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Everything posted by The6thMessenger

  1. Hi I'm trying to make weapon condition, relatively a lot simpler. It's simply perk-based damage manipulation. However my issue is that, I don't know how to put unique weapon-value like Actor-Value-Information to weapons. It mustn't be just through the use of weapon attachments, because with engine limitation, it has to be equipped and unequipped. How can I do that?
  2. I see, thanks for the help. But I already got this working for a long time. There was also a problem with the engine being unable to modify more than one weapon at the time. A guy name IDontKnow figured this out by isolating the weapon at a temporary container, and then returning it to the player. And that is what I did. Ammo Switching for Weapons Overhaul is online for quite some time. But thanks anyways.
  3. Hello Can you help me? I have the coding logic, but I don't know how to make this work: Scriptname T6MAmmoSwitch extends ActiveMagicEffect Const Form Property ActivatorItem Auto Const ObjectMod Property T6MMod Auto Const Weapon Property MyWeapon Auto Const Message Property T6MAmmoSwitchDeny Auto Const Message Property T6MAmmoSwitchAllow Auto Const Keyword Property T6MKeyword Auto Const Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) MyWeapon = akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() If(MyWeapon.HasKeyword(T6MKeyword)) akActor.AttachModToInventoryItem(MyWeapon, T6MMod) T6MAmmoSwitchAllow.show() Else T6MAmmoSwitchDeny.show() EndIf akActor.AddItem(ActivatorItem, 1, True) EndEventPlease help.
  4. Hello Can you help me? I have the coding logic, but I don't know how to put this into Papyrus. Scriptname AmmoSwitch extends ActiveMagicEffect Const Form Property ActivatorItem Auto Form myweapon = Actor.GetEquippedWeapon() ObjectMod Property OMOD Auto Form <<WeaponKeyword>>; This formID specifies what keyword is needed Message Property t6MAmmoSwitchDeny Auto Const Message Property t6MAmmoSwitchAllow Auto Const Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) If <<Weapon has Weapon Keyword>> Actor.AttachModToInventoryItem(MyWeapon, OMOD) t6MAmmoSwitchAllow.show() <<Initiate Reload>> ;This block makes the player reload weapon ElseIf t6MAmmoSwitchDeny.show() EndIf Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(ActivatorItem, 1, True) ;This block refunds item used EndEvent Basically, upon consumption of a consumable, the script checks the currently equipped weapon for a keyword, then applies a mod, and sends a message. If no keyword is found, then no attachment is made and sends a different message. Also refunds the item used. Those in <<>> are the ones I can't figure out. Please help.
  5. HI Remember how the Service Rifle have different receiver for different ammo, with different magazines? But the kicker is that the magazine mesh changes despite having the same attachment, how does one do that? How can I make a different magazine show up upon a different receiver, but still using the same attachment?
  6. Hi. Apparently you can do ANY face in CP2077. Can anyone do a Taylor Swift and Anna Sophia Robb face?
  7. Hey As it turns out, DLC01 WeaponFireEffect, the one used by the Salvaged Assaultron Head, works with throwing weapons. This is a big problem in my mod M84 Gustav, because simply throwing a grenade while the weapon is equipped will expend the launcher. Scriptname T6MM72WeapOnFireEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect Hidden SPELL Property myWeaponFireSpell Auto Const String Property myAnimEvent Auto Const Weapon Property M72Fire Auto Const <<Weapon Type here>> Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) DEBUG.TRACE("Effect applied to "+akCaster+" by "+akTarget) registerForAnimationEvent(akTarget, myAnimEvent) EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) debug.trace("Received anim event: "+asEventName) if asEventName == myAnimEvent && <<weapon-type check here>> myWeaponFireSpell.Cast(akSource) else ; get some other anim event? re-register. registerForAnimationEvent(akSource, myAnimEvent) endif EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, myAnimEvent) EndEvent How can I properly filter what is being used so that the Spell will only trigger if a specific weapon is used.
  8. So I just got back playing FO4. I usually use the Pipe Revolver, but then I think it's animation is broken. It seems to be reminicent to the 44-Pistol since it has smaller actions, but I remember last time I did use Pipe-Revolver with 44-Mag anims, meshes became misaligned. Did I f*#@ my game with mods or it's Bethesda?
