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Everything posted by Immortality

  1. Did you try to search in the Bioware Social Network? Last I heard, it was there still (haven't been there in a while, though.) EDIT: Oh, shoot... the Bio Social Network link is also dead... :sad:
  2. It's kinda self explanatory. A mod that would allow us to demolish wings, or the whole house if we feel like a change would be more than welcome :)
  3. Many thanks for adding it to your to-do list, Dark0ne! Even if it's not in the immediate part. Hopefully some day you guys have time for this fix. :-)
  4. Ignored users work as it should in the forums. I don't see their posts, and they cannot send me pms. However when viewed from the website, the comments still show. I *really for real* don't want to read what certain people have to say, and that includes the 'comment' tab of my mod file. Can this be solved somehow? Thanks!
  5. dikiaca: Read the documentation. Most probable cause: you have an incompatible mod installed. You can read the FAQs for some possible solutions.
  6. Hi, guys! The new update is here! Again with full VO, thanks to Jon! The update is small, and only involves the case of "Cousland who never played the Origins mod, and therefore knows Rory but thinks he's dead". Because Awakening is so short, I won't delve into the whole reunion once again, but Rory will now recognize the Cousland PC, and the PC can ask him where he was, etc. New dialogs and a new codex entry were added. The relationship will default to AW_GILMORE_FRIENDSHIP, which already has its own Cousland lines. Thanks everybody for your input and your help so I can make this mod better!! :-) *** arkoudaki: YAY!!! Mine too!!! ha ha ha <3 <3 :-D harpy7704: No. For many reasons: - The voice actors are not available. - Modding Awakening is extremely difficult, because the resources are not in the toolset, so everything derives into one big hack. I was able to pull it off with Ser Gilmore and the dog, but I doubt things will keep being "stable" with other NPCs (especially with how Origins breaks with Awakening mods installed.) - I'm not the writer of Zevran or Leliana. I doubt I could be truthful to their characters. - Let's face it. Awakening is one crappy expansion. I love Ser Gilmore and spent years working in the Origins mod. Because of how his story ends in Origins (depending on the path you chose, of course), it would make no sense for him NOT to be in Awakening. So in a sense, he had to come back. The dog came with him because it seemed stupid to me that you would abandon YOUR OWN pet. People are different, though, there is an amount of free will that pets usually don't have. - I freaking hate cameos. All of Bioware's cameos seem terribly forced and shitty. - I'm retired. :-)
  7. Thanks, Thandal! Well, I don't know if it's necessary now that I created this topic, hehe. But I've edited the other one anyways, to direct the people to the right place. Thanks again!
  8. Hi! For some reason I cannot edit the topic title of the old post, so I'm creating a new one (hopefully it's ok :-)) Some time ago I created this post asking for some assitance in this new mod: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/400281-ser-gilmore-and-dog-in-awakening-released-alpha-1/page__p__3299685__fromsearch__1#entry3299685 And now I can say that thanks to everybody involved, the mod is now finished, fully voiced. :-D Thanks everybody! If you are curious, you can play the whole "saga" in full, with Ser Gilmore in Origins (http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=851) and Ser Gilmore and the Dog in Awakening (http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3210) Thanks, everybody :-)
  9. Just an update. :) The mod has reached B1, so I´ll edit the 1st part of the 1st post. Also, it's now uploaded here in nexus, as it's now more than 100Mb :) Hope you guys enjoy, and please let me know what you think. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3210 Also, if you are a male VA and want to voice Ser Gilmore (as my previous VA went into retirement), there are some 800 lines to be voiced. I'd like to hear from you too. :)
  10. I'm in dragonagenexus, though. Logged in... and I don't have a premium membership, maybe it is because of it, as you say. Bottomline, it doesn't work, and I know I'm not the only one cos other people are having the same problem. Any admin/mod/webmaster know about this?
