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Everything posted by Deleted9060408User

  1. Ah, understood. Thank you. If that is the case, I would suggest that maybe they create a new VCR type station somewhere that only creates the Holotapes to remove them from the Chem Stations, maybe place it in the starting Vault on the Overseers desk or something and have it move all the holotapes from the chem station to it. For the dog armor, guess Chem Station it is.
  2. I am asking because I have noticed countless holo tape things are craftable from there which I can kinda understand since there is no VCR mod or something that specializes in them, but why some of the other stuff? I have a mod that allows me to make a harness for Dogmeat, it requires Rank 1 Armorer perk to use, but I still make it from the Chem station and not the Armor bench. Why do so many mods use it instead of just the Weapons are Armor bench? Off-topic, I wish many mods gave the option to disable crafting the holotape from the Chem Station if we have the MCM which makes them redundant many times anyways and the mods that actually need the tape could have the MCM spawn them in for us after disabling them at the Chem Station. And please don't mention the Keywords mod, I dumped a 40 hour save file because of all the needless stuff it changed. I am new to Fallout 4 and my game is 90%+ vanilla minus graphics packs, bug fixes, the dogmeat harness, snappable junk fences and stuff like that. Was wondering what was up with all the emblems I kept finding and why I was building crafting benches only to find out they made nothing before i figured out it was far more than a framework. My game is much more entertaining without it. Main reason I had installed it was for a sorting mod because Bethesda could never get that right in any game. And besides, installing it doesn't move stuff from bench to bench anways.
  3. You are quite correct. That subject doesn't belong here, it will be settled in November. Some things to remember for that. 1) Mueller noted several failed attempts from Trump trying to conspire with Russia in his report and said that there was much he couldn't confirm due to Trump's people lying to him and destroying their messages and records (I actually went through the report). 2) The White House's own defense during the impeachment hearings in the Senate actually admitted Trump did it and argued the Nixon defense of "If the president does it, it isn't illegal". 3) The Republican led Senate acquitted him under that defense without even an censure of disapproval and even multiple senators admitting he was guilty before they acquitted him under the defense that a president can commit, obstruction, bribery, extortion, and solicit a foreign nation to interfere in our nations elections for personal gain so long as he claims that he thinks his re-election is within the nations best interests. (I actually watched the House and Senate stuff as well, good thing Google kept the live recordings of it because it took days). 4) Within 24 hours of that, Trump's personal Attorney, William Barr blocked the FBI from investigated any 2020 Candidate or the election without his express permission which we know he won't give unless it benefits Trump. 5) Old Moscow Mitch the B**** has hundreds of bills on his desk including multiple bills on election security that he refuses to allow a vote on. This is the same guy who was bribed for protecting Trump by making his wife Secretary of Transportation and who is under investigation for abusing that by illegally funneling contracts to his state and donors to him. 5a) Also the same guy who led the charge when it was found out that the NRA had funnelled 50 million from Russia, 30 million to Trump, 1 million to McConnell's personal PAC, and 50 million total to the Republican party that they responded by trying to change the rules to make it easier for the NRA to hide where their money came from. FYI, the Russian spy we caught involved with this, after the media died down, we released her and paid for her return trip to Russia. 5b) This is also the guy whom was rewarded when they refused to enforce sanctions on Russia and lifted sanctions on several Russian Oligarchs by those same Oligarchs investing over 200 million into his home state of Kentucky. 5c) Slight tangent, this is also the guy who purposely damaged us as a nation blocked political appointments during Obama till the point our judiciary started to brake down due to lack of judges and has packed them so hard under Trump that he has even ignored the old custom that he would not appoint judges to a state if both Senators of that state disliked the person and whom has tried his best to avoid qualified and impartial judges and tried to stuff them with ideologies whom he thinks would put their ideology ahead of their professionalism, the US constitution and the nation that he even forced a few nominations who had never even been in a court room in any official capacity and now will have lifetime appointments running those courtrooms that they never worked in. 5d) Also, this is the guy who appointed a potential serial rapist to the Supreme Court who even committed perjury during his own confirmation hearing. Quite literally a judge committed perjury during his own interview for the highest court in the land. We still don't know for sure because they blocked actively looking into it. They said they would do a "Limited Scope" 7-day background check. After 4 days it came out that their scope was so limited that they had only talked to I think 3 people and while Trump lied about it even Conway had to admit it on TV. So they lifted it a bit. After the 7 days, they had talked to 9 people but the FBI was barred from talking to Kavanugh himself, barred from talking to all the accusers, barred from doing follow-ups, barred from talking about anything that came up during the hearings themselves, and barred from talking to the over 40 people who attempted to contact them from Kavanaughs past to refute him. Then after all that, they only allowed a single copy of their results which were barred from actually looking at anything and that single copy was put into a room and protected like the Arc of the Convenient where Democrats were only allowed to view it one at a time without any electronics to ensure they couldn't take pictures or copys of it and were barred from talking about the results in public. Trump and the Republican party have actively proven they will ignore the rule of law and even the US constitution for personal and political power and would gladly burn this nation to the ground so long as they are the ones to rule over the ashes. Given all that, there is strong odds that November won't be able to settle it as it may very well be a "Russian Style" Democratic election. I have even read about them trying to prevent exit polls which are used to help combat fraud from this. Edit: And I recall recently reading that some of the excepts from Bolton's book says he offered to stop investigating into a Chinese company if they helped him to win the 2020 election, but can't recall for sure on that one for sure.
