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About jsnider193

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  1. have been converting his stuff since he posted on FO4 .. and as a modders resource his permission is given in the post but as it be me I always check with him anyway as change things and want to make sure he be ok with that ...
  2. Converting a resource .. primnulls minigun .. to work in fo4, got everything working but the barrel. What happens is the entire barrel complex rotates around a point. Instead of staying fixed to the base weapon and rotating it just rotates as if the entire complex is one barrel .. i am sure missing something basic but yet to figure it out any help appreciated. Posted some images of th weapon on my 40K weapons mod .. i can work around this and just make it a static asset on the weapon but really wanted the rotation .. got the red barrel glow to work but this one illudes me so far. Further info: the ninode for the barrel is below center whereas for the minigun barrel it is in the center of the barrel cluster .. trying to correct in nifskope and no luck so far .. pretty sure this is the issue somehow when bring over direct to the minigun barrel the ninode goes south versus staying put ...
  3. interesting and thanx for feedback .. what got me is it is always somethiing different .. part that is .. not the same one. mags was alright but the barrel that was a real bummer has had 6 or more unique ones to replace std with. even redid the model twice with same results .. looks perfect in inv and mod stn, but in game it is off in never never land. I'll look for the zeroing ref if can find and read more on the now set it up .. again thanx for the input.
  4. FO4 .. sorry about that .. never had the problem in FNV ..
  5. Was wondering if anyone has run into alignment isues lately with the CP with weapons. I align everything and looks fine in CK and the players inventory but once look at in game (holding the weapon) a part is always off in terms of connecting. Twice now I have had weird results with a CP on weapons. It is not all CPs just 1 in a given model. In our CM mod the ammo cart for the widowmaker shotgun will not align. Working a 40K laser (ones did in FNV) to add and everything works fine but the barrel which won't match to the CP at the front ... act like off to the side and back towards rear of the weapon. As indicated it looks fine in inventory and at the bench just when hold in 1st 3rd person the part is somewhere else. Never had these problems until just recently and only with rifle type weapons so far .... just wondering if others have run into or am i missing something simple. NOTE: the widowmaker is up in the Colonial marines Mod so if have can look at in the inventory and see the base ammo is below the weapon but if halding the weapon it is fine .. Just looking for info and feed bck at this point ...
  6. can't be 100% on this but I do not have the cmd in my ini at all and have no problem with using mods .. I think i once put it in my custom ini and got the result you are having and removed it, not set = to anything just removed the entire line and then used NMM to reactivate all the mods .. if active used NMM to unistall and then reinstall .. and to my surprise it worked and mods where there. Now I only use mods developed in CK and/or FO4edit. Not sure if will work but hey just a one line edit to try it.
  7. having similar issues since latest update .. can play fine for a while then game will CTD and at that point can not load any saves. If shut down the computer and then restart am able to now load the saves. thought it was mods but even when remove them get the same effect after about 1-2 hours of play ... memory issues again?? Still playing with it and trying to see if can find cause, but not holding my breath on this. NOTE .. this started right after the 12 update never had this issue before the aforementioned update.
  8. be nice to know what the mod is so folks could check against their load order ... i keep having issues in inside spaces where th last bad guy is outside the borders of the interior and can not be gotten to .. use killall to complete these. More fun in FO4.
  9. lets go with the real folks in charge the master chief or the like not the officers ... that is the guy that makes survival possible and covers for the idiots that screw up .. retired officer and the NCO is the key to survival.
  10. good idea that .. didn't think of it, but if run into problems again will give that a try.
  11. sorry if true .. only reason bought this game an th others in the series is the mods ... I always wait until most dlcs are out and the mod community is in full swing to play these games ... oh well if run into a game stopper again will just move on to witcher 3 and play that. Such is life but to many options in the game world to worry about one game any more. Thanx for input with this ... still curious about the one mod said could do what ran into. Oh and big change I made on reload was not extracting the ba2 files this time especially the scripts ... put them in another place and time to experiment with.
  12. Ok .. deleted everything and reinstalled .. now can start new game and change looks ... also set up the separate test area same thing can restart and change .. so something got hosed somewhere in the game wish I knew what so could avoid it in the future .. thanx all for input and help
  13. Oh and loaded in looksmenu and used f4se and still had the CTD in vault 111 when tried to change looks ... so don't think that be the problem, somehow the game locked me into the 1st character created and can not change it even if start a new game ... tis weird even.
  14. will give it a try and see what happens ... thanx for input on this .. will update after see what happens. Remember someone talking on some forum about i think swf files and how they can mess up the game also, ever heard anything on that? just so strange that even with all disabled still can not create a new player/character ... something got added somewhere that is doing this just wish could find it also and trace back to what caused it. Oh and the issue with settlers disappearing and reappearing caused by 1.6, well with me it isn't settlers doing the later it is cats ... they disappear alright but at my feet cats keep popping in ....
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