  11. With an ipad2 with safari, the comments load and disappear, just like it happens with the default android browser...
  12. Hehehe, well, the options are there because there's a certain RPG element I'd like to keep, but he has a defined personality so yeah... still, you can reload as last resort. :-)
  13. This is a total bummer. I access the nexus site a lot from my android phone and my ipad to answer comments, but since the new site was launched, the comments page are not loading. In my android phone they load and disappear. I have to reload the page and stop loading in order to the comments to be on the screen long enough for me to read, then reload the page again to be able to click the "answer" link. I also have to say that that link is not working correctly either, I have to reload several times in order for it to work. In the ipad the comments don´t load at all. This was working absolutely perfectly (flawlessly) in the old page design... I really hope you can do something about this...
  14. Nope, there's no changing his mind :-) Once you choose a clear path there's no way to change it, and remember that if you choose a loving path you must never, at any point, sleep with any other NPC (not even before you choose it). You can find more about it here in the Faqs: http://social.bioware.com/project/789/discussion/2059/ Tip: You may reload an earlier save before you chose the path.
  15. Well, as easy enough that putting them in awakening is (heck, I could put an army in that DLC without much effort!), thing is, I'm not sure how lore friendly it would be. But the *major* problem by far is the voice, cos I can't ask the original voice actors to voice the mod, and I think that when a char is so important in the main storyline, changing the VA for an amateur working for free (with no studio equipment and therefore worse quality) would make many of us cringe, hehe. So yeah, that's my biggest worry... Rory was never a main char, and many people don't even know him anyways(the ones who never played HN), or never even registered his original voice because he appeared for such a short period of time in the origin. That's why the change was much easier...
  16. Hi! For my info, which mod is "the telia mod" ? If it's not compatible with Ser Gilmore NPC, I'd like to add it to the compatibility list, to advise people to not play with both mods together. Thanks! EDIT: I think I found it? http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1511
  17. Well, you can play the Awakening mod right now, just follow the link. :-) Thing is, it has no voice, but I'll be very thankful if you can play it and give me your comments/bug reports to improve it in the next release.
  18. This new version was a good excuse to be able to upload the whole mod together in 1 rar, thanks Nexus for increasing the upload size limit! Changes in v 3.1 are mainly bugfixes: - Rory's portrait. <-- Now frixed thanks to Typewriter. - Fort Drakon's lines. When Rory goes to rescue the player has no FaceFX. <-- Fixed. This might have been a staging problem... - The initconvo will not trigger if Rory is the party leader while leaving an area to enter in an initconvo area. The script needs to be modified (GetHero()). <- Fixed. - Typo in initconv "renamed" should be "renouned". <- Fixed. - A line in a banter with Morrigan is different than the actual vo <- This is now fixed. - Minor dialog and spelling corrections. - A line in a banter with Leliana has no sound. <- Fixed. - A line in a banter with Oghren has no sound. <- Fixed. - Dlg with Howe needs an extra update for ZDF compatibility <- Fixed, plus downloadable separate from te Zev Dialog Fix project page. - One of Shale's banter lines didn't come out as I intended. <- fixed. - Amstradhero's awesome tip: toolset_henchmen to avoid editing stages when he has an interjection! <-- 3 stages are out, 3 dlgs modified (den400st_front_guards.stg, den400st_player_rescued.stg, den511st_howe.stg). - Rory will now appear and behave correctly in more cutscenes. - The random banters with party members will occur more often by default (you can still use the banter accelerator patch.) - Shale's banters were not working at all. <- This is now fixed. Small recap in case you didn´t know... This mod brings Ser Gilmore back into the game as a companion party member to accompany you throughout the game. Ser Gilmore is a Knight of Highever that appears in the Human Noble Origin. He was a Grey Warden hopeful but was left behind to guard the gates of the castle when it was attacked by Arl Howe. You will find Ser Gilmore in LOTHERING, near the entrance to the Chantry. This is the download link: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=851 And don't forget that if you're going to continue your adventures in Awakening, you can recruit Ser Gilmore and your loyal mabari. The mod is in Alpha, but will be uploaded here to Nexus as soon as the voiced lines are ready. :-) http://social.bioware.com/project/2991/#files Thanks :-D