  9. Hey guys, how could you edit the shlp files from MHW?
  10. The point of this mod is to more properly balance the bowguns. While this seems a bit OP at first, the highest-level of ammo is mostly totally left the same with the meta-builds, while it mostly tackles quality-of-life modifications, and the low-level ammunition that people generally do NOT turn their heads to notice. ==== RANGE MODS ==== Long-Range Mod Critical Distance: 700 - 10000Long-Range Mod: 10/10/10/10%Close-Range Mod Critical Distance: 0 - 700 Close-Range Mod: 10/10/10/10% With the following buff on the ammunition, I feel that it is prudent that the damage mod should also be curtailed. Granted, with maximum allotment of x4 mods, it will be the same, but consistent 10% damage per step would ensure that players would need to allot more to get the same damage they were getting before. The biggest change with the Range Mods is that the Long-Range Mod no longer starts at 1600 but at 700, which is exactly where the Close-Range Mod ends. This allows the mod to be usable with other ammos. ===== STICKIES ===== Projectile Damage: 10Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Normal): 4000Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Power Barrel): 3000Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Long Barrel): 5000 CRITICAL DISTANCE (Normal) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 200 - 2500 - 4000CRITICAL DISTANCE (Mind's-Eye / Ballistic) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 0 - 3000 - 4000 Sticky-1: 12 Explosive + 5 Fire + Stun 40Sticky-2: 17 Explosive + 5 Fire + Stun 60Sticky-3: 24 Explosive + 5 Fire + Stun 100 Far-Cry from the Normal Sticky-Shots before, the changes encompasses the Projectile-Speed and the Damage. Simply put, it has a waaay slower projectile-speed, while at the same time it has better impact damage. This means if you still maintain the critical-range, while also having better shot-placement, you are going to yield better damage. Please note that the explosion damage is largely the same, but it merely deals only an additional projectile damage -- that instance when the projectile lands. ===== NORMAL SHOTS ===== Normal-1: 14 Raw + 10 KONormal-2: 23 Raw + 10 KONormal-3: 40 Raw + 10 KO CRITICAL DISTANCE (Normal) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 200 - 2500 - 4000CRITICAL DISTANCE (Mind's-Eye / Ballistic) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 0 - 3000 - 4000Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Normal): 4000Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Power Barrel): 3000Lv1 - Lv3 Projectile Speed (Long Barrel): 5000 The most buffed ammo in the game, it should give Normal-Shots a better meta that fits within the game. It also gets the bonus that it has the same maximum range as the Pierce-Shot, however it comes at the cost that the Normal-Shots do have lesser projectile-speed. The point of this is that, you do need precision to properly apply the normal shots at a high range. With the Scope and the Long-Range mods already working with the Normal-Shots better, this is the downside. This also has a bit of KO damage, which is just 1/2 of the Exhaust Shot LV1 -- which is already pretty bad. ===== PELLET SHOTS ===== Pellet-1: (8 Raw + 3 KO) x 3 = 24 Raw + 9 KOPellet-2: (8 Raw + 3 KO) x 5 = 40 Raw + 15 KOPellet-3: (8 Raw + 3 KO) x 7 = 56 Raw + 21 KO The Pellet-3 is largely unchanged, this will literally still yield to 56 total damage, though additional 9 to 21 KO damage. But the lower ammos have been buffed to be consistently doing damage with the same pellet regardless, this will make the Pellet-1 more usable in it's current state, likewise the Pellet-2 also usable in it's state. ===== PIERCE SHOTS ===== Pierce-1: 5 raw / 100-units (0.01s tick interval)Pierce-2: 7 raw / 100-units (0.01s tick interval)Pierce-3: 9 raw / 100-units (0.01s tick interval) CRITICAL DISTANCE (Normal) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 1000 - 2500 - 4000CRITICAL DISTANCE (Mind's-Eye / Ballistic) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 200 - 3000 - 4000Lv1 - Lv3 PROJECTILE SPEED (Normal): 10000Lv1 - Lv3 PROJECTILE SPEED (Power): 7500Lv1 - Lv3 PROJECTILE SPEED (Long): 12500 Most of the problem of Pierce-Shot always had been range and low motion-value that makes it more annoying at a distance and projectile-speed which prevents effective use at a range. The Pierce-3 still retain the standard total damage, but the damage/tick has been scaled to match the modification of the projectile-speed. For example, the original damage/unit is every 100 units due to the 0.05s at 2000 projectile speed, so to maintain the 100 damage/units but to raise the projectile speed to 10000, the damage interval must be dropped from 0.05s to 0.01s. This means that Pierce-3 would still pretty much deal the same damage as before, but now it's not saddled with low projectile speed. The Pierce-2 and Pierce-1 would also be bit better. ===== ELEMENTAL SHOTS ===== Damage: 8 + 22 Elemental Damage Tick: 0.1sProjectile Speed (Normal): 3000Projectile Speed (Power): 2500Projectile Speed (Long): 4000 The Elemental-Shots are just horrible, completely horrible. While Light-Bow-Guns do excel with these, the thing is that they compensate with Rapid-Fire to do so. The changes is largely unchanged, only the halved damage/tick instead halves the distance it deals damage, effectively making it more effective overall. ===== DRAGON SHOTS ===== Damage: 10 + 28 Elemental Damage Tick: 0.05sProjectile Speed (Normal): 3000Projectile Speed (Power): 2500Projectile Speed (Long): 4000Max Capacity: 20Crafting Result: Dragon Fellberry = 3 shots. The Dragon-Shots are just horrible, completely horrible. While I understand that it's for Eldersealing, problem is that it's still