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Everything posted by hickups

  1. I'm having issues with getting this to work with Hud Framework and Val sorting even using the provided patch could someone assist me with the best way to go about ordering them in Vortex to solve conflicts? currently clicking on the settings holotape tab which you get from Hud framework causes a CTD
  2. this was probably answered before if it was I apologise but I'm curious if there'll be an import feature for Vortex to quickly migrate installed mods/profiles from NMM/MO2 or are we looking at a completely fresh install of mod files?
  3. A central system I a donate to that all worthy nexus modders can draw from... this is an answer to all my problems cant wait to see this put in place and its tough to choose which mod author to support and what ends up happening is I end up not supporting as much as I should this system would honestly put my mind at ease that I'm helping through one central donation.
  4. i just thought of something hilarious we will now probably see steam summer mod sales 75% off on this already overpriced sword :p
  5. forgive me for being a moron and this is probably wild speculation but, does this mean that fallout 4 when it does come out will require me to download all mods through the steam workshop? Is this where this is going because that would be mortifying, and my favourite modders are going to start nickel and diming? me dear god i want to cry. please someone tell me im way off base? i mean for dota 2 TF2 i didnt really mind since all that stuff was pointless cosmetic nonsense. but for skyrim i love the pointless cosmetic nonsense, i dont know if that makes me a hypocrite. Furthermore im seeing a nightmare scenario, imagine that you want to change body types, does this mean after spending 5 bucks on a theoretical FO4CBBE if i wanted to switch to FO47BASE id then have to spend another 5?. What about things such as armor conversions how is that going to work? ugh my head is hurting me.
  6. Not sure if this is an actual problem or just paranoia on my part so as a result im asking the community. Just randomly yesterday i noticed my character doesn't seem to generate a shadow in broken oar grotto and that triggered some paranoia that something must have broke, it was never something i paid much notice to before so i don't know if it should or shouldn't have been like that. After exiting the grotto and back on the world map my shadow seemed to be working perfectly fine, i then proceeded to Whiterun and the Bannered Mare and shadows seemed to be working fine there aswell. So i assumed it was just a one off issue and proceeded to korvanjund to do one of the civil war quests, as soon as i entered i couldn't help but notice my character and the others with me casted no shadows and this sent me into freak out mode and my first thought broken lighting mod or broken enb. Finished up the quest saved exited the game and disabled the two lighting mods i was using namely Enhanced lighting and FX and Darker Dungeons for ENB went back in game and still nothing, I then checked a few other dungeons Shadowgleam cave and Dimhollow plus a few others whose names i cannot recall and in none of them did it appear that my character casted a shadow even while standing directly in-front of a light source. So after this i disabled my Enb aswell and went back to Korvanjund and the problem persisted i doubled checked a few inns, towns and the world map and in all cases my character shadow was fine but in the dungeons nothing. After this i simply disabled all my mods in NMM except the Skyrim, Updates and DLC ESM's went back in game and the problem was still there, at that point i simply exited the game and went to sleep before i broke something. Then Earlier this morning i re-enabled all my mods and checked the first Dungeon Bleak Falls barrow and in there my character shadow was working perfectly fine. So now im at a loss i don't quite understand what the problem is or if there even is one any ideas or is this just how the game is?
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