  19. Exactly :) you don't need to have played with Ser Gilmore through origins. :) However, the origins mod is required, because this one uses some of its resources. Thank you! EDIT: forgot the following: There are also banters with all party members!!! (let me know if they are well spaced. Alternatively, you can trigger them automatically with the following console command: runscript abanter )
  20. http://social.bioware.com/uploads_project/project_photos/3000/2991/1316.png UPDATE!!! THE MOD HAS BEEN RELEASED, FULLY VOICED! http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3210 UPDATE!!! The mod is now on version B1.0 As you know, this mod is the continuation of Ser Gilmore NPC, and brings Ser Gilmore and your dog back into the game as party members to accompany you throughout Awakening. You will find Ser Gilmore and your dog right outside Vigil's Keep. I am open to all constructive criticism, and I'd love to hear your ideas. Know that: - This mod requires Ser Gilmore NPC v3.0!!! (which you may have played :-)) - Rory/dog have NO voice yet. - They have facial expressions. However, you do have: - Rory and the dog!! :-D - He recognizes everything from your Origins game. - Ending slates. - The dog with new doggie abilities! - Banters with all party members!!! (let me know if they are well spaced. Alternatively, you can trigger them automatically with the following console command: runscript abanter ) IMPORTANT!!!!! ONLY INSTALL THIS MOD IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY AWAKENING. UNINSTALL THIS MOD IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY ORIGINS *** HOW TO IMPORT YOUR SAVEGAME In Origins, make a last save in the post coronation chamber, right after you've talked to Rory and chose your destiny. When starting an Awakening game and importing a savegame, select the "ADVANCED" button and select that last savegame. Rory will not recognize you in Awakening otherwise! (More info here) Your ideas and bug reports are more than welcome! Because this mod is not even a BETA, it's only available in BSN, but will be available in Nexus once I've squished some bugs/polished it: Download: http://social.bioware.com/project/2991/&v=files About the mod: http://social.bioware.com/project/2991/discussion/2666/ Thanks :-)
  21. I don't think that's possible because Morrigan uses a blood ritual to lure the essence of the archdemon into the unborn child. Oh! Ser Gilmore author here. :-D I have to say that when I made that part of the mod (the possibility to have your FW get pregnant by Ser Gilmore), I did it quite innocently, without giving any thought to the elder god thing. To me, it would not be possible for your FW to carry the elder god for the reason quoted above. Your GW got pregnant by a normal guy, and she didn't have any ritual performed on her, so I don't think the child would be any different from any other child... unless the "l337 archdemon powerz" did anything to it, but I guess it'd be a bit far fetched... And for Ser Gilmore and Dog in Awakening, I'm treating the baby as a normal kid. So, um. Sorry if this post goes a bit off topic, but I thought this part was very interesting :-D
  22. I agree that this system can be abused for trolling. Reminds me once when I told somebody to "please read all the documentation". That was followed up by a thumbs down, because the user got offended that I pointed him to the readme. Having said this, I'm excited to see what comes up in Nexus 3.0. :-)
  23. Well, I don't know your full list, but you should be good to go if you checked the whole list. :-) Also, I'd go as far as to say that if it's compatible with Ser Gilmore, its DEFINITELY compatible with Quest and Legends. Also, something I just heard from the Quest & Legends author... sometime very soon, Ser Gilmore will have his own quests in that mod! So there. Added fun! ;-)
  24. Sorry I didn't mean to be insulting I just meant I have so many mods that a lot of the conflict with those two mods (maybe even each other) which I was sad about...I was hoping I was incorrect and only mentioned it in hopes that someone would say...no your dumb it works just fine with all those mods :P Yeah I'll keep it bookmarked for my next run through :D Do you know if Quest & Legends will work? Ah great now you gone and done it :P....so which mods would conflict with SG & QL...it might just be worth it to drop em if their minor ones. Yeah I found the incompatibility list you posted and If I'm reading right I only have to uninstall Endgame Dialogue and Epilogue Slide Fixes to make it compatible....right? I'm so sorry for the late reply! My take is that that mod might be incompatible, yes... so it's best if you uninstall it. And if you want to be even more sure, install the overwrite-override pack. :)
  25. Yes, SG and Q&L work together. Actually, Ser Gilmore will have quests in that mod. Also, install Dark Times and Hidden Circle, because Ser Gilmore also has content in those mods. :-)
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