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Everything posted by conius7

  1. And yet there I was, alone naked.
  2. I Know that you can download Morrowblivion a d stuff but where do I download Skywind? The're so many let's plays of it, Whe're they downloading it? Any information will be appreciated.
  3. I am currently playing the dark brotherhood quests just completed the arena. I felt cheated when the orc just wanted to die.
  4. I'm with you on that, though I find skyrim fun. It's sorta oriented mire towards the triple A casual market. Not the die hards. I prefer the voice actong in oblivion because of how natural it sounds. Take the adoring fan, Sure he was silly, but it foesn't sound as scripted as say, the court wizard in dragonsreach.
  5. You can, wear raider armour and give it to your followers.
  6. THIS POST ISN'T SKYRIM HATE THE GAME'S AMAZING THIS IS MY OPINION AND THAT ALONE, PERSONAL PREFERENCE, CONTINUE IF YOU LOOKING TO ENHANCE YOUR BETHESDA EXPERIENCE... If you played Skyrim when it came out without playing anyother games in TES series I would probably put Morrowind pretty high on the spectrum, But if you're looking for a better roleplaying experience and funner and more satisfying combat. Than let me express my opinon, Oblivion in my opinion adds a lot of comic releif without taking away from the seriousness of the franchise. The voice acting is way superior to that of Skyrim and Slightly brushing up against fallout, But the combat, boy. If you've played Any Elder Scrolls be it Daggerfall or even that Zenimax Fanfic pile of s#*!, Than I would say TRY oblivion. As the combat is just way more fun. If you just started the game and you find yourself bored in the city of cyrodill, which beleive me, is verry rare. Head over to the arena. So much fun. Get GOTY version try all the DLC.
  7. As I only converted to glorious PC gaming master race a few months ago My Fallout 3 experience differs vastly to my New Vegas. I'd say I biasedly prefer New Vegas, However you should certaintly try Fallout 3. Verry advanced for it's time and yet still faithful to The first Three by Black Isle, TL;DR Get it.
  8. There's one for Oblivion and Skyrim, Helped with immersion, I know feel it essential to my Bethesda experience. So if someone would make one, That'd be great.
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