to hard to use when you need it. The real-problem is the projectile speed. The Dragon-Shot has instead been reworked to be just your supposedly-average Elemental-Shot but deals 2.5 damage, with only 1/3rd of the ammo capacity. ===== CLUSTER SHOTS ===== Cluster-1: 3 x 28 raw + 10 Fire Cluster-2: 4 x 28 raw + 10 Fire Cluster-3: 5 x 28 raw + 10 Fire MISC: No longer kicks back friendlies. With the Iceborne, the Clusters have been severely nerfed, though if anything I agreed with those changes. However the changes I aimed to do is that, the bomblets instead deal consistent damage, thus buffing the lower-level ammunitions. This is not to buff the typical meta cluster heavy-bowguns, but it is to bolster the use of the other heavy-bowguns that otherwise do not have the use for lv3 Clusters. Admittedly this also buffs the typical meta cluster heavy-bowguns because they ALSO use LV2 clusters, but at least it's just for a bit. The biggest change is actually that, it no longer disrupts the team, allowing full use of the clusters at a teamwork setting. That always had been the problem, and hopefully, though it was gutted in the Iceborne, there is still use for it because it does nothing but pad damage. ===== EXHAUST SHOTS ===== Exhaust-1: 30 KO + 50 ExhaustExhaust-2: 40 KO + 100 Exhaust Exhaust is kind of Pathetic, while it is useful for tiring out monsters, the KO aspect is just lack-luster, so a small buff is made. ===== STATUS SHOTS ===== > LV1 Shots crafts 2x the ammo/craft > LV2 Shots crafts 3x the ammo/craft The use of Status-Shots in game, while kind of effective, runs at a horrible pace because they just run out of ammo that quickly. ===== SLICING SHOTS ===== Projectile Damage: 10Projectile Speed (Normal): 4000Projectile Speed (Power Barrel): 3000Projectile Speed (Long Barrel): 5000CRITICAL DISTANCE (Normal) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 200 - 2500 - 4000CRITICAL DISTANCE (Mind's-Eye / Ballistic) [Min/Ideal/Max]: 0 - 3000 - 4000Slicing: 5 x 7 raw Slicing have been nerfed pretty bad, however the real problem was, well, the stun-lock which other people have claimed to do. Originally it has 7 ticks of damage, but then lowered to 5. The changes retain basically the same amount of damage of slicing, but there has been an additional projectile-damage buff when you retain critical-distance like the Sticky-Shots, which hopefully result in better DPS for mindful gunners. ===== WYVERN SHOT ===== Wyvern: (70 Raw + 40 Fire) + (35 Raw + 20 Fire) The Wyvern-Shot has no bussiness being in that range, while doing only that much damage. Still, the buff instead includes a simple increase in the smaller, secondary damage. This is to incentive's aiming, while at the same time buffing the ammo. ===== WYVERN HEART ===== CRITICAL DISTANCE (Normal): 200 - 1600 - 2500CRITICAL DISTANCE (Mind's-Eye / Ballistic): 0 - 2500PROJECTILE SPEED (Normal): 10000PROJECTILE SPEED (Power): 7000PROJECTILE SPEED (Long): 10000 The Wyvern-Heart, while do have good damage, it just has no business in having that slow projectile considering all of the lead it puts out. Not only one has to battle the deviation of the weapon, there also must be the lead. Damage remains the same. ===== WYVERN SNIPE ===== Wvvern-Snipe V1 (All Explosion): (60 Raw + 11 Fire) x 7, (40 x 7 Stun) Wyvern-Snipe V2: (No Crit-Dist, No tenderized) - 162 Raw + 80 KOWyvern-Snipe V2: (Crit-Dist, No Tenderized) - 188 Raw + 120 KOWyvern-Snipe V2: (No Crit-Dist, Tenderized) - 214 Raw + 160 KOWyvern-Snipe V2: (Crit-Dist, Tenderized) - 241 Raw + 200 KOWvvern-Snipe V2 Projectile Speed (Normal): 8000Wvvern-Snipe V2 Projectile Speed (Power): 6000Wvvern-Snipe V2 Projectile Speed (Long): 10000 The Wyvern-Snipe V1 is largely meh, while in many cases it is actually pretty powerful, the problem is that it is too damn reliant on good shot-placement with relation to the monster's size. While precision is exactly the point, the other problem is that there are monsters of various sizes. While if you can get accurate by holding the monster down with low deviation like a kirin stuck on a ground, you still get to unload all 50 shots at it's head easier than the V1 Wyvern-Snipe. The Wyvern-Snipe does the 2 small, 2 medium, and 3 large explosions, doing 38 raw + 5 fire + 20 KO, 49 raw + 10 fire + 35 KO, and 81 + 15 fire + 55 KO respectively, at a total of 417 Raw + 75 Fire + 275 KO. The changes simply deals the average of the 7 explosions to 60 Raw + 11 Fire + 40 Stun), theoretically it will deal around same maximum damage, but will yield better result when there is less hits. The Wyvern-Snipe 2 is rather meh, while it sounds okay at a single glance, remember that the V1 still yields a LOT more damage cumulatively, while the V2 is going to deal waaay less damage, while needing a massive setup to do so. And it Does not even stun that much. The changes buffs the overall performance of the V2. ===== ======== ===== SPECIFIC BOWGUN CHANGES: There's lot of changes mostly by ammo, but rarely damage. Largely the changes adjusts the Normal-Shots to be less of a burden by having less recoil, more capacity, and faster reload speed. Additional changes are mostly quirks, like Rapid-Fire LV2 of Spread and Pierce, with it already being done by other light bowguns should make it still somewhat balanced. However the additional Rapid-Fire applied to other ammo-types is there to give them some more room to be used. The Inclusion of Rapid Fire in HBG is quite a controversial one, but it is one way to make things interesting. Such as the Gluttonous Direcannon doing Spread-2 Rapid-Fire, because it is just a horrible weapon. ==== LBGS ==== Breakshot, Laguna Blitzer, Crossblitzer, Great Bowgun, Neo-Cross, Defender Bowgun, Royal Surefire Shot, Cross-Blitz, Sniper Shot, Fulgur Shot, Lumu Typhoon, Nightmare