  4. You forget the part where you have loaded your follower with a bunch of stuff to help you carry them, then when you get to town, you hit "Take All" to grab all the stuff they are holding for you but you also snagged the gun they are holding, all their ammo, and any clothing set that doesn't disappear in the menu when they are wearing it. That now requires you to remember what gear they had equipped before so you have to fish through your inventory give it to them again and press "T" to make them equip it again and don't forget to split your ammo back to give them some more as well.
  5. Sucks, I know that modders don't actively check in the Skyrim SE section of the forum, they really don't care. Might be similar on the Fallout section.
  6. If I have someone equip for a full set of gear, I can't do the "Take All" command unless I want to go through my inventory to give them all their stuff back and then make them equip it again. So stuck spamming the take button while making sure to skip over what they have equip and can get annoying when they are holding a ton of small stuff for me.
  7. I say this because of the issue where if you build a lot, sleeping can take FOREVER for the time to pass. While if you sleep in the Root Cellar it passes just fine. This would allow you to get the rested bonus as well and since the Root Cellar is within your settlement boundary, it logically should be anyways.
  8. I have a mod that moves the enemy spawn zones out of the build area to allow walls to actually be useful. The problem comes from the settlers. I currently only have 3 settlements so far. In Sanctuary, I have the main buildings walled it but the settlers go all the way to the bridge out of the main door and I have even seen Preston actually walking around in the friggin lake for some reason, well outside of the fence. At the Red Rocket Gas Station, I have the wall going along the side of the gas station away from Sanctuary, but when I walk to the place, I have spotted up to 3 settlers at a time clear on the other side of the wall near the edge of the build zone where they would have to walk clear around the place just to get to the entrance to get back inside. The other one I have is the farm which has no issues so far. Is there any mod that actually keeps them settlers actually in the fenced in areas?
  9. Ah, thank you, I am still new to this game and didn't know that with many settlement mods I am coming across having frequent bug reports or going far beyond what I am wanting. Trying to keep my first time through mainly vanilla with only a proper sorting mod for the pipboy and graphical improvements like removing those god awful vines and other stuff which can get really annoying when you try and put something on top of them and they clip through. Will look for them. Edit: Found Immersive Cleaning which just came out recently, doesn't break pre-combines or anything according to the description and zero reported bugs so far. So here is to hoping. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/45406?tab=posts
  10. If any modder wishes to take it up, my simple request is a mod that would remove the unscrapable vines or piles of leave or dirt and other such junk from settlement locations that can safely be done. By safely, I mean to leave the stuff that is there to hide an unsightly seam in their stuff or if it can cause LOD issues or other such stuff but the stuff that can safely be removed from a settlement location without breaking stuff or looking ugly while also not being something that the player can typically remove, get rid of it. Would make settlements easier to manage and safer for the average user unlike the stuff like "Scrap Everything" or the other versions. Make the player scrap everything they normally would, just make it where they don't have all the crap they can't get rid of still there unless it is there for a good reason.
  11. I have looked at the mods that put a smelter in Riverwood and all I have seen just seems to look out of place where it is at (Likely to prevent issues) or with JK is way beyond what I am looking for. But really need access to a smelter without having to go all the way to White Run. So, a logical place would be to put one right in Embershard mine where you start near the beginning of the game and can fast travel to. It doesn't mess with the world map for any LOD or clipping issues there and Embershard mine is a rather remote place that most mods don't touch and they literally have an entire active forge at the end already except for the smelter. Seems like the best place to put a poor mans smelter for "Half Easy" access to a broke starter character.
  12. Simple suggestion in the same vein as the patch collections except for the collection of 2D and 3D billboards used by various mods to be used with DynDOLOD. Can have the stuff for various DLC, Tree, grass, or city mods and potentially texture packs or updated LOD for vanilla stuff as well with a FOMOD installer. This would be a godsend for many people trying get into learning the stuff or keep them situated. Thank you and hope a modder looks at this one and gives it a try. I know many would gladly get this, even if it ended up being a 2GB file just for the added simplicity of having it all in a single file.
  13. I requested something similar here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7892283-not-a-request-more-of-a-template-for-modders-that-would-allow-them-an-actual-skill-tree-to-use/ I don't think modders actually check this section much.
