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Status Updates posted by pinkneonrose

  1. hi how have things been going
  2. hey there how are you doing hope the new year is being good to you and yours
  3. hi to you merry xmas hope you have a great new year to
  4. just saying merry xmas but you know i will call you love you sis
  5. hey you how are things just wanted to say merry xmas
  6. stopping by to say merry xmas to you and yours
  7. just wanted to say merry xmas hope things are well
  8. hi there just wishing you a merry xmas

    be safe

  9. hi sis i see you found this place welcome
  10. i would have told you happy turkey to but it doesnt say where your at thanks
  11. just stopping by to say hello how are things going
  12. how was your turkey day hope it was good
  13. just stopping by to say hi
  14. hi to you things are good never did figure out how to make that animation like yours just not bright engough for that how are things going with you
  15. thank you your a real big help thanks again
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