Seed, Fading Blossom - Add LV1 Normal Shot Rapid-Fire - Reduce Normal-Shots Reload-Speed by 1 - Reduce Normal-Shot-3 Recoil to +2 Beo Shooter - Add Normal-3 Auto-Reload, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload Hidden Bullet - Reduce Normal-3 and Spread-3 Recoil to +1, and Reload-Speed to Fast Mammoth Bowgun - Add LV1 Normal Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload, 4 Capacity - Add LV1 Spread Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload, 4 Capacity Jagras Fire, Tarroth Blitz Assault, Saber's Howl - Remove all Auto-Reload, replace with 4 capacity with +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level) - Reduce all Recoil by 2 - Add LV1 Spread Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload, 8 Capacity - Add LV2 Spread Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 3 Capacity - Add LV3 Spread with 1 shot, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload - Remove Elemental Ammo Rathalos Fire, Argent Ray, Tarroth Blitz "King", Laguna Blitz, Blackwing Bowgun - Poison LV1 Rapid Fire, 4 Capacity, +1 recoil, fast reload - Poison LV2, 3 Capacity, +2 recoil, Normal reload Barroth Shot, Barroth Bazooka, Acid Blitz - Para LV1 Rapid Fire, 4 Capacity, +1 recoil, fast reload - Para LV2, 3 Capacity, +2 recoil, Normal reload Lumu Typhoon, Nightmare Seed - Sleep LV1 Rapid Fire, 4 Capacity, +1 recoil, fast reload - Sleep LV2, 3 Capacity, +2 recoil, Normal reload Tarroth Blitz "Spread", Barroth Shot, Barroth Bazooka, Gugoleth's Ruin, Gugoleth's Wail, Lava Bullet, Fire Shatterer - Add LV2 Spread Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 3 Capacity Frost Blitz, Blizzard Cannon, - Remove all Auto-Reload, replace with 4 capacity with +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level) - Reduce all Recoil by 2 - Add LV1 Pierce Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload, 8 Capacity - Add LV2 Pierce Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 3 Capacity - Add LV3 Pierce with 1 shot, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload Tarroth Blitz Pierce, Rathalos Fire, Argent Ray, Tarroth Blitz "King", Lightning Blitz, Despot's Wildfire - Add LV1 Pierce Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload, 8 Capacity - Add LV2 Pierce Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 3 Capacity - Add LV3 Pierce with 1 shot, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload Ten Thousand Volts, Bazel Typhoon, Bazelcore, Brachydios Shot, Accursed Fire, Fulgur Shot, Lava Bullet, Fire Shatterer - Sticky LV1 Rapid-Fire - 3 shots - +2 Recoil, Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level) Dragonbone Shooter, Xeno Nequina, Dragonseal Bowgun, Devil's Madness, Diregun Dementia - Dragon Shot Rapid-Fire, +3 Recoil and Slow Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level) - Add Normal-3 Auto-Reload, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload Ghost, Karma, Tarroth Blitz Claw, Hidden Bullet, Accursed Fire - Add Slicing Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 3 Capacity ==== HBG ==== Hornking Blazooka - Normal Shot LV1 Rapid Fire, +1 Recoil, Fast Reload-Speed, 12 Capacity - Normal Shot LV2, +1 Recoil, Fast Reload-Speed, 12 Capacity - Sticky LV2 3 capacity, +2 recoil, slow reload (needs 2 recoil suppressor or 2 reload assist to go down 1 level) - Attack Damage to 450 Chrome Assault, Fatal-Assault, Defender Heavy Bowgun, Chrome Assault, Fatal-Assault, Destruction's Fusilade, Ruinous Destruction, Gnashing Flammenkannone, Laguna Blaster, Tarroth Assault Blast - Reduce Normal-Shots Reload-Speed by 1 - Increase Normal-Shots capacity by 2 Gluttonous Direcannon - Add LV2 Spread Rapid Fire, +2 Recoil and Normal Reload (needs 3 recoil suppressor or 3 reload assist to go down 1 level), 4 capacity - Add LV3 Spread with 1 shot, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload Baan Bazooka - Change Pierce-Shot LV1 to 6 Capacity +1 Reload, and Normal Reload-Speed, (needs 2 reload assist to go down 1 level) - Reduce Normal-Shots Reload-Speed by 1 - Reduce Normal-Shot-3 Recoil by 1 Brachydios Atom Cannon, Dark Devourer, Endless Famine, Gama Cannon, Gamma Turret, Solemn Reflection, Teostra's Firestorm - Reduce Cluster-Shots recoil by 1 Datura Blaster, Laguna Blaster - Reduce Water and Flaming Shots to +1 Recoil Endless Famine - Damage to 465 Endless Famine, Dark Devourer, Dragonbone Cannon, Dragonseal Cannon, Xeno Jiqua - Dragon Shot, +1 Recoil and Fast Reload (needs 2 recoil suppressor or 2 reload assist to go down 1 level each), 6 capacity The Guttering Gasp - Slicing Ammo Reload Speed to Normal, and recoil to +2 Quickquiver, Shining Quiver - Reduce recoil by 1
  11. Hey guys, if anyone is interested, I have a mod request. - Uncapped Sticky Damage - Uncapped Elemental Damage - Uncapped Status Damage - Artillery Skill affects Cluster Bombs, Wyvern Snipe and WyvernBlast - Long-Range damage mod applies immediately beyond Close-Range damage mod