  14. Mine is, I hope, easy to do for an experienced modder. 1) Allow Unarmed attacks to give XP and scale with the One-Handed Weapons tree. It would benefit from the normal one-handed perks and the Mace perk (Bone Breaker) for the weapon specific perk. 2) Change the Alteration perk "Mage Armor" to also allow unarmed damage to scale with Alteration level while Armor spells are active and not wearing any armor or at least not any armored gloves. I figure this would allow for unarmed attacks to scale logically in a way that makes sense and still have upkeep and also not be able to be combined with the Heavy Armor perk for gloves (Which would still be able to scale with One-Handed Weapons skill level to allow for that as well). But don't allow Unarmed to scale with One-Handed enchants, make them scale with Unarmed enchants which would also be introduced more readily. Hopefully this is taken up. Thank you.
  15. Could always go torrent it. I already own it along with every other elder scrolls game, if the steam version doesn't work right and the torrent version is superior, will go that route in an instant. Not advocating copyright infringement in any way but if you own it, you own it.
  16. According to this, they updated it yesterday. Not seeing a change log though. https://steamdb.info/app/489830/
  17. Figured out how I want to flesh out part of this, now just need to figure out how to do it. 1) Change the Mystic Binding perk to "Allows bound weapon damage to scale with Entropy level" 2) Change the Mystic Call from 2 points to a single point that says "Allows the duration of summoned minions and gear to scale with Entropy level" 3) Re-Scale the weapons so that at max level they hit roughly where they are now since they roughly equal the best weapons of their type in the game already but this also allows a benefit if you stack your entropy level higher than 100. 4) New Mythic spell dropped from the Dragon. "Bound Armory". Teaches the spells: Mystical Greatsword Mystical War Axe Mystical Mace Mystical Warhammer Mystical Shield Mystical PickAxe Mystical Wood Axe All single rank spells that equal their other 1-handed and 2-handed counter parts with the shield equaling to slightly above a max level light armor shield. Now to figure out how to do this.
  18. I kindly request a mod that allows you to craft Soul Gems of various qualities using Handicraft. I would think having them tied to enchanting level would be a good thing as well for the higher tier ones. Still learning to mod myself and honestly don't have the time to even finish what I am starting on now.
  19. I don't use EGO at the moment, so I can't really say for sure, but I figure the mod itself should work just fine with it as the enchant itself is new stuff in the lists and not editing anything there. The main things with it is I am not sure how well it scales against his changes so it might be weak or overpowered, don't know. But it does change some vendors lists and drop lists, so not sure how it would change them. Didn't know how to drop them in game yet, so I couldn't strategically place them that way. So far, I have also figured out how to make the weapons damage scale with level but the bound weapons already match the stronger weapons in the game. So to do it, will require me to weaken all of the weapons at base level just to have it about reach where it already is. And that will take some time to figure out some and actually playing more than trying at the moment. Tried to get mentalism to scale armor rating with skill level when not wearing armor, no luck there yet. Honestly don't know exactly how to do most of the stuff, so having to play trial and error till I figure it out.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21377/? Looks like a good premise with a lot of potential that many would love as then everything that isn't a human doesn't look the same anymore. We have one person who attempted to port it years ago: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10861 But deserves a fresh start.
  21. That was literally all they had to say, instead he blocked me and didn't say anything like I had insulted him or something.
  22. No, I did not ask if he could steal content, that would be dumb. I ask if he could allow his mod to work with other mods. Saying I asked him to steal from RS Children by allowing those models to work within his framework is about like suggesting it Mathy and the other graphical modders are stealing when they make their models work well with the Static Mesh Improvement mod or Noble Skyrim. That isn't stealing, that is letting your mod play friendly with other mods if they have it installed.
  23. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9175?tab=posts&BH=0 "The Kids Are Alright SE" mod. Looks like a genuinely good mod. I posted on the thread asking if there was any way he could let it import child models from other mods like the RS Children Overhaul of the Axe's RS Children to be used in it. What reason is that to block anyone? I was just asking if it could allow for more models to be added from other mods. Sorry if this comes off as petty on my part, but that is really an odd reason to block someone and I can't ask him myself because he blocked me from contacting him and it was literally the only thing I have ever said directly to the person on here before.
  24. Was downloading stuff because I just had to redo my computer. Had about 10 queued. I reset my internet for a second figuring it was needed because my internet was starting to slow. When my internet went offline, instead of Vortex just waiting like I would have thought it was setup to do. It cleared all my downloads and gave an error about not being able to get the link. I kindly request that you guys please setup Vortex to where if it can't access the download, it just move on and leave it there for the user to check themselves and retry later. But just a message about a link not working and no information beyond that is a bit frustrating. Sometimes peoples internet blinks offfline for a bit, sometimes they have to reset it. That should not be a reason to clear their entire queue of stuff they are setting up to download. I mean at least give a list of the stuff. Not too big of a deal for me now because I at least was able to check my browser history to pull them back up. But that is a huge deal for many.
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