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Posts posted by Reddimus

  1. This is about the story that happens immediately when you first enter Markarth. The Forsworn Conspiracy



    I usually go about quests by what it tells you to do and also helping the good guys. That ended up with me going to jail. In order to not fail any part of the quest, I had to talk to and listen to Madanach's story. My first attempt lead to Madanach and company slaughtering a bunch of people in Markarth, which I didn't want to happen considering this is literally the first quest I had in this city. So instead, as soon as Madanach unlocked the door to the city, I attacked him and killed all of his supporters.



    What did you choose to do? Is there another quest from them afterwards?

  2. I don't think either. I think there's an imbalance. I can walk down the street and beat up a dragon or two, and then get owned by a mountain lion or bear if they get in two quick hits. Likewise with camps of enemies. I can have a fair go at most of them and then get one-shot instantly out of the blue.
  3. The face details in this one seem a bit lacking. The texture is good but it seems low res and the mesh is pretty low as well. There also aren't nearly as many close-ups when talking like Oblivion had. Will just have to wait for better mods.
  4. Potions and Effects that increase (not restore) your Stamina also increase your carry limit. Also, be on the lookout for Potions of Strength. And always have a companion with you, it's like a Chest.. with legs.. and an axe!


    Also, I did find a pair of boots that increased my carry limit, you should be able to find something like this, disenchant it and enchant other gear.


    Alright, thanks. I honestly have no idea how to work Alchemy atm and I haven't tried enchanting yet.


    I do have a companion, but she's rough to babysit. She literally stands around in jets of fire. Ugh.

  5. I'll only do that once I'm content with how far I've gone in the game. Thanks though.


    If I started doing that, I'd be tempted to use gold cheats and whatever else and that ruins the fun quite a bit.

  6. Hi,


    Curious if there's a feather spell anywhere in the game at low level. It's really annoying to get a nice reward of dragon bones/scales and then not be able to pick them up because they're too friggin heavy.


    Also, if anyone knows if there's a spell list anywhere I'd appreciate a link.



  7. Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.


    Is it possible to equip two-one handed weapons for Dual Wield from this?



    Still, I think I'd prefer loadouts for both hands with a single key. Also a single key to swap back and forth between the current and one other previous loadout would be a really nice convenience. In due time I guess.

  8. The idea behind this is pretty simple.


    Mode of play is changed by hitting Sheath key.


    Let's say you have a 2h weapon and you're in dire need of spells. Sheath it and you're immediately set to Dual Casting and vice versa. No menus or pauses to deal with.



    Alternatively, loadouts could be set from keys 1-5 based on previously equipped spells/weapons. Again, no menus to deal with as you're changing on the fly.



    Thanks for reading.

  9. Have you tried disabling that mod, or is that impossible now? I don't know how the game actually saves, but adding something like a see everything everywhere at all times mod sounds like it could certainly have issues under the hood. I'm just guessing here, but maybe it's doing a sweep over your entire visual space and checking exact NPC, item, corpse locations, NPC animations, and trying to save everything in that instance. Things like the exact status and position of animations/meshes/etc shouldn't otherwise need to be saved if they're miles away because they aren't really moving unless you can see them, but in this case it might be the cause.
  10. Highlight spoiler below.



    Actually, I think the two dungeons are custom add ons to some of the chosen dungeons in his list, not something you'll perhaps run into on the map. I've experienced at least one such extension that brings me outside into the open world (a place I cannot fast travel from) and there's a building entrance not far from that that's related to the mod. I think something like that is what Hentai meant.



    Not too far off topic I hope, but if anyone knows where I get keys to the locked doors in some of the super elite dungeons, please send me a PM. I've only found one key and it doesn't seem to work with either door I've found.

  11. If you're familiar with the anime voice for Mystic Elves, that's not the one I'm looking for here in the videos in the description: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459

    I'm looking for the voice that happens whenever she does a normal attack. Could someone help find it?




    I guess I should've underlined. That is the one for the power attacks, but she has a different voice in the video when she's doing normal attacks, which is what I'd like to find.


    Thanks though

  12. Hello,


    I'm looking for two mods:


    When I first started adding mods to the game I saw a high fantasy armor mod. I remember it was created by a Japanese or Korean author but I have no idea what to look for now. It's hard to describe other than that it was extremely detailed, it also had a lot of aesthetic protrusions.


    For the second one, I saw a Sauron armor video on youtube and whenever he attacked with his weapon, it'd make a group of people fall back. Does anyone know if that's the actual mod itself or is there a seperate one for the knockback?


    Thank you.

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