  12. Hi, I got an idea for mech rebalance. But I do not have MW5, can anyone do it for me? This involves replacing the standard mech variant with new ones, and they are in mind supposed to give specific builds, as well as improve the quality of the enemy mechs encountered on the battlefield. These aren't complete, but these are just the things I thought of for the moment. It is mean to go with this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8289273-weapon-rebalance-mod-request/ KING CRAB KGC-000B to KGC-000R: https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=240&l=cd39123509d25d45889c46f4c2a0551ac5d8fdfc- Upgrades: Endo-Steel- Heatsinks: 15 Double- Armor: 17t (Standard)- Hardpoints: 2B x 5-Slot, 4E x 1-Slot, 4M x 1-Slot- Armament: 4x AC5-BF (4t Ammo) + 3x ML + 3x SRM4-ST (2t ammo) The KGC-000R is a long-range upgrade for the King-Crab, built upon an endosteel frame with 17 tons of standard ammo, it is equipped with a quartet of Defiance-Industries Autocannon 5 with t tons of ammunition, not only it allows fire a respectable amount of distance but also volume and duration; for close-range support it has a three Exostar Medium Lasers and three Holly SRM4s with two tons of ammunition. KGC-0000 to KGC-000F: https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=238&l=dc57121955deda15797c111609a463f4a49d079c- Upgrades: Endo-Steel- Heatsinks: 16 Double- Armor: 17t (Standard)- Hardpoints: 2B x 7-Slot, 2E x 2-Slot, 2M x 2-Slot- Armament: 2x LB10X-SLD (3t ammo) + 2x LRM10-ST (2t ammo) + 2x LL An unconventional refitting of the King Crab contrary to the specifications of Aleksandr Kerenesky, the KGC-000F "Frigate" is instead equipped for overwhelming salvos. Built upon an endosteel frame, with 17 tons of standard armor, it is still a tough nut to crack. Equipped with a pair of Defiance LB10X with 3 tons of ammunition eschewing the AC20s provides heavy long range fire that is instead useful in a wider range, a pair of Exostar Large Laser allows pinpoint target harassment while also functioning as backup, and finally two Thorne LRM10s with two tons of ammunition for long-range support. Keeping the mech cool is 1 tons of double heat-sinks, ensuring constant flow of suppressive fire. KGC-000 to KGC-000G: https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=239&l=f1b071a0bd2a9c45283a02904e370fed180cba2e- Upgrades: Endo-Steel- Heatsinks: 12 Double- Armor: 17t (Standard)- Hardpoints: 2B x 10-Slot, 2E x 3-Slot, 1M x 6-Slot- Armament: 2x AC20 (2t ammo) + LRM20-ST (1t ammo) + 2x LL A standard upgrade for the King Crab, the KGC-000G is equipped with two Deathgiver AC20s with three tons of ammunition, a single LRM20 with a single ton of ammunition, and a pair of Large Lasers both for precision attacks and as backup weapons when the LRMs and the Autocannons inevitably runs out of ammo. It sports 17 tons of armor for protection; to keep the mech cool, 12 double heatsinks are used; and it is done on an endosteel chassis to make the payload possible. URBANMECH UM-R60 to UM-R65 - https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=276&l=bab4a011e3e78971887c570752cdc0483ca944f4 - Upgrades: Endo-Steel, STD120 (64 KPH)- Heatsinks: 10 Single- Armor: 6t (Standard)- Hardpoints: 1B x 10 Slot, 2E x 2 slot- Armament: LB10X (1t ammo), Small Laser A further upgrade of the Urbanmech by the Capellan Confederation from the UM-R63, it eschews the Small Pulse-Laser, and rebuilt into an endosteel frame, it upgrades the engine to a 120 Rating. The increase of speed to 64 KPH increased the survivability of the Urbanmech drastically, though mostly owed to keeping pace with larger mechs at the battlefield, it is still quite capable. UM-R63 to UM-R66 - https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=613&l=6edb089d315d259d1378fb689bbbac6503607a81 (placeholder) - Upgrades: Endo-Steel, STD120 (64 KPH)- Heatsinks: 10 Single- Armor: 5.3t (Ferro)- Hardpoints: 1B x 10-Slot, 2E x 1-Slot- Armament: AC5 (1t ammo), SRM2 (0.5t ammo), 2x Medium Laser A further upgrade of the Urbanmech by the Capellan Confederation from the UM-R63, and rebuilt into an endosteel frame protected by 5.3 tons of ferro-fibrous armor, it upgrades the engine to a 120 Rating. It is a long-range fire-support configuration of the Urbanmech, sporting an AC5 for general engagement with 1 ton of ammunition, a pair of Medium Lasers for medium-range engagement, and a single SRM2 with a half-ton ammunition for additional close-range support. UM-R60L to UM-R66L - https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=277&l=2dfbc96b4c5bc41dd5f16940bce8e50d4336cb9c - Upgrades: Endo-Steel, STD120 (64 KPH)- Heatsinks: 10 Single- Armor: 5.0t (Ferro)- Hardpoints: 1B x 10-Slot, 2E x 1-Slot- Armament: UAC5 (1t ammo), 3x Medium Laser A further upgrade of the Urbanmech by the Capellan Confederation from the UM-R63, and rebuilt into an endosteel frame protected by 5.0 tons of ferro-fibrous armor, it upgrades the engine to a 120 Rating. A powerful configuration of the Urbanmech, it uses an Ultra Autocannon 5 capable of blistering rate of fire with comparable unsustainability as the AC10s, but it is also equipped with a trio of Medium Lasers that allows the Urbanmech to stay in the fight for longer as well as augment the UAC5's damage output. K9 - https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=548&l=d2cf783041e52cc6502fb3b282ddf0599799a2b4 Complete with a light bar, the K-9 is an UrbanMech refitted for use by a planetary police department. The standard variant's autocannon is swapped for an Ultra AC/5 and the left arm small laser is updated to a Large Laser, with two small lasers mounted in the center torso. The loadout is made possible by dropping the excess heatsink and one jumpjet, while using an endosteel frame with 5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor, along with an extra-light 120 engine that allowed it to competently keep up with some vehicles and mechs alike. UM-SC - https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=690&l=6c6fdf3872cedc44054769979f672be267b0458c - Upgrades: Endo-Steel, STD120 (64 KPH)- Heatsinks: 10 Single- Armor: 5.3t (Ferro)- Hardpoints: 1B x 6-Slot, 2E x 2-Slot- Armament: UAC5 (1t ammo), 2x ML Themed as the UrbanMech utilized by an unnamed member of Philip Capet's Capellan Mafia during Capet's final duel against Justin Allard in Solaris VII, the "Street Cleaner" is an Urbanmech with STD120 engine upon an Endo-Steel frame, protected by 5.3 tons of ferro-fibrous armor, equipped with a UAC5 with two Medium Lasers, and four Jump-Jets. A particularly nasty Urbanmech geared for mobility and constant rapid suppression.
