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Status Updates posted by pinkneonrose

  1. hi there hows it going with you
  2. hi there welcome to the forum
  3. hi there welcome to the forum
  4. hi welcome to the forum
  5. hi there whats up your comment box was empty so i left one for you
  6. hi welcome to the forum
  7. hi hows it going with you thanks foe the help
  8. thank you i just wanted to show all my kids and grandkids made it on http://www.fotline.ws/
  9. hi there been a little sick with the flue in houston now husbands back to work how are things with you
  10. hi there whats going on with you hope things are good
  11. you through a snowball at me thats cool havent seen snow in so long i miss it it just doesnt snow in fl i will keep the snowball for ever thanks
  12. hey there whats up downloading the sentient weapon now thanks for sharing with me
  13. just stoppin by to say hi and how things are going have a good night
  14. hi there no i never found what i was looking for put it in the file request but no hits yet thanks for asking
  15. hows it going hope yuor not working to hard
  16. thank you have a nice day today
  17. just stopping by to say hey whats up
  18. Hi there how are things going with you
  19. hey you hows thing been going lately
  20. so whats up how you been
  21. just stopping by to say hi
  22. hi so how are things going for you i hope everything is just peachy
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