing and getting to tinker with said lists on your own to get them more to your own liking, you will learn at a MUCH faster pace what you like, what you dont, what works, what dosen't and what direction you will want your own personal list to go and grow in.
  12. Dodge mods and a Souls game mindset will get you to a better place if you are aiming to be a nakedish/lightly armored heavy bonk-er. Vanilla combat in es games to date has never been the friend of light armors until you can get your hands on the epic level loots. I remember reading something, in an in-game book I believe, whilst playing Morrowind that mentioned how the Argonians were masters of combat in their swampy homeland because they used light armors and were able to dip, duck, dive and dodge (dodgeball style) around their more heavily armored invaders but the truth is... you cant dodge in es games. You cant do any of that s#*!. You can just stand there and swing and swing and swing and hope whatever is swinging back at you dies first... and that kinda makes anything except the tankiest of armors and the hardest hitting bonks all but obsolete.
  13. Verolevi mods will become your new best friends, if they have not already. Def a good place to start.
  14. Immersive creatures ' welma monsters have given me some level of gamer ptsd on par with going through the teleport in the original doom's last level of the first episode. lol. My suggestion/shitty solution to your creature mod issue is.... get more mods. level the playing field so that the odds are not so much stacked against you all the time. Combat archery not working? Try the Bow rapid combo mod and you will find yourself going full Grammaton cleric on them foos. 1h and 2h combat not working? Ditch vanilla combat and just blindly chuck yourself overboard into the vast ocean of MCO and moveset mods. Magic f'n sucks? Mods like Apocalypse and Odin will give you spells worth the magicka investment. You'll be shocked to find yourself summoning s#*! thougher than you are, blasting critters into bits with fun-er destruction spells and maybe even stumble upon an illusion spell or two that put most offensive spells from any other school to shame... like Death Howl. God damn do I ever love starting a fight with Death howl.
  15. I think that for at least some, if not most of these creature/enemy mods the authors' aim is to push you to use every tool at your disposal to overcome the challenge their mods are setting for you. Alchemy included, as a previous reply suggested. I think some, at least a couple of them must also be working under the impression that your modlist includes staple combat mods that level the playing field such as valhalla, wildcat and even to some extent, MCO and mco moveset mods. As for quest mods...yeah.. some of them are mad hard. Quest start levels are not a rule but a suggestion that I believe in most cases should be followed only by the same type of players that will go through the Souls games series naked with a wooden club doing challenge and speedruns n s#*! whilst us plebs struggle because we cant parry or distance or time or anything so we end up facetanking and hoping our shitty op weapons kill faster than we die. lol. That being said... I highly suggest you dont let that deter you from playing said quest mods... You mentioned Vigilant, for example, and I can tell you that there is a reason it is in most modlists today. It's damn good. Hard as s#*! or not. So is Beyond the Reach, Forgotten City (Not as hard if you have brains but I dont and so even with as little combat as it has, it beat my ass into tgm-ing tf out of it for my first playthroughs) and quite a few more that I should do the honor of listing but my brain fails me rn so I wont.
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