  13. Hi, I got an idea for a weapon rebalance. But I do not have MW5, can anyone do it for me? It is meant to go with this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8289443-mech-hardpoint-rebalance-request/ General: - Effective Range is the distance where there is 10 meter of spread - There is no recoil WEAPONS ENERGY FLAMER: > 2.0 DPS > 240m-360m (Damage Drop-off) > No Spread Small Laser: > 4 damage over 0.6s > 240m-480m (Damage Drop-off) > 2.00s CD > No SpreadSmall Pulse Laser: > 4 damage over 0.5s > 240m-480m (Damage Drop-off) > 1.40s CD > No Spread Medium Laser: > 5 damage over 0.8s > 360m-720m (Damage Drop-off) > 3.20s CD > No SpreadMedium Pulse Laser: > 5 damage over 0.6s > 360m-720m (Damage Drop-off) > 2.24s CD > No Spread Large Laser: > 11 damage over 1.0s > 540m-1080m (Damage Drop-off) > 3.60s CD > No SpreadLarge Pulse Laser: > 11 damage over 0.67s > 540m-1080m (Damage Drop-off) > 2.52s CD > No SpreadER-Large Laser: > 11 damage over 1.0s > 540m-1080m (Damage Drop-off) > 4.00s CD > No Spread PPC: > 10 Damage > 4.0s CD > 540m-1080m (Damage Drop-off) > 1350 Velocity > No SpreadER PPC: > 10 Damage > 4.50s CD > 810m-1620m (Damage Drop-off) > 1900 Velocity > No Spread BALLISTIC Machine-Gun: > 1.4 DPS > 240m-600m (Damage Drop-off) > 120 Shots/Ton > No Spread AC2-SL: > 2 Damage, 0.7s Interval, 2.85 DPS > 810m > 120 Shots/Ton > 2000 VelocityAC2-RF: > 0.4 damage x 6 shot burst, 0.125s burst-interval, 0.75s Interval, 3.2 DPS > 810m > 2000 Velocity AC5-SLD: > 5 Damage, 1.4s Interval, 3.57 DPS > 720m > 120 Shots/Ton > 1650 VelocityAC5-BF: > 3 damage x 2 shot burst, 0.11s burst-interval, 1.6s Interval, 3.75 DPS > 720m > 60 Shots/Ton > 1900 VelocityUAC5: > 0.8 damage x 4 shot burst, 0.165s burst-interval, 0.7s Interval, 4.84 DPS > 600m > 1350 Velocity > (No Jam) > 75 Shots/Ton AC10-SLD: > 10 Damage, 2.25s Interval, 4.44 DPS > 660m - 30 Shots/Ton > 1150 VelocityAC10-BF: > 4 damage x 3 shot burst, 0.11s burst-interval, 2.5s Interval, 4.8 DPS > 660m - 30 Shots/Ton > 1350 VelocityLB10X-AC-SLD: > 10 damage, 2.5s Interval, 4.00 DPS > 540m - 30 Shots/Ton > 1150 VelocityLB10X-AC-CLS: > 1 damage x 12 damage, 2.75s Interval, 4.36 DPS > 360m - 30 Shots/Ton > 2400 Velocity AC20-SLD > 20 Damage, 3.75 Interval, 5.33 DPS > 360m > 15 Shots/Ton > 950 VelocityAC20-BF > 6 damage x 4 shot burst, 0.11s burst-interval, 4s Interval, 6 DPS > 360m > 15 Shots/Ton > 1150 Velocity Gauss Rifle > 15 Damage, 4.75s Interval > 20 Shots/Ton > 810m-2430m (Damage Drop-off) > 2400 Velocity MISSILES SRM2-Standard: > 2.35 x 2, 0.13 Burst Int, 2s interval, 360m, 475 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton > spread same as artemisSRM2-Artemis: > 2.35 x 2, 2s interval, 360m, 475 m/s > 150 SRMs/TonStreak SRM2: > 2.35 x 2, 0.13 Burst Int, 2s interval, 360m, 475 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton SRM4-Standard: > 2.35 x 4, 0.1 Burst Int, 3s interval, 360m, 400 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton > spread same as artemisSRM4-Artemis: > 2.35 x 4, 3s interval, 360m, 400 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton SRM6-Standard: > 2.35 x 6, 0.1s Burst Int, 3.75s interval, 360m, 400 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton > spread same as artemisSRM6-Artemis: > 2.35 x 6, 3.74s interval, 360m, 400 m/s > 150 SRMs/Ton LRM20 > 1.0 x 20, 4s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/TonLRM20-ST > 1.2 x 20, 0.05s Burst Int, 4s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/Ton LRM15 > 1.0 x 15, 4.0s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/TonLRM15-ST > 1.2 x 15, 0.05s Burst Int, 4s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/Ton LRM10 > 1.0 x 15, 4s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/TonLRM10-ST > 1.2 x 15, 0.05s Burst Int, 4s interval, 1000m, 240 m/s > 300 LRMs/Ton LRM5 > 1.0 x 5, 5s interval, 1000m, 320 m/s > 300 LRMs/TonLRM5-ST > 1.2 x 5, 0.05s Burst Int, 5s interval, 1000m, 320 m/s > 300 LRMs/Ton
  14. Are you even getting the proper LL right? Try giving the Leveled Item through the console manually. If you did get the Leveled List item and had it change name, this means that your quest isn't using said Leveled List to apply your custom name.
