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Everything posted by Bpayne767

  1. I have a feeling this will have a very simple fix, and i will be exceedingly grateful if it does, but here it is. I did the dawnguard quest up until the part where you get the scrolls, and then went to paarthurnax, but now it wont let me continue, I cant do anything related to the main quest anymore. I want to continue, but it wont let me. help.
  2. honestly, i'm surprised that no one has made this yet. I would make it myself, but I am not yet familiar enough with the creation kit to do so. So if someone could make this, Thanks in advance.
  3. I am new to the creation kit, and I am trying to make a custom enchantment. Basically I am trying to turn spell absorb into a fire absorb, but i don't know the way to do so. can anyone help?
  4. just out of curiosity, is there a way to change what the spell can target. Im trying to mod the dead thrall spell so that it works on anything other than dragons, elementals, and beings that turn to ash or such when they die. is there a way to do that?
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