  15. Hey. I just noticed, that my Peppermill Crank Gun with .50 Reciever is using the custom animation, when it's not supposed to use it. I've checked the ESPs, and the files, even rolled back. But nada. You think Bethesda broke FO4 again that keywords are now irrelevant in controlling animations?
  16. That is one part of your post. Negative feedback is one thing, but I am, quite completely appalled by the lack of knowledge about what what should be immersive and what is not. Again, it is little about the mod critique itself, but the shown lack of proficiency in telling what is immersive or not. I don't care about that strong mind of yours at all. Never said that it is bad. I just said that I am upset, really really upset. So are you a troll? If not, why bother? I don't care. f*#@ the guy feigning sophistication. That is it. Is it a weakness? I don't care. f*#@ the guy still. I don't care, f*#@ the guy. And what I am trying to tell you is that, understand why I am actually upset -- not the actual negative "lack of immersion", but rather the gall to critique what is and isn't immersive considering his lack of understanding how firearms, f*#@ the guy. Again, with the high ground, keep it. f*#@. The. Guy. And if you still don't get it. f*#@. The. Guy. The point of rant posts is to vent, so instead of shooting up a place say a school, you just put the MESS in the message board. You really think a small post like this have an impact? I think you are on the wrong tangent friend. Because what I said about immersion, and what you've just posted about it, is in sync. It seems to me like we both agree on the subject, and we both seem to share an opinion of what they can do with their "immersion". So yeah. I think you took my post wrong. If so, say so. Otherwise, yeah... you're right, no sense in even me bothering to reply further. Sorry, wrong guy.
  17. Personally, I dont care what people want. It seems to be like an elitist thing to be completely all up about immersion, but to each our own. Here is the thing, I didn't really care about the immersion demand. You seem to be rather hung up on that, so we can't move forward. I accept criticism, so long as its on point. I am well aware that I cannot please everyone, and I am sure as hell not pleasing the Immersion crowd. But again, and again, I am quite pissed with the gall of the guy to talk about immersion, who knows little about it. Its like random feckless young-adults talking pop-psychology to a real psychologist/psychometrician, I reserve the right to be pissed off with these kind of people, the shallow ones. I am well aware. Do you know why I mod? Aside from tuning the game as I wanted it, I want to teach people how to deal with the solution my own way. I did the Overhauls project way-back, and now, for some inexplicable reason, people still do not understand that damage-by-mod-properties is additive that multiplicative with many different other mods, that if you switched from a 45-Cal to a 308-Win, the other damage-mods will not scale properly to the damage change offered by the ammo-change. My Multiplicative Damage Tables perk approach solves that problem. And then there is just that attempt of Bethesda of weapon mods that I wanted to expand with. Much of the gun modifications I did is those I wished that I could do in real life. I am a Gun-Nut. Then some a**hat who doesn't mod, demonstrates his lack of knowledge about the subject, tries to talk down to someone who is more knowledgeable and the one who is actually putting oneself out there. Screw that guy. I am not looking for everyone's approval, but god damn, the entitlement of that shallow f***. Are all Immersion-Crowds like that? Nothing more than superficial knowledge about the subject?
  18. Why are you shifting? You go on about Semantics, and then now personal offense. Its like you're all over the place. You can treat them as "just letters/text" all you like, look down from your moral high-ground. Guess what, still as nothing as pointing out the distinction of Immersion and Realism as it is used within the discussion. Its funny how you'd be overly critical with language the first post, and then dismissive the next. As I had been pointing out, I am simply quite appalled by people like that, that's about it. Its never about the mod itself, but how entitled these immersion-jockeys are. I am pissed off with people intolerant to other people's preference -- their intolerance is bad by the way. I am pissed when someone is talking stuff to me that they don't really understand, as I had explained the guy knew little about firearms work. I reserve the right to get pissed. Am I giving them power over me? Fine. Whatever. Keep your high-ground. Screw that dude still.
  19. I dont understand it, is it a dare, a threat, or are you honestly asking me to repeat it? I remember the word "Retarded" was that it? Or would you like the word "Intellectually Disabled"? It'll be less offensive and actually funny, while retaining the meaning. But, like you said, its connected. Semantics in this context doesn't exactly practically relevant in the matter. Divergent as FO4's lore may be, we still use the connection with What-is-Real to understand What-Is-In-The-Game, as in what did you actually achieved by such a distinction? Nothing. Realistic or Immersive, within context, within practical use, they are basically the same. We still got the usual standard ballistic combustion-based firearms that still follow what we know about real life -- case and point, Bethesda implemented Ammo-Conversions, albeit poorly. It IS part of the lore, part of the game. I cannot say that a 10mm Pistol converted to a 44-Magnum to be realistic, because N99 does not exist in the real world, there is no way to tell until we actually get the real N99, it is however believable to be convertible to 44-Magnum, because we have a stand-in with the real-world for it. Double-Rifles are actually an old concept as old as Double-Barrels because the two are basically the same concept differing only in ammo, it is reasonable to expect and assume that they are still within the history. I am well aware of the distinction between Immersion/Immersive with Realism/Realistic. But, yes, I agree, people getting upset over non-immersive mod is ridiculous. However the crux of my issue with said guy is the poor knowledge about it, a snob that's just feigning sophistication. Screw the dude.
  20. Rant Ahead! Before you start, don't get me wrong, I respect each and everyone's preferences. If they want FO4 to be as "realistic" as they want, as in mirroring so much of our real world instead of following the lore divergence, then more power to you! But lately, at least on Beth-Net, I came across someone, who did not liked my Overhaul because it wasn't Immersive, and these are his points: - Telescopic Scope on Double Barrel - Double Barrel should only fire Buckshot - 10mm Pistol should only fire 10mm - It was irritating that I would harm Immersion, to use high-level ammo instead when buffing the base-damage would suffice. Seriously? Don't you think if I was trying to be immersive, i would have done a more immersive mod? Its like going off on a Thomas the Tank Engine Vertibird for not being immersive -- that is precisely the god damn point. But then of course, at the question of immersion. I've done my fair share of non-immersive mods, but of all examples, he has to point out the Double Barrel should only be firing buckshots, the Telescopic Scope is stupid on a double-barrel, the 10mm should only fire 10mm, and buffing base damage would suffice. First off, buffing base damage, would just break the game at the early level if it was balanced at end-game. Ammo switching is one way to keep weapons relevant for longer without having to sacrifice early game balance. It is also an opportunity to keep the weapon fresh if it is doing something different, like a 50-Cal on a Double-Barrel like an elephant gun. And then there is the damn Ammo-Switching. Really? There is Glock that has numerous calibers, the M1911 has been retooled from .45 ACP to 10mm Auto (Bren 10), .38-Supers that are common in Practical Shooting,9mm with some RIA M1911s. Etc. The Desert Eagle, which the 10mm Pistol had been closely based from, fires .50 AE, .440 Cor-Bon, .44-Mag, and .357 Mag, so why is it firing .44-Mag with less capacity not immersive? People in the real world can rechamber hand-guns, even Bethesda did provide optional features of rechambering. And then most of all, the Double-Barrel, nevermind the fact there are actually multiple load types of a shotgun-shell, the Double-Barrel (break-action) system is one of the simple gun designs out there, firearms after all is just a matter of propelling a projectile, and the complicated ones is just a question of how to quickly load and unload rounds. There had been Double-Barrels that use rifle rounds, even express rounds, they are called Double-Rifles -- others are Elephant Guns, and they are in fact had been used with telescopic sights. The Double-Barrel is far easier to retool for longer cartridge as opposed of the other auto-loading ones because its simple and relies on manual reloading, you have the entire length of the barrel at your disposal -- its far more believable to use a .50-BMG with a properly rechambered Double-Barrel shotgun. Is this the average Immersion-Jockeys? Just superficial look of the modern weapons without understanding how firearms work? The guys who liked to dress up their AR15 like a god-damn Barbie doll, but wont understand how it works? Nevermind the elitism with Immersion and the following incapacity to respect what the mod tries to do, and the preference of others. He doesn't even know how firearms work to know what is Immersive or not! And he has the gall to be irritated to an entire line of mod that is not made for his preference. /rant
  21. Why is there people putting some descriptions of some Fallout 4 Mods in Wattpad? Others have lists. Some just have gibberish. Why, just why?
  22. HI. So CK is crashing when having to build and archive. I got around it by packing my own files. The problem is that, I cant just pack the texture for XBOX, it need conversion. How do I convert for XBOX?
  23. So I want this minigun into the FO4. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38762/?tab=files Even if its not the best animation. Problem is that I cant just easily covert it. I managed to stitch the two together, but the meshes ends up into a BSSubIndexTriShape, which i assume why it crashes. Is there any way to combine the two safely with nothing but Oufit Studio and NifSkope?
  24. Hey Guys, I need help from a scripter. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7556 I just don't know how to script, DID much of PWO on FO4Edit and that's just my entire skillset. Ever since the beginning PWO has been iffy because it broke weapons into "pipe" with no attachment. What I need is just a what i assume to be a simple script that could be activated to target pipes with no attachments, remove them, and just give people a new pipe weapon of specific